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ROS Implementation of Main Rover Software

Install and Run:

# create dir and clone repo
$ mkdir robotics_ws
$ cd robotics_ws
$ git clone .

# build
$ catkin_make

# run drive wheels
$ bash ./

# run gui
$ bash ./

Note : Currently only launches (1) the sample GUI with realsense camera and usb camera feeds and (2) a dummy controller for testing. All other nodes can be manually launched.


  • Install realsense2-ros package: sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-realsense2-camera

  • Install video-stream-opencv package: sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-video-stream-opencv

Terminal Commands:

  • ls – list all files in current directory
  • cd - change directory
    • cd dir1/dir2/dir3/etc to navigate forward through multiple directories
    • cd .. /../etc to go backwards through directories
    • cd takes you to home directory
  • mkdir -
  • sudo (command) - run administrator commands
  • whatis (command) - find function of different command
  • exit() - exit python to get back to (base)

Git Commands:

  • git diff – check for differences
  • git pull – pull upstream changes and update your local repository
  • git push – push changes from your local repository to remote repository
  • git checkout
    • -b – make new branch
    • - switch to branch
  • git status – check which files have been changed
  • git add <file/folder name> - stage a file for commit
  • git commit -m “COMMENT” - commit changes to branch
    • -a -m “COMMENT” - commit all changes

Extra resources:

Launching rover and base station

  • Connect antennas
  • ssh into Jetson
  >>> ssh robotics@
  • Run rover launch file
  >>> ./ 
  • Open base station terminal
  • Run base station launch file
  >>> ./ 
  • Rover running :)


  • Should not launch non-necessary components of realsense ROS package
  • Make a requirements.txt (similar file for ros packages?)
  • Check if cameras are connected