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Provides utility classes for working with streams.

Additional collectors

Class AdditionalCollectors comes with the following utility methods:


sequentialOnly is a collector factory method similar to Collector.of, but without the combiner. This can be used for collectors that cannot easily be combined, in cases where only sequential streams are used.

findSingle and findUnique

findSingle is like Stream.findAny, but it throws an exception if the stream contains more than one element. It can be combined with Optional.orElseThrow to find exactly one element. Note that unlike Stream.findAny, the entire stream is processed.

findUnique is like findSingle that allows multiple occurrences of the same element.


toMapWithSupplier is like Collectors.toMap. However, unlike the version with only a key and value mapper, it allows you to provide a Map supplier. Unlike the version with a supplier there is no need to provide a merge function.

completionStages and completableFutures

completableFutures can collect a stream of CompletableFuture elements into a combined CompletableFuture. completionStages is a more generic version of completableFutures that can collect a stream of CompletionStage elements. It can be used wherever completableFutures can be used.


partitioning splits the stream into several partitions. Each partition is collected separately, and these partition results are then collected. For example, the following can be used to create a List<List<T>>, where each inner list has at most 10 elements:

stream.collect(partitioning(10, toList(), toList())

Because it's hard to get predictable results for parallel streams, this collector will throw an exception when used to collect parallel streams.

Stream utils

Class StreamUtils comes with the following utility methods:


forEvery is like AdditionalCollectors.partitioning (see above), but runs an action for each partition result instead of collecting them. For example, to print 10 elements per line:

forEvery(10, stream, joining(", "), System.out::println);

Like AdditionalCollectors.partitioning, this method will throw an exception when used to collect parallel streams.


Class FutureValue provides utility methods to work with CompletableFuture in streams. Unlike AdditionalCollectors.completableFutures, methods in this class can be used to provide intermediate filtering and mapping. It also provides support for Stream.collect and Stream.forEach for CompletableFuture.

To use this class, use in combination with FutureValue.wrap. Then FutureValue.filter, and FutureValue.flatMap can be used any number of times before Stream.collect or Stream.forEach is called.

For example:

// assume stream is an existing Stream<CompletableFuture<T>>
CompletableFuture<List<T>> list = stream