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771 lines (533 loc) · 40.7 KB

File metadata and controls

771 lines (533 loc) · 40.7 KB

New in 1.11.0 (2023-06-07)

New features

  • Robot Framework 6.1.0 is now supported.
  • ignore_git_dir=True is now used by default in the robotframework-tidy integration.
  • Bundled robotframework-tidy upgraded to 4.3.0.
  • Bundled robotframework-robocop upgraded to 3.1.1.

New in 1.10.0 (2023-04-12)

New features

  • Variables in variable subscript are now properly found. #889


  • If the user completes something as $var, complete to ${variable} instead of $${variable}.

New in 1.9.0 (2023-02-03)

New features

  • Improve IF/WHILE/Run Keyword If snippet completions to make it a bit clearer that python expressions are expected.
  • robot.libraries.blacklist can be used to blacklist libraries which should never appear in code-completion.
  • Deprecated libraries:
    • robot.libraries.deprecated can be used to mark libraries as deprecated.
    • Keywords from deprecated libraries will not appear in the auto-import code-completion (so, they'll only be available if the Library is added to the Settings).
    • Libraries which start with *DEPRECATED* in its doc are also considered deprecated.
    • Keywords from libraries marked as deprecated will be shown as deprecated.
  • Requesting completions right after Libraries without any additional name will show completions for all known (pre-loaded) libraries.
  • Completions for variables are shown without having to enter $ nor ${.


  • Properly report about undefined variable in RETURN. #865
  • References to variables used in Evaluate arguments are now properly collected.
  • Don't show completion for the variable being currently defined in variable assign.

New in 1.8.0 (2023-01-23)


  • Text ranges when dealing with emoji unicode characters are now correct. #862
  • Code analysis fix: An arguments with a name with '=' must match a star arg with the full name if the name was already found (in RF keyword and not python method). #860

New in 1.7.3 (2022-12-16)


  • Debugger: Fixed issue where the stack of the debugger could end up being unsynchronized.
  • Don't prefix module name for keywords in the current module. #843

New in 1.7.0 (2022-12-13)

New features

  • Improvement in the sorting of completions (completions which start with the current prefix appear first). #812
  • It's possible to make a launch with a target in the arguments by specifying <target-in-args> as the target.


  • Properly collect references for keywords with variables in the name. #827
  • Add placeholders when completing keywords with variables in the name. #824
  • If there's some error in a debugger callback, don't break execution. #841
  • Find references for variables embedded in keywords. #825

New in 1.6.0 (2022-12-03)

New features

  • Code completion is now provided for the library name and resource name.

  • New Setting to configure keyword completions:

    • robot.completions.keywords.prefixImportName: Define whether completions showing keywords should prefix completions with the import name when applied.
    • robot.completions.keywords.prefixImportNameIgnore: Allows defining import names which should not be prefixed for keyword completions. i.e.: ["builtin"].
  • New Settings to configure completions from keywords not currently imported in the current module (a.k.a.: auto-imports):

    • robot.completions.keywordsNotImported.enable: Defines whether to show completions for keywords not currently imported (adds the proper import when applied).
    • robot.completions.keywordsNotImported.addImport: Defines whether to actually add the import statement when applying completions showing keywords not currently imported.

New in 1.5.0 (2022-11-09)


  • Fixed caching issue where adding a file would not invalidate an internal cache which could make resolved imports appear as unresolved.

New in 1.4.0 (2022-11-02)


  • Minor fixes

New in 1.3.5 (2022-10-19)


  • If a user is paused in a log message break he should still be able to evaluate keywords based on the previous stack context.
  • Fixed internal issue in debugger where a path variable could be accessed when undefined.

New in 1.3.0 (2022-10-06)

New features

  • Vendored Robocop updated to 2.5.0.
  • Vendored Robotidy updated to 3.2.0.

New in 1.2.0 (2022-09-28)

New features

  • Tests may be run/debug using action in gutter (patch by @jsmzr).


  • Fix invalid range in go to definition if range becomes invalid during the go to definition action. #769

New in 1.1.3 (2022-09-14)


  • Snippets take into account the value of robot.completions.keywords.argumentsSeparator. #723
  • Completions properly presented for Variables under *** Settings ***. #744

New in 1.1.0 (2022-08-24)

New features

  • [Intellij] When pressing space a completion is no longer applied automatically.
  • [Intellij] The plugin will re-register file associations to .resource and .robot. #605
  • Code analysis setting to check if keyword is not used anywhere in the workspace.
    • Opt-in through the robot.lint.unusedKeyword:true setting. #722
  • An LRU based on file size now prevents unlimited usage of RAM when caching files loaded from the filesystem. #720
    • It's possible to customize the size of the target memory for this LRU through the RFLS_FILES_TARGET_MEMORY_IN_BYTES environment variable.
  • If a keyword call resolves to multiple keywords, the argument analysis is done for all the matches. #724.
  • (Experimental) Support for localization in Robot Framework 5.1. #728.
    • The language may be set just for a file (with language: <lang> on the top of the file).
    • The language may be specified globally through the setting: robot.language.
    • Support for completions with translated section names and settings.
    • Support for syntax highlighting translated bdd prefixes.
    • The language(s) set in the robot.language configuration are automatically added as parameter on new launches.


  • [Intellij] Fixed NullPointerException on hover. #731
  • [Intellij] $Prompt$ macro properly replaced when launching. #737
  • Operations no longer timeout, rather, they just print to the log (as the timeouts weren't always ideal for slower machines). #733
  • Fixed issue where references wouldn't be found properly.
  • Variables imported from module folder (module/ are properly recognized. #734

New in 1.0.0 (2022-08-09)

New features

  • Support for PyCharm 22.2
  • When a keyword call would resolve to more than one keyword definition with the same name an error is reported. #432
  • Note: it can be disabled with "robot.lint.keywordResolvesToMultipleKeywords": false.
  • If a resource/library/variable import is not found and its name has variables, the resolved name is shown.


  • If the stop button is pressed in a launch, subprocesses are killed regardless of the value of RFLS_KILL_ZOMBIE_PROCESSES.
  • The default value (which may resolve to a variable) is considered when resolving environment variables. #715
  • File system notifications properly track changes to .yaml files.#710
  • File system notifications properly handle tracking conflicts when a folder is tracked more than once recursively and not recursively in the same subtree. #710
  • Variables are properly resolved recursively. #715
  • Doc highlight no longer raises error with unclosed variable.
  • A library is no longer considered more than once when collecting keywords.

New in 0.49.0 (2022-07-20)

  • [Intellij] Support for CommonMark and not just plain Markdown.
  • [Intellij] Provide hover docs even if definition cannot be found.
  • Zombie processes are no longer automatically killed after doing a Robot Framework launch. #358
    • It's possible to enable the previous behavior by setting an environment variable such as: RFLS_KILL_ZOMBIE_PROCESSES=1.
  • Fix issue where replacement offset in section completion was wrong. #700
  • Properly consider extended part of variables in expressions (fixes issue which could make variable not be resolved). #702
  • Resolve variable files imported as modules. #699
  • Vendored Robocop upgraded to 2.2.0. #703
  • Robocop is always run with the project root as the cwd. #703
  • By default Failures/Errors inside a TRY..EXCEPT statement won't suspend execution while debugging. #698
  • Variables are loaded from classes in Python files. #704
  • Fixes to support Robot Framework 5.1:
    • Deal with robot.running.builder.testsettings.TestDefaults renamed to robot.running.builder.settings.Defaults.
    • Consider new TASK_HEADER in AST.
    • Consider that KeywordCall is given instead of EmptyLine in invalid assign in keyword.

New in 0.48.2 (2022-06-07)

  • New setting "robot.completions.keywords.argumentsSeparator" allows customizing spacing betwen keyword and arguments when auto-completing Keyword with arguments. #683

New in 0.48.0 (2022-05-30)

  • Consider as defined a reference to any variable set as a global variable anywhere on the workspace. #641
  • Code analysis for template arguments.
  • Arguments aren't added when applying completions for keywords in [Template].
  • Fixed integration with robotframework-tidy which could make formatting the same code a second time misbehave. #687
  • Properly consider that For each input work item from rpaframework receives a keyword as the first parameter. #684
  • Added support for Import Library keyword. #675
  • Properly support constructs with nested usage of Run Keyword inside Run Keyword. #686
  • Updated robotframework-tidy to 2.2.0.
  • Updated Robocop to 2.0.2.

New in 0.47.2 (2022-05-11)

  • Fix issue where a reference could be reported more than once.

New in 0.47.0 (2022-05-11)

  • [Intellij] Launch exit info added to console UI in the UI thread. #662
  • Properly deal with arguments containing regexp matches.
  • Environment variables set using Set Environment Variable are now recognized.
  • Fix issue where variable with a set literal wasn't properly recognized.
  • If an argument is specified multiple times a better error message is shown.
  • Fix false positive when argument names are specified with variable names in it.
  • Consider that an argument default values may be based on a previous argument. #664
  • Properly consider local/global context when dealing with variables.
  • Properly recognize loop variables in RF 3. #661
  • Properly recognize variable that evaluates to 0.
  • Properly recognize variables from Python that start with DICT__ or LIST__.
  • Fix syntax highlight of inline python evaluation inside of variables in IF statements. #666
  • Properly consider that the Comment keyword arguments should be handled as comments. #665

New in 0.46.0 (2022-04-19)

  • [Intellij] Support Intellij 221. #652
  • [Intellij] Consider that getting the preferences may throw a ProcessCanceledException.
  • Fix position of variable loaded in SetVariable methods to the var name position and not delimiter start.
  • If a variable is defined after its usage inside a keyword it's properly marked as undefined.
  • Variables in short format in Set XXX Variable keywords are accepted.
  • Variables are properly collected from inline if.
  • Variables in Evaluate are properly collected.
  • Variables from expressions in conditions are properly collected.

New in 0.45.2 (2022-04-14)

  • Bugfix release handling Wait Until Keyword Succeeds properly. #650

New in 0.45.0 (2022-04-13)

  • Fixed issue which could make autocomplete delete code (only in Intellij). #484
  • Handle Run Keywords properly. #642
  • Proper semantic highlighting for ELSE/ELSE IF in Run Keyword If.
  • Proper semantic highlighting for AND in Run Keywords.
  • Hover over arguments from Run Keyword targets works properly.
  • Properly mark tests passed/failed in test view with Robot Framework 3.x. #644
  • Fix to robotframework-tidy to no longer convert *Tasks* to *Test Cases*.
  • Fix issue in semantic highlighting when a slash was encountered. #647

New in 0.44.0 (2022-04-07)

  • Improvements dealing with Variables:
    • Variables in document are considered in Libdoc arguments. #634
    • Escaping rules are considered when setting variables using Set Variable XXX keywords. #638
    • Variables set with Set Local Variable are recognized. #637
    • Consider that loading an environment variable may have a default value. #633
    • Variables in python files with annotated assignments are supported (i.e.: value: int = 10). #629
    • Variables in templates are not reported as errors. #632
    • Properly deal with variables with other variables inside. #631
    • Load variables from python module with get_variables returning a literal dict. #639
  • Improvements in debugger:
    • The debugger no longer stops in Run Keyword And Return Status by default. #625
    • Assign to variable in debug console repl (i.e.: ${lst}= Create list a b).
    • Fixed case where breakpoints in .py files wouldn't be added.
  • Upgraded vendored robocop to 2.0.1.
  • Upgraded vendored robotframework-tidy to 2.1.0.

New in 0.43.2 (2022-03-29)

  • Additional fix in cache invalidation for dependencies. #617

New in 0.43.0 (2022-03-28)

  • Improvements dealing with Variables:
    • Undefined variables are now reported. #334
      • robot.variables: may be used to specify variables used for launching as well as code-completion/code analysis.
      • robot.lint.ignoreVariables: may be used to set variables to be ignored in linting.
      • robot.loadVariablesFromArgumentsFile may be used to load variables from an arguments file for code-completion and code analysis.
        • Note: the arguments file still needs to be separately set during launching too.
      • Variables are recognized in expressions as well as inner variables.
    • Variables set with the following keywords are recognized: #577
      • Set Task Variable
      • Set Test Variable
      • Set Suite Variable
      • Set Global Variable
    • Variable files with a .yml are properly recognized (previously only .yaml was supported).
    • Semantic highlighting properly deals with advanced variable syntax (with variables inside variables or using a subscript).
    • Variables in assign now have the same color as variables in other places. #613
    • Variable imports which can't be resolved are reported.
      • May be disabled with robot.lint.undefinedVariableImports.
  • Fix issue in cache invalidation for dependencies. #617
  • \\ is escaped to \ when passed in the library arguments. #608
  • Fix in heuristics to match arguments which could result in wrong argument analysis in keyword calls. #603
  • Hover now provides custom hints for variables, imports and parameters.

New in 0.42.0 (2022-03-14)

  • Semantic highlighting supports Gherkin style (Given, Then, ...). #581 (patch by @weltings)
  • Semantic highlighting only highlights names up to a dot if a related import/resource is found to avoid conflict with Keywords with a dot in the name. #585 (patch by @weltings)
  • Semantic highlighting available for variables in keyword calls. #586
  • Semantic highlighting for WHILE limit= and EXCEPT type=.
  • Report unresolved variables when resolving a resource/import. #600
  • Performance improvements
    • Don't index everything in AST when only items from the section (LibraryImport, ResourceImport, ...) are requested.
    • Caching of dependencies.
  • Run Keyword If is now properly handled across all features in the language server. #495
  • None is no longer reported as undefined keyword when used as keyword call. #597
  • Misleading message saying that RF is old when it's not installed is no longer shown.

New in 0.41.0 (2022-02-22)

  • Argument analysis is now also done for Run Keyword variants. #572
  • [Debugger] It's now possible to ignore failures inside some keywords so that the debugger doesn't break in these cases when Robot Log FAIL is enabled. #575
    • Customizable through the RFLS_IGNORE_FAILURES_IN_KEYWORDS and RFLS_IGNORE_FAILURES_IN_KEYWORDS_OVERRIDE environment variables (see Config for details).
  • Performance improvements
    • Improved AST indexing.
    • Notification that settings changed are only sent to the server api if they actually changed.
    • Documentation is now lazily loaded during code-completion.
  • References are found when find references is activated from the keyword definition. #576
  • Semantic highlighting for Keywords with dotted access improved.
  • The documentation conversion from REST and ROBOT to markdown is now done internally.

New in 0.40.1 (2022-02-12)

  • Critical fix: skip analysis of arguments for Run Keyword variants.

New in 0.40.0 (2022-02-12)

  • Keyword calls and library inits are now validated according to the signature. #558
  • Usage of deprecated keywords is marked with a strikethrough.
  • When a libspec can't be generated the reason and possible fixes are properly shown to the user.
  • Signature info is now shown for libraries.
  • Added options related to enabling/disabling linting features individually (see: robot.lint.* settings).
  • Added ${EMPTY} completion. #566
  • Snippet completions are now done at the target robot.python.executable and not robot.language-server.python (to account for statements only available depending on robot version).
  • The active parameter is properly highlighted in the signature help.
  • The signature help is shown whenever a space is typed.
  • Fixed case where try..finally wasn't stepping properly with step next.
  • When debugging variable values are shown on hover. #550
  • A better error message is provided in the case where robot is not available or shadowed. #563
  • Semantic highlighting is provided for variables in documentation. #564
  • The current argument is highlighted during hover.

New in 0.39.1 (2022-02-07)

  • Critical fix: properly apply new colors during semantic highlighting in Intellij. #565

New in 0.39.0 (2022-02-03)

  • Robot Framework 5 is now officially supported.
    • New statements (TRY, WHILE) should now work for all existing features.
  • Debugger: step next considers that control flow statements are a part of the current keyword.
  • Debugger: Fixed issue initializing pydevd debugger when it's already present in the environment. #556
  • Semantic highlighting properly colors keyword calls with a namespace in fixtures. #533
  • Libraries without keywords (a.k.a DataDriver) are no longer considered undefined. #559
  • Properly deal with suites with a __ prefix when launching. #561
  • Raised time to obtain libspec mutex and give a better message on failure. #555

New in 0.38.1 (2022-01-27)

  • Minors

New in 0.38.0 (2022-01-26)

  • [Intellij] Variables configured in robot.variables are properly passed to launched process. #548
  • It's now possible to break when an error or failure is logged with the following environment variables:
  • When launching, better heuristics are used to create a proper test suite. #482
    • A suite is created considering init.robot in parents based on the specified target.
    • By default the target will be used to compute the suite as well as the needed filtering.
  • MarkupContent is now properly used in the signature help.
  • Go to definition now works properly with .yaml files.
  • The signature part of a keyword is now bold in the documentation.
  • Keyword namespace access now has a different color in semantic highlighting. #533

New in 0.37.0 (2022-01-19)

  • Code analysis will now notify if Library or Resource cannot be resolved. #542
  • If Run Keyword has a variable concatenated, it's no longer considered an error. #534
  • Properly resolve variables in arguments in the libspec generation. #535
  • Improvements related to scheduling the lint after changing the editor.

New in 0.36.0 (2022-01-17)

  • Fixed an issue which could make file system change notifications be ignored.

New in 0.35.0 (2021-12-22)

  • Environment variables are properly passed when launching on Intellij. #529
  • On Robot Framework 5, the builtin tidy is no longer available, so, the new robotidy is used automatically.

New in 0.34.0 (2021-12-16)

  • Minors

New in 0.33.0 (2021-12-14)

  • PYTHONPATH entries passed as -P to libdoc are now normalized (fixes issues passing entries which could end with /.).

New in 0.32.0 (2021-12-05)

  • Updated Robocop to 1.12.0 and vendored a TOML implementation.
  • Marked Intellij plugin as being compatible with Intellij 213.*

New in 0.31.0 (2021-12-01)

  • Minors

New in 0.30.0 (2021-12-01)

  • Library arguments can now be used in the libspec generation. Patch by Jozef Grajciar. #343
    • robot.libraries.libdoc.needsArgs setting can be used to specify which libraries require arguments in the generation.
    • Remote and FakerLib are set by default.
  • Libspec files may be pre-generated. #163
    • robot.libraries.libdoc.preGenerate may be used to specify which libraries to pre-generate.
    • Some heuristics cover a few libraries which are always pre-generated if installed.
  • Fixes related to aliasing libraries. #397
  • Documentation is shown for keywords still not imported. #516
  • Module is shown for for keywords already imported. #507

New in 0.29.0 (2021-11-16)

  • Fixed error on dictionary completions. #503

New in 0.28.0 (2021-11-08)

  • The code.formatter setting is now properly recognized as a string. #490
  • Fixed crash during startup (the timeout expected to startup was too short). #489

New in 0.27.0 (2021-11-01)

  • Minors

New in 0.26.0 (2021-11-01)

  • Consider PYTHONPATH when searching for Resource imports. #486
  • Properly consider that [Template] has a Keyword target. #479
  • Mark robot.codeFormatter as a string and not an array. #481

New in 0.25.0 (2021-10-21)

  • The robotframework-tidy code formatter is integrated.
    • Note: "robot.codeFormatter": "robotidy" must be set in the settings to use it.
  • The CURDIR variable is properly resolved. #449
  • Bundled Robocop updated 1.11.2.

New in 0.24.0 (2021-10-13)

  • Variable in run keyword argument should not be considered error. #468
  • Fixed crash during startup: Improving port collection from Remote FS Observer. #434

New in 0.23.2 (2021-09-22)

  • Fixed issue launching when no environment is provided.

New in 0.23.1 (2021-09-21)

  • Fixed issue specifying files to be tracked in the filesystem observer. #450

New in 0.23.0 (2021-09-20)

  • Minor bugfixes

New in 0.22.0 (2021-09-06)

  • [Intellij] Additional logging to diagnose startup issues.
  • Recognize keywords when used as arguments of other keywords (for BuiltIn library). #291

New in 0.21.0 (2021-08-18)

  • [Intellij] Dialog to select Python executable now accepting ~ and variables. #418
  • [Intellij] Fix internal issue getting language server communication. #421
  • Find definition properly works for dictionary variables. Fix by: Marduk Bolaños. #407
  • Complete dictionary items when the variable name includes spaces. Fix by: Marduk Bolaños.

New in 0.20.0 (2021-07-29)

  • [Intellij] Intellij 212 (2021.2) is now supported.
  • [Intellij] Properly to go to definition of variables inside of arguments. #404
  • ${workspaceFolder} is accepted when resolving variables.
  • ${env:VAR_NAME} is accepted when resolving variables.
  • Robocop updated to 1.8.1.
  • When using the poll mode for tracking file changes, it's possible to ignore directories. #398
  • dict(&)/list(@) variables can be referenced as regular ($) variables. #387
  • Completion for dictionary items with subscript. Fix by: Marduk Bolaños. #301
  • Completion for dictionary variable names. Fix by: Marduk Bolaños. #301

New in 0.19.0 (2021-07-14)

  • [Intellij] Bugfixes related to timeouts.

New in 0.18.0 (2021-06-02)

  • Support for variables import:
    • Loads variables from .py and .yaml files.
  • Semantic highlighting: equals sign no longer causes incorrect coloring on catenate keyword and documentation section.
  • A module shadowing no longer causes the default Builtin module not to be found anymore.
  • Code analysis no longer throws error when dealing with a Library without a name declared.
  • Robocop updated to 1.7.1.
  • [Intellij] ${workspace} and ${env.SOME_VAR} properly replaced for the language server python executable specified in the settings.

New in 0.17.0 (2021-05-24)

  • Variables may be used in settings. See the related FAQ for details.
  • Semantic highlighting was improved to differentiate the parameter (name) from the argument (value).
  • Variables are now shown in the structure view.
  • When launching a .robot, if a __init__.robot is present in the same directory, a --suite is done by default.
  • Breakpoints are properly hit on __init__.robot files.
  • [Intellij] Fixed exception related to code-folding during initializing.
  • Fixed issue which could lead to high-cpu due to filesystem polling.
    • It's now possible to set an environment variable ROBOTFRAMEWORK_LS_POLL_TIME=<poll time in seconds> to change the filesystem target poll time.
    • When possible, it's recommended to set an environment variable ROBOTFRAMEWORK_LS_WATCH_IMPL=watchdog to use native watches on Linux and MacOS (already default on Windows).
    • A file-observer is started as a separate process and multiple clients communicate with it.

New in 0.16.0 (2021-05-12)

  • [Intellij] Outline is shown in the structure view.
  • [Intellij] Fixed issue where a cancelled exception was logged.
  • It's possible to configure the casing of keywords from libraries used in code-completion.

New in 0.15.0 (2021-05-05)

  • Debugger:
    • Add line breakpoints in .robot or .py files.
    • Evaluate keywords.
    • Pause at breakpoints to inspect the stack and see variables.
    • Step in.
    • Step over.
    • Step return.
    • Continue.

New in 0.14.0 (2021-04-14)

  • [Intellij] Add code-folding support to Intellij client.
  • [Intellij] Wrap the preferences labels at 100 columns. #307
  • [Intellij] Handle case where hover info is unavailable. #306
  • [Intellij] Consider cases where the position from the LSP is no longer valid. #297
  • [Intellij] Protect against NPE on Semantic Highlighting.
  • Robocop linter is now opt-in instead of opt-out. #312
  • Add code-completion for ${CURDIR}. #313
  • Use listener instead of monkey-patching when debugging (RF 4 onwards). #310
  • Silence exception from creating libspec for Dialogs module. #93
  • Search PYTHONPATH when looking to resolve relative paths in Imports. #266

New in 0.13.1 (2021-04-08)

  • [Intellij] Supporting Intellij 2020.3 to 2021.1.
  • [Intellij] Cancel semantic tokens request if document changes.
  • [Intellij] Check if range is valid before applying semantic token.
  • [Intellij] Add hover support. #278
  • [Intellij] updated lsp4j to 0.12.0
  • Resolve environment variables when trying to resolve libraries/resources paths (i.e.: %{env_var}). #295
  • Properly resolve variables for Library imports (not only Resource imports).

New in 0.12.0 (2021-04-01)

  • By default, fsnotify (polling) is now used on Linux and Mac and watchdog (native) on Windows due to resource usage limits on Linux and Mac. Using watchdog is still recommended when possible. See the FAQ for details.
  • Code analysis with empty teardown works properly. #289
  • No longer recursing on local circular imports. #269
  • System directory separator ${/} is recognized. #153
  • It's now possible to enable logging through a ROBOTFRAMEWORK_LS_LOG_FILE environment variable.
  • Robocop fixes integrated (trailing blank line, misaligned variable).
  • [Intellij] Fixed issue initializing language server with arguments in Mac OS.

New in 0.11.1 (2021-03-29)

  • Robocop updated to 1.6.1.
  • Fixes in semantic syntax hightlighting with Robot Framework 3.x.
  • Keywords from are no longer shown for auto-import.

New in 0.11.0 (2021-03-24)

  • [Intellij] Improved initialization of language server to validate the python executable and ask for a new one if the one found is not valid.
  • [Intellij] Fix PYTHONPATH so that the language server shipped in the Intellij plugin is the one used.
  • [Intellij] When requesting a completion, cancel previous one requested.
  • [Intellij] Language server executable can be project dependent.
  • Robocop is now used to lint (enabled by default, can be disabled in settings).
  • Snippets completion is now properly case-insensitive.
  • If there's some problem computing semantic tokens, log it and still return a valid value. #274
  • If a keyword name is defined in the context, don't try to create an auto-import for it.
  • Reworded some settings to be clearer.

New in 0.10.0 (2021-03-19)

  • Fixed issue initializing the language server if there was a space in the installation path.
  • Improved coloring is now computed on a thread using the semanticTokens/full request.
  • Fixed issue applying FOR templates.
  • Multi-line completions are properly indented when applied.
  • FOR templates no longer have a / in them.
  • Added templates for IF statements.

New in 0.9.1 (2021-03-20)

  • Handles .resource files. #251
  • If some error happens starting up the language server, show more information.
  • The settings may now also be set per project and not only globally. #254
  • Fix issue getting prefix for filesystem completions. #256
  • Support python packages as libraries (package/ #228

New in 0.9.0 (2021-03-03)

  • Fixed issue applying arguments completion.
  • Code completion for arguments properly brought up if a part of it is still not typed.
  • Prefix properly computed for completions. #248
  • Completion with dollar sign properly applied. #249
  • Gathering workspace symbols is much faster.
  • Keyword completions should not be duplicated by the auto-import Keyword completions anymore.
  • It's now possible to use polling instead of native filesystem notifications
    • It may be useful in case watchdog is having glitches.
    • To use it, set an environment variable: ROBOTFRAMEWORK_LS_WATCH_IMPL=fsnotify

New in 0.8.0 (2021-02-16)

  • Properly consuming stderr from the language server process (redirecting it to ${user.home}/.robotframework-ls/.intellij-rf-ls-XXX.log).
  • Notifying when python cannot be found on the PATH.
  • Improved language server startup.
  • Added syntax highlighting for variables.

New in 0.7.2 (2021-02-10)

  • Initial version with support for:
    • Settings for the language server may be set at File > Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Robot Framework Language Server
    • Code completion
    • Code analysis
    • Go to definition
    • Browse Keywords (symbols)
    • Syntax highlighting (pretty basic right now)