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Fast relief from framework fatigue...

Nix. As in:

We are rejecting walled-gardens in favor of smaller, more composeable pieces. For specialized components that can be combined in different ways to form a desired outcome.

Not. Another. Framework.

The cure to framework fatigue is not more frameworks. It's less, or more specifically, to create a way to combine micro-framworks and libraries (or the lack thereof) into a whole that is more than the sum of its parts.

A Philosophy

Nix style apps attempt to build specialized systems by combining generic sub components. We do this by utilizing typescript to enforce contracts between these pieces.


From a high level, Nix components in a system can act as one of four things:

  1. A Consumer: Takes arguments of a specified type as input. Returns no output. Assumed to have side effects.
  2. A Producer: Takes no arguments, has no input. Returns specified type as output. May or may not have side effects.
  3. A Filter: Takes arguments of a specified type as input. Returns specified type as output. Filters must be pure, thus cannot modify their input nor have side effects.
  4. An Actor: Takes arguments of a specified type as input. Returns specified type as output. Actors are impure and make no promises about purity. Side effects are thus allowed.


Nix: Fast relief from framework fatigue...







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