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Robolectric 4.10.3

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@hoisie hoisie released this 17 May 20:31
· 824 commits to master since this release

Robolectric 4.10.3 is a minor release that addresses two issues:

  1. Fixes #8187, which was a performance regression that was introduced by 8780368. This performance regression only occurred if tests did not release transient HandlerThreads at the end of each test. It is still recommended to clean up any HandlerThreads to avoid leaking threads. Thanks @brettchabot for the fix (8311039).
  2. Adds additional logging to help diagnose #8205 ( f1e7b43), which is a SHA-512 mismatch when fetching android-all Jar files during runtime.

Full Changelog: robolectric-4.10.2...robolectric-4.10.3