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406 lines (306 loc) · 11.4 KB


File metadata and controls

406 lines (306 loc) · 11.4 KB



  • Additional command tests.
  • Changed connection to ansible_connection.
  • Implemented click vs docopt. This slightly changes the CLI's semantics.
  • Removed the driver python packages from installing with molecule.

Breaking Changes

  • The --debug flag is no longer passed to the subcommand. The command and subcommand args were getting munged together, and passed to the core. They are now handled separately.
  • Removed the --debug subcommand flag from all usage -- it was never used.
  • The init subcommand requires an optional --role flag vs a role argument when naming the role to initialize.
  • The init subcommand requires a --driver flag when creating a driver other than vagrant.
  • The init subcommand requires a --verifier flag when creating a verifier other than testinfra.
  • The login subcommand requires a --host flag when more than one instance exists.
  • One must install the appropriate python package based on the driver used.


  • Hide ansible-lint stacktrace on molecule verify.
  • Corrected linked clone platform options checking.


  • Handle when a container is stopped outside of molecule, when running molecule status.


  • Preserve sudo passed in verifier options.


  • Corrected bug when passing the --platform flag.


  • General cleanup of core module.
  • Various documentation updates.
  • Pull molecule status from state file when using Vagrant driver.
  • Added alpha Goss verifier support.
  • Updated runtime requirements to current versions.
  • Implemented molecule check subcommand.
  • Configure verifier to be test kitchen like.
  • Ability to declare multiple drivers in config.
  • Implement ansible groups inheritance.

Breaking Changes

Previously molecule would execute a test framework based on the existence of a directory structure. This is no longer the case. Molecule will execute the configured suite, where testinfra is the default. See docs.


  • Reimplemented idempotence handling. Removed the idempotence ansible callback plugin, in favor of a native implementation.


There is no change in workflow. Molecule still reports if a converge was idempotent or not. However, it no longer reports which task(s) are not idempotent.


  • Removed pytest-xdist from runtime deps. This allows testinfra's dependency on pytest to properly install.


  • Pinned to explicit version of testinfra, due to pytest incompatabilities.


  • Added ability to specify custom dockerfile.
  • Added ability to generate and destroy temporary openstack keypair and ssh key file if they are not specified in the molecule.yml.
  • Implemented Cookiecutter for molecule init.
  • Documentation improvements.

Breaking Changes

Roles may fail to converge due to the introduction of additional verifiers.

  • Added flake8 linter to testinfra verifier.
  • Implemented ansible lint.


  • Correct a converge --debug bug.
  • Correct ansible galaxy role path.


  • Restructured and reogranized internal code, tests, and docs.
  • Added functional scenario tests.
  • Improved unit tests/coverage.
  • Added auto docker api version recognition to prevent api mismatch errors.
  • Added fallback status for vagrant driver.
  • Control over ansible galaxy options.
  • Display molecule status when not created.
  • Added dependency installation state, and installation step for syntax check.
  • Pinned runtime requirements.
  • Update login to use state data.
  • Ability to target ansible groups with testinfra.
  • Ability to target docker hosts with serverspec.
  • Added ../../ to rolepath to fix ansible 2.1.1 default role search.
  • Added docker volume mounting.
  • Add support for Docker port bindings.
  • Implemented a new core config class.

Breaking Changes

  • Existing Testinfra tests which use the Docker driver need updating as described in 398.


  • Fixed role_path with ansible 2.1.1.


  • Fixed passing flags to molecule test.


  • Fixed a bad reference to the molecule_dir config variable.


  • Fixed a bug where molecule would fail if .molecule/ didn't already exist.


  • Added native support for OpenStack provider.
  • Fixed a bug where testinfra_dir config option wasn't being handled.
  • Fixed a bug with molecule login where its host matching didn't work with overlapping names.


  • It's now possible to define host_vars and group_vars in ansible section of molecule.yml.
  • The --platform CLI option now supports all.
  • Corrected issue with specifying serverspec args in molecule.yml.


  • Updated config parsing so that testinfra.sudo and testinfra.debug can be set in molecule.yml.
  • Demo role now pulls in correct serverspec config.


  • Added inventory-file flag to molecule check to address Ansible 1.9.x specific issue.


  • Fixed a bug preventing molecule test from working.
  • Added a demo role for functional testing.


  • Added --offline option to molecule init.
  • molecule status now shows hosts by default.
  • molecule test will now fail immediately when encountering an error.
  • Switched to Python's logging module for displaying STDOUT, STDERR.
  • Added support for libvirt provider.
  • Added molecule check to check playbook syntax.
  • Testinfra parameters can now be set as vars in molecule.yml.
  • Running testinfra tests in parallel is no longer the default behavior.


  • Fixed issue with testinfra and serverspec attempting to share args.
  • Added --sudo option for testinfra.
  • Added tab completion support.
  • Misc. Docker updates and fixes.


  • Added support for Docker provisioner.
  • Added support for group_vars.


  • Made "append_platform_to_hostname" False by default.
  • Testinfra tests now run in parallel.
  • init now generates testinfra tests by default.
  • Testinfra env vars (including ssh) are now consistent with what is passed to ansible-playbook.


  • Fixed a bug where testinfra_dir wasn't being used.
  • Changed append_platform_to_hostname to default to False.


  • Updated init to install role dependencies from Ansible Galaxy.
  • Now using DocOpt subcommands to dispatch commands internally.
  • Updated login command to take no hostname (for single instances) and partial hostnames.
  • Improved visibility when running (and not running) tests.
  • Can now pass multiple instances of --tags for specifying more than one tag.
  • Can now pass --destroy flag to test with various options suitable for use in CI.
  • Numerous small bug fixes.


  • Added very basic support for the vagrant-triggers plugin.


  • Fixed a bug introduced in 1.2.3 preventing init from working.


  • Fixed a bug where destroy would fail on VMs that hadn't been created. Caused errors running test.
  • Moved rubocop, rake, and testinfra into validators. Added tests.
  • Moved ansible-playbook logic out of core, commands and into a dedicated class. Added tests.
  • Provisioner logic moved to its own class outside of core.


  • Added a CLI option for the list command to make the output machine readable.
  • Refactored to be more conducive to dispatch from DocOpt (#76).
  • Fixed issue #82 where callback plugin path wasn't being properly merged with user-defined values.
  • Fixed issue #84 where molecule init would produce a molecule.yml that contained trailing whitespace.
  • Fixed issue #85 preventing user-defined serverspec directory from being used.


  • Updated idempotence plugin path to be appended to existing plugin path rather than overwriting it.
  • Fixed case where idempotence plugin would crash when unable to read response dictionary.


  • Added support for Vagrant 1.8's linked_clone option.
  • Updated idempotence test to use an Ansible callback plugin that will print failed tasks.
  • Path to templates can now be relative to a user's home directory.
  • box_url in Vagrantfile is no longer set if box_version is defined.
  • Uses the latest version of python-vagrant.


  • Fixed a bug where inventory wasn't getting created on a new converge.
  • Linting now targets a specific list of file extensions.
  • Hostname created during init is now sanitized.
  • Creattion of python cache directory is now disabled by default.


  • Fixed a bug where calling create separately from converge wasn't generating an inventory file.


  • Cleaned up state file management logic to be more concise, functional for other purposes.
  • Removed --fast flag from converge in favor of using state file for fast converging.
  • Instance hostname is now printed during serverspec runs.
  • Fixed a bug where loading template files from absolute paths didn't work.


  • Added support for static inventory where molecule can manage existing sites, not just vagrant instances.
  • Added support for skipping instance/inventory creation during molecule converge by passing it --fast. MUCH faster.


  • Fixed a bug preventing vagrant raw_config_args from being written to vagrantfile template.
  • Cleaned up error messaging when attempting to molecule login to a non-existent host.
  • Added release engineering documentation.
  • Moved commands into a separate module.
  • Switched to using yaml.safe_load().
  • Added more debugging output.


  • Added support for Vagrant box versioning. This allows teams to ensure all members are using the correct version in their development environments.


  • Fixed a bug where specifying an inventory script was causing molecule to create it.
  • config_file and inventory_file specified in ansible block are now treated as overrides for molecule defaults.


  • Updated format of config.yml and molecule.yml so they use the same data structure for easier merging. In general it's more clear and easy to understand.
  • Defaults are now loaded from a defaults file (YAML) rather than a giant hash. Maintaining data in two formats was getting tiresome.
  • Decoupled main() from init() in Molecule core to make future tests easier.
  • Removed mock from existing tests that no longer require it now that main() is decoupled.
  • Moved all config handling to an external class. Greatly simplified all logic.
  • Added tests for new config class.
  • Cleaned up all messages using format() to have consistent syntax.
  • Fixed status command to not fire unless a vagrantfile is present since it was triggering vagrant errors.
  • Renamed _init_new_role() to init() to be consistent with other commands.
  • Fixed incorrect messaging in _print_valid_providers().
  • Fixed edge case in vagrantfile template to make sure we always have default cpus/memory set for virtualbox instances.
  • Leveraged new config flexibility to clean up old hack for molecule init.
  • Fixed utility test for deep_merge that was failing.
  • Made print_line two different functions for stdout and stderr.
  • Updated print functions to be Python 3 ready.
  • Moved template creation into a generic function.
  • Test all the (moved) things.
  • Updated image assets.
  • Removed aio/mcp naming from docs and templates.


  • Switched to deep merging of config dicts rather than using update().


  • Fixed trailing validator, and broke out into a module.


  • Initial release.