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CMP328 Web Programming 3: Advanced Web Development, User Experience Design, and Product Design and Management

Bloomfield College, Fall 2013 Location: 2 Broad Street (Room TBD) Schedule: Mondays 6pm – 10pm, September 9 – December 9 Mid-term: October 21; Final: December 16 Instructor: Rob Krieger Email:

Course Objectives

CMP 328 Web Programming 3 is a rigorous course on advanced web programming, user experience design (UX), and product design and management (PM). CMP 328 is the second semester of the Web Programming sequence and will focus on the following: the latest advanced CSS and HTML, web scripting with PHP, database querying with SQL, Content Management System (CMS) development for WordPress and Drupal, introduction to version control with Git and version control systems (VCS) structure in general, and product design and management for developers. The course assumes knowledge of all material covered in Web Programming I: basic HTML and CSS, FTP, coding environments like Aptana, local web management tools like MAMP or XAMPP, and basic image manipulation with Adobe Creative Suite.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will have skills in the following:

Technology: Advanced HTML and CSS, a solid understanding and practical expertise in PHP and MySQL, CMS development, website and product management.

Foundation: Understand why UX matters in the product development lifecycle.

Practice: Complete real-life web design, PM, and UX challenges.

Breadth: Take on the responsibilities of product and experience teams e.g. engineer, information architect, or product manager.

Depth: Use design and programming skills to create the artifacts of a web developer and UX designer.

Social: Write publicly about web programming, UX, and PM. Post personal and group designs through a blog and portfolio.

Required Readings

Articles and other materials may be used and assigned throughout the course.

Students should have at least read up to Chapter 10 in Duckett before arriving at the first session.

Jon Duckett, HTML & CSS, Design and Build Websites, 1st ed. (2011) Kevin Yank, PHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja, 5th ed. (2012) Earle Castledine, Craig Sharkie, jQuery: Novice to Ninja, 2nd ed. (2012) Jesse James Garrett, The Elements of User Experience, 2nd ed. (2010) Russ Unger and Carolyn Chandler, A Project Guide to UX Design: For User Experience Designers in the Field or in the Making, 2nd ed. (2012)


Jodie Moule, Killer UX Design, 1st ed. (2012)

Grading and Grade Scales

Projects (70%) Mid-term (10%) Final (15%) Assessments (5%)

General Course Policies (additions possible)


Class attendance is mandatory. It is extremely important that you attend the first class (especially if you were not in last semester’s class). Accumulated lateness or early departures will count as absences. Per the college policies, absences totaling more than two weeks constitute a withdrawal and will be reported to the Registrar and Academic Affairs. If you are late and you have not heard your instructor call your name for attendance, it is your responsibility to inform me at the end of class that you were late, otherwise you will be counted as absent. There will be no make-up exams. If you arrive late for an exam and a student has completed the exam, you will not be able to take the exam.


Late homework is not permitted. Assignments are expected to be submitted before the minute they are due and in exactly the manner in which they are requested to be handed in. Please be very methodical about reading and following the instructions.

Assignment submission will be discussed during the first class. Communication with students will be through students’ college email address, a course website, and Bloomfield College’s Blackboard. Students are expected to check their email and the course website for announcements and assignments every day. If you do not have access to the Internet for any reason, you must let me know in advance unless it is an unforeseen emergency. Last day to withdraw from a course without permission of Academic Standards Committee will be determined by the Registrar and students should be aware of this date.

Students may have to spend up to five hours per week outside of class on assignments. It is safe to assume, unless otherwise noted, that assignments are based on information you can find in the textbooks or readings. Students must purchase the textbook(s).

I am available by email and will respond within 24 to 48 hours. Please do not call me if you have my personal phone number. I will only respond to email.

In-class Expectations:

Cell phones and other devices must be turned off, or set to Silent or Vibrate during class. Students may not text, email, surf the Web, or otherwise use such devices during the class period.

If you don’t understand something, please feel free to ask by raising your hand and waiting for me to call on you.

Plagiarism/Cheating: It is not tolerated and will be reported to Academic Affairs.

People with Disabilities: Bloomfield College will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students are encouraged to contact Margaret Adams, Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities at x654 for information. As your instructor, I am happy to discuss specific needs with you as well.








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