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At The Helm of Kubernetes: Repeatable Infrastructure Creation for Mere Mortals

A live demo talk about Helm by Rob Richardson.

See the slides at

Run it

  1. Install helm from and set helm in your path.

  2. Build the docker image:

    cd src
    docker build -t atthehelm:v0.1.0 .
    cd ..
  3. Run the template for the helm chart in the chart folder:

    helm template chart --set imageLabel=v0.1.0,ingressHost="",registry=""

    or start it directly in Kubernetes:

    helm template chart --set imageLabel=v0.1.0,ingressHost="",registry="" | kubectl apply -f -
  4. Create a helm chart package:

    a. Install helm-pack plugin:

    helm plugin install

    b. Package the chart in the chart folder:

    helm pack chart --app-version 0.1.0 --version 0.1.0 --destination dist --set imageLabel=v0.1.0,registry="",ingressHost=""
  5. Run the packaged chart:

    helm install my-app ./dist/atthehelm-0.1.0.tgz --set ingressEnabled=false,replicas=2

    then see what you created:

    helm list
  6. Remove the chart:

    helm uninstall my-app


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