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Execute commands via a SSL encrypted connection.


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This example shows how a client and a server can be connected using self-signed certificates.

For some help on how to generate self-signed certificates see this comment.

const { CommandServer, CommandClient } = require('command-server')

/* ### Server ### */

const server = new CommandServer({
	host: 'localhost',
	port: 8090,

	key: fs.readFileSync('certs/server/server.key'),
	cert: fs.readFileSync('certs/server/server.crt'),
	ca: fs.readFileSync('certs/ca/ca.crt'),
	requestCert: true, // ask for a client cert

// Implement command 0.
server.command(0, async (payload) => {
	console.log('Server received:', payload)
	return 'result from the server'

/* ### Client ### */

const client = new CommandClient({
	host: 'localhost',
	port: 8090,

	key: fs.readFileSync('certs/client/client.key'),
	cert: fs.readFileSync('certs/client/client.crt'),
	ca: fs.readFileSync('certs/ca/ca.crt'),

// Execute the command 0.
client.command(0, 'message from the client', 1000).then((result) => {
	console.log('Client received::', result)



Extends the TokenClient from the token-server package.


Executes a command on the server and then returns the result as a promise. The returned promise will be rejected when no response arrives before the expiresIn time has passed. The promise will also be rejected if an error occurs on the server during the execution of the command.

client.command(command, payload, expiresIn)
  • command <number> A number identifying the command you want to execute. The number must be between 0 and 254.
  • payload <any> A parameter that will be passed to the command. It may be of any value that can be stringified using JSON.stringify() so it must not be undefined.
  • expiresIn <number> Milliseconds until the command times out.


Extends the TokenServer from the token-server package.


Executes a command on the server and then returns the result as a promise. The returned promise will be rejected when no response arrives before the expiresIn time has passed. The promise will also be rejected if an error occurs on the server during the execution of the command.

client.command(command, (payload, connection) => result)
  • command <number> A number identifying the command. The number must be between 0 and 254.
  • payload <any> The value that was passed as the payload parameter to the CommandClient#command().
  • connection <Connection> see here The connection that triggered the command.
  • result <any> A result that will be transmitted as response to the client. It may be of any value that can be stringified using JSON.stringify() so it must not be undefined.


Execute commands via a SSL encrypted connection in Node.js







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