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A linkchecker with web interface.

The linkchecker had a user interface at: http://linkcheck-live

Some external tools made use of this web-interface for ingesting data.


The linkchecker user interface was available at: http://linkcheck-live

List of sites

The landing page shows a list of sites checked recently. If there are sites that haven’t been checked recently, these will appear on a second tab.

The list of sites show their current problem link count, the amount of pages visited in the last crawl, and the number of links checked overall (includes repeat checks).

Site view

To inspect broken links for a site, click it’s url from the homepage.

You will be shown a list of problem links (highlighted red) with a list of pages the link appears on.

These links are sorted by the type of problem – “not found”, “permanently moved” etc. For more information on these labels see

If a link seems to have been recorded as broken by mistake, it can be “Permanently ignored” with the buttons to its right. Permanently ignoring a link will move it to the last tab on the site view, and remove it from the broken count. It will stay ignored permanently, but can be added back to the main list of broken links at any time by selecting the third tab, and clicking the “Whitelist” button.

If you want to remove a link from the main list, but have it appear again after the next check (for example, to mark it ‘done’, or to hide it from someone) select ‘Ignore’. It will be moved to the second tab, and will reappear after the next check of the site.

PDF export

The main report for a site can be exported as a PDF. This functionality is ‘beta’ – the PDF formatting is ugly, and lines break poorly. It is not recommended for clients at this stage, but may be useful for quick distribution of lists.

Site management

Sites can be managed at http://linkcheck-live/sites/manage (See top right of every page).

All sites under the ‘Active’ list will be checked periodically.

Clicking the yellow ‘deactivate’ button next to a site will move it to the Disabled list.

While disabled, a site will not appear on the main site list, and will not be checked.

Note: There is currently no option to delete sites from the web interface. Use the Disable option instead.

Adding new sites

New sites can be added from the site management panel by clicking the ‘Add +’ button at the top of the list of active sites.

Enter the site’s full url –

Avoid trailing slashes, and ensure you have the site’s correct canonical domain – if visiting redirects you to, use the later.

Admin functions

The admin panel is available at http://linkcheck-live/admin (See top right of every page).



The linkchecker was previously installed on its own Debian virtual server.

It is made up of 3 components which could, in principal, be run on seperately:

Redis datastore

Usually configured to use db 1, with a key namespace of tki-linkcheck:.

For information on installing and managing redis for your environment see

linkcheck-core checker

Basic installation, assuming redis is installed already:

cd linkcheck-core
gem install bundler
bundle install
rake test

And then run your scripts ala: bundle exec ruby bin/all

To check all your active sites via a cron job you might create a script like:


cd /var/www/linkcheck-core

bundle exec ruby bin/all

The various scripts are:


Checks every active site, one after another. (Note, script spawns new ruby intercodeters for each individual site check).


Same as above, but excludes sites checked recently (good for resuming a crawl that was stopped).


Clears the cache (all check results are caches in redis, with a ~week long expiry).


Checks an individual site, taking it’s full location as an argument. This must be a site already in the system.


Adds and then checks a site. Used for checking sites that the system has never encountered.

linkcheck web interface

The linkchecker web interface is a Sinatra app (, using the Kickoff template (

Recommended means of deployment is via Apache Passenger (

Example rack config (i.e. /var/www/linkcheck-core/

require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'

Bundler.require(:web, :default)

require './lib/tki-linkcheck'
require './web/app'

# Rack configuration

# Serve static files in dev

if settings.development?
  use Rack::Static, :urls => ['/css', '/img', '/js', '/less', '/pdf', '/robots.txt', '/favicons.ico'], :root => "web/public"

run Sinatra::Application

Example apache config:

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerAlias linkcheck  linkcheck-live
        DocumentRoot /var/www/htdocs/app
        PassengerAppRoot /var/www/linkcheck-core
        <Directory /var/www/htdocs>
                Order Deny,Allow
                Satisfy Any

                # Default behaviour
                # Restricted
                Deny from all

                # LML connections
                Allow from      # Office internet facing NAT router (Actrix)
                Allow from              # Office internet facing NAT router (Telstra)
                Allow from               # (0.0-255.255) Office private net
                Allow from             # (224-255) Lambton House Digistore net
                Allow from               # (0-127) Willeston House net
                Allow from             # (128-191) Lambton House net

                # Username / Password
                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Learning Media Ltd"
                AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/linkcheck.users
                Require valid-user


        ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
                LogLevel warn
                CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
                ServerSignature On

Linkchecker code

The linkchecker source is available at:

It was created against ruby 1.8.7-head, but should be compatible with 1.9.

The crawler component uses the library

The file ./lib/tki-linkcheck/crawler.rb has a number of anemone options hardcoded, which may be relevant to modifications.

Unit tests are at ./test/, and are important to maintain, due to the eyewatering parts of this code (like the various regexes…). Run these with rake:

$ rake test

The development server can be started with:

$ rake server


The linkchecker has the following options in ./options.rb:

$options.datastore = 1
The datastore id for redis.

$options.global_codefix = 'tki-linkcheck' # changing this will orphan hundreds of redis keys.
The prefix for all keys in the datastore. Do not change this value without good reason.

$options.valid_schemes = ['http', 'ftp', 'https']
URL schemes the checker will acknowledge.

$options.checked_classes = [URI::HTTP, URI::HTTPS]
A whitelist for ruby URI classes to check –

$options.expiry = 691_200
The expiry time in seconds for cache keys.

$options.crawl_delay = 0.5
$options.check_delay = 0.5
Delay for the crawler, and the checking of links within a crawled page, respectively.

These delays are ignored if hitting the cache.

$options.retry_count = 2
The amount of times to retry a link after a failure. (Retrying slows the entire script exponentially with each retry, so keep this low).

$options.crawl_limit = 2000
A hard limit on pages to crawl for a site – a sanity check on possible loops etc.

$options.avoid = []
$options.avoid << /\/(e|m|r)\// #legacy
$options.avoid << /\/index\.php\//
An array of regular excodessions. Matching urls will not be crawled by the crawler.

$options.permanently_ignore = [ ]
$options.permanently_ignore << /javascript:/ #href javascript
$options.permanently_ignore << /www\.tki\.org\.nz\/(about|contact|help|accessibility|privacy)(\/|$)/ #footer
An array of regular excodessions. Matching urls will not be checked by the linkchecker.