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Updated IR Library with Demos
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Basic and Turret control demos
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wadecore committed Jul 25, 2016
1 parent 0b65ef2 commit d5e55ef
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Showing 40 changed files with 595 additions and 0 deletions.
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions RobotGeekSketches/Demos/IR/IRcontrolBasics/IRcontrolBasics.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
* RobotGeek Basic IR Control Example
* This sketch will allow you to control a servo and two LEDs in different ways
* using an InfraRed Remote, configured with the IRremoteWizard Sketch, defined in
* remotes.h.
#include <IRLib.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include "remotes.h"

/* Note: Servo library uses TIMER1. The default timer for IRLib on Arduino Uno
* is TIMER2 so there is no conflict. However a default timer on Arduino Leonardo
* is TIMER1 so you will have to modify the timer used to use TIMER3 or TIMER4
* as specified in IRLibTimer.h. Also you will need to modify the input being used.

const int LED_1 = 2; // LED to be digitally controlled on pin 2
const int LED_2 = 5; // LED for PWM control on pin 9
int brightness; // how bright the LED is
int fadeAmount; // how many points to fade the LED by

IRrecv My_Receiver(11); // Receive Pin
IRdecode My_Decoder; // decoder object
Servo triggerServo; // create servo object to control a servo
int triggerPos; // variable to store the trigger servo position
int Speed; // Number of degrees to move each time a left/right button is pressed

unsigned long lastCommand; // last command sent from IR remote

void setup()
My_Receiver.No_Output(); // Turn off any unused IR LED output circuit
triggerServo.attach(6); // attaches the servo on pin 3 to the servo object
triggerPos = 90; // start at midpoint 90 degrees
Speed = 3; // servo moves 3 degrees each time left/right is pushed
triggerServo.write(triggerPos); // Set initial position
My_Receiver.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver

pinMode(LED_1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED_2, OUTPUT);
brightness = 0; // Start the LED LOW
fadeAmount = 5; // set LED fade to 1

Serial.begin(9600); // start serial at 9600 baud
Serial.println("startup"); // print a line when system is ready
Serial.println(MY_PROTOCOL); // print the remote protocol on startup

void loop()
if (My_Receiver.GetResults(&My_Decoder)) // read signal from decoder object
if(My_Decoder.decode_type == MY_PROTOCOL) // if decoder is using the set protocol
Serial.println(lastCommand, HEX); // print last command to serial for debugging

if(My_Decoder.value != REPEATING) // if the decoder value received is not the NEC Repeat code (0xFFFFFFFF)
lastCommand = My_Decoder.value; // variable lastCommand gets set to the decoder value

if(lastCommand == LEFT_BUTTON) // if the last command sent is the left arrow
triggerPos=min(180,triggerPos+Speed); // turn pan servo left

else if(lastCommand == RIGHT_BUTTON) // if the last command sent is the right arrow
triggerPos=max(0,triggerPos-Speed); // turn pan servo right

else if(lastCommand == SELECT_BUTTON) // if the last command sent is the select/enter button
triggerPos=90; // center pan servo

else if(lastCommand == UP_BUTTON) // if the last command sent is the up arrow
brightness = min((brightness + fadeAmount), 255); // Brighten LED

else if(lastCommand == DOWN_BUTTON) // if the last command sent is the down arrow
brightness = max((brightness - fadeAmount), 0); // Darken LED

else if(lastCommand == ONE_BUTTON) //if the last command sent is the 1 button
digitalWrite(LED_1, HIGH); // turn LED on

else if(lastCommand == TWO_BUTTON) //if the last command sent is the 2 button
digitalWrite(LED_1, LOW); // turn LED off

else if(lastCommand == SPECIAL_2_BUTTON) // if the last command sent is the volume up button
Speed=min(10, Speed+1); // increase the speed of all servo movements

else if(lastCommand == SPECIAL_1_BUTTON) // if the last command sent is the volume down button
Speed=max(1, Speed-1); // decrease the speed of all servo movements
triggerServo.write(triggerPos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'triggerPos'
analogWrite(LED_2, brightness); // write the brightness of the LED
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions RobotGeekSketches/Demos/IR/IRcontrolBasics/remotes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@

#define MINI_REMOTE_1 0001
#define MINI_REMOTE_2 0002
#define SONY_DVD 0003

const unsigned long REPEATING = 0xFFFFFFFF;


// You will have to set these values depending on the protocol
// and remote codes that you are using. These are from the Adafruit Mini Remote
const unsigned long MY_PROTOCOL = NEC;
const unsigned long RIGHT_BUTTON = 0xFD50AF;
const unsigned long LEFT_BUTTON = 0xFD10EF;
const unsigned long UP_BUTTON = 0xFDA05F;
const unsigned long DOWN_BUTTON = 0xFDB04F;
const unsigned long SELECT_BUTTON = 0xFD906F;
const unsigned long ONE_BUTTON = 0xFD08F7;
const unsigned long TWO_BUTTON = 0xFD8877;
const unsigned long THREE_BUTTON = 0xFD48B7;
const unsigned long FOUR_BUTTON = 0xFD28D7;
const unsigned long FIVE_BUTTON = 0xFDA857;
const unsigned long SIX_BUTTON = 0xFD6897;
const unsigned long SEVEN_BUTTON = 0xFD18E7;
const unsigned long EIGHT_BUTTON = 0xFD9867;
const unsigned long NINE_BUTTON = 0xFD58A7;
const unsigned long ZERO_BUTTON = 0xFD30CF;
const unsigned long SPECIAL_1_BUTTON = 0xFD00FF;
const unsigned long SPECIAL_2_BUTTON = 0xFD40BF;


// You will have to set these values depending on the protocol
// and remote codes that you are using. These are from my Sony DVD/VCR
const unsigned long MY_PROTOCOL = NEC;
const unsigned long RIGHT_BUTTON = 0xFFC23D;
const unsigned long LEFT_BUTTON = 0xFF22DD;
const unsigned long UP_BUTTON = 0xFF629D;
const unsigned long DOWN_BUTTON = 0xFFA857;
const unsigned long SELECT_BUTTON = 0xFF02FD;
const unsigned long ONE_BUTTON = 0xFF6897;
const unsigned long TWO_BUTTON = 0xFF9867;
const unsigned long THREE_BUTTON = 0xFFB04F;
const unsigned long FOUR_BUTTON = 0xFF30CF;
const unsigned long FIVE_BUTTON = 0xFF18E7;
const unsigned long SIX_BUTTON = 0xFF7A85;
const unsigned long SEVEN_BUTTON = 0xFF10EF;
const unsigned long EIGHT_BUTTON = 0xFF38C7;
const unsigned long NINE_BUTTON = 0xFF5AA5;
const unsigned long ZERO_BUTTON = 0xFF4AB5;
const unsigned long SPECIAL_1_BUTTON = 0xFF42BD;
const unsigned long SPECIAL_2_BUTTON = 0xFF52AD;


// You will have to set these values depending on the protocol
// and remote codes that you are using. These are from my Sony DVD/VCR
const unsigned long MY_PROTOCOL = SONY;
const unsigned long RIGHT_BUTTON = 0x3EB92;
const unsigned long LEFT_BUTTON = 0xDEB92;
const unsigned long UP_BUTTON = 0x9EB92;
const unsigned long DOWN_BUTTON = 0x5EB92;
const unsigned long SELECT_BUTTON = 0xD0B92;
const unsigned long ONE_BUTTON = 0xB92;
const unsigned long TWO_BUTTON = 0x80B92;
const unsigned long THREE_BUTTON = 0x40B92;
const unsigned long FOUR_BUTTON = 0xC0B92;
const unsigned long FIVE_BUTTON = 0x20B92;
const unsigned long SIX_BUTTON = 0xA0B92;
const unsigned long SEVEN_BUTTON = 0x60B92;
const unsigned long EIGHT_BUTTON = 0xE0B92;
const unsigned long NINE_BUTTON = 0x10B92;
const unsigned long ZERO_BUTTON = 0x90B92;
const unsigned long SPECIAL_1_BUTTON = 0xC81;
const unsigned long SPECIAL_2_BUTTON = 0x481;


123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions RobotGeekSketches/Demos/IR/IRcontrolTurret/IRcontrolTurret.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
* RobotGeek RoboTurret IR Control Example
* This sketch will allow you to control a RoboTurret with Foam Dart Gun accessory
* using an InfraRed Remote, configured with the IRremoteWizard Sketch, defined in
* remotes.h.
#include <IRLib.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include "remotes.h"

/* Note: Servo library uses TIMER1. The default timer for IRLib on Arduino Uno
* is TIMER2 so there is no conflict. However a default timer on Arduino Leonardo
* is TIMER1 so you will have to modify the timer used to use TIMER3 or TIMER4
* as specified in IRLibTimer.h. Also you will need to modify the input being used.

IRrecv My_Receiver(11); // Receive Pin
IRdecode My_Decoder; // decoder object
Servo triggerServo; // create servo object to control a servo
Servo panServo; // create servo object to control a servo
Servo tiltServo; // create servo object to control a servo
int panPos; // variable to store the pan servo position
int tiltPos; // variable to store the tilt servo position
int triggerPos; // variable to store the trigger servo position
int Speed; // Number of degrees to move each time a left/right button is pressed
unsigned long lastCommand; // last command sent from IR remote

void setup()
My_Receiver.No_Output(); // Turn off any unused IR LED output circuit
triggerServo.attach(3); // attaches the servo on pin 3 to the servo object
panServo.attach(5); // attaches the servo on pin 5 to the servo object
tiltServo.attach(6); // attaches the servo on pin 6 to the servo object
triggerPos = 90; // start at midpoint 90 degrees
panPos = 90; // start at midpoint 90 degrees
tiltPos = 90; // start at midpoint 90 degrees
Speed = 3; // servo moves 3 degrees each time left/right is pushed
triggerServo.write(triggerPos); // Set initial position
panServo.write(panPos); // Set initial position
tiltServo.write(tiltPos); // Set initial position
My_Receiver.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver

Serial.begin(9600); // start serial at 9600 baud
Serial.println("startup"); // print a line when system is ready
Serial.println(MY_PROTOCOL); // print the remote protocol on startup

void loop()
if (My_Receiver.GetResults(&My_Decoder)) // read signal from decoder object
if(My_Decoder.decode_type == MY_PROTOCOL) // if decoder is using the set protocol
Serial.println(lastCommand, HEX); // print last command to serial for debugging

if(My_Decoder.value != REPEATING) // if the decoder value received is not the NEC Repeat code (0xFFFFFFFF)
lastCommand = My_Decoder.value; // variable lastCommand gets set to the decoder value

if(lastCommand == LEFT_BUTTON) // if the last command sent is the left arrow
panPos=min(180,panPos+Speed); // turn pan servo left

else if(lastCommand == RIGHT_BUTTON) // if the last command sent is the right arrow
panPos=max(0,panPos-Speed); // turn pan servo right

else if(lastCommand == SELECT_BUTTON) // if the last command sent is the select/enter button
panPos=90; // center pan servo
tiltPos=90; // center tilt servo

else if(lastCommand == UP_BUTTON) // if the last command sent is the up arrow
tiltPos=min(180,tiltPos+Speed); // tilt servo aims up, tilts back

else if(lastCommand == DOWN_BUTTON) // if the last command sent is the down arrow
tiltPos=max(0,tiltPos-Speed); // tilt servo aims down, tilts forward

else if(lastCommand == ONE_BUTTON) //if the last command sent is the 1 button
digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // turn LED on
delay(200); // for 200ms
digitalWrite(2, LOW); // turn LED off

else if(lastCommand == TWO_BUTTON) //if the last command sent is the 2 button
triggerServo.write(113); // trigger servo to fire position
delay(300); // for 300ms
triggerServo.write(90); // trigger to neutral position
delay(300); // wait 300ms

else if(lastCommand == SPECIAL_2_BUTTON) // if the last command sent is the volume up button
Speed=min(10, Speed+1); // increase the speed of all servo movements

else if(lastCommand == SPECIAL_1_BUTTON) // if the last command sent is the volume down button
Speed=max(1, Speed-1); // decrease the speed of all servo movements
triggerServo.write(triggerPos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'triggerPos'
panServo.write(panPos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'panPos'
tiltServo.write(tiltPos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'tiltPos'

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