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Releases: robtimus/obfuscation-jackson


09 Oct 10:39
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Added support for obfuscating objects and arrays in more ways, through methods forObjectsByDefault and forArraysByDefault of JSONObfuscator.Builder and methods forObjects and forArrays of JSONObfuscator.PropertyConfigurer.

Updated to the latest versions of Jackson and obfuscation-core.


23 Dec 13:18
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Updated to the latest Jackson version. Its new JSON read features ALLOW_LEADING_PLUS_SIGN_FOR_NUMBERS and ALLOW_TRAILING_DECIMAL_POINT_FOR_NUMBERS are enabled for optimal flexibility.

The way enabled and disabled features are configured has been changed for improved backwards compatibility. As a result, the minimum supported Jackson version has changed to version 2.10.0.


21 Dec 13:41
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JSON parser and read features are now enabled and disabled explicitly, instead of enabling all and disabling a select few. This prevents new but less secure features from being automatically enabled. Note that because of this change, the minimum supported Jackson version has changed to version 2.11.0.

When obfuscating from a Reader, the contents were completely buffered in previous versions. This could lead to memory starvation when obfuscating large JSON documents. From this version on, a JSON obfuscator tries to truncate the internal buffer as soon as a maximum size is hit. This maximum defaults to 512KB, but can be changed using system property com.github.robtimus.obfuscation.jackson.preferredMaxBufferSize. Note that the buffer can grow to be larger than this maximum if it's needed to let the obfuscation be successful. This will usually only occur if values or completely obfuscated structures exceed this maximum.


16 Mar 14:50
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Added method limitTo to JSONObfuscator.Builder to let JSON obfuscators produce truncated content.
Updated to the latest Jackson version.


11 Oct 13:42
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Updated to latest versions of Jackson and obfuscation-core.
Added module descriptor.


03 May 13:58
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Initial release.