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xxx_ (depleted)(too expensive)Debugging with Ozone (with J Link)

Alex Au edited this page Sep 13, 2018 · 1 revision

Setting Up

  1. Download and install SEGGER Ozone debugger from
  2. Open Ozone -> Open Existing Project -> choose the "ozoneProj.jdebug" in this repository.
  3. Before uploading and debugging your code to the board, build the code first following the previous guides.
  4. To upload and start debugging, hit F5 or the green button on the top left corner, your board should now blinks.

For new projects in Ozone, choose the correct MCU (STM32F103C8) and interface (SWD, USB, 1MHz), then open up the built .elf file (RMInternalDev.elf).

Function descriptions



Memory Map

Call stack

Data graph