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Security: robwillup/retros


Security Policy

Supported Versions

Refer to this section for information about the versions of our Golang project currently supported with security updates.

Version Supported
< 1.2.x

Reporting a Vulnerability

Public Reporting

If you discover a security vulnerability, we appreciate your responsible disclosure. Follow these steps:

  1. Open an Issue: Instead of disclosing security vulnerabilities in detail, please open a GitHub issue with a high-level description of the issue. This will be investigated promptly.

  2. Information to Include: Provide a brief and high-level information including potential impact. Refrain from including actual exploit code or detailed technical information that could be exploited.

  3. Investigation: The reported vulnerability will be investigated and you may be contacted for additional details if needed.

Assessment and Resolution

  1. Assessment: The reported vulnerability will be assessment.

  2. Fix and Release: If the vulnerability is confirmed, we will work on a fix. A new version will be released, and you will be credited for the responsible disclosure.


Your commitment to responsible disclosure is vital. Contributors adhering to these guidelines will be acknowledged in our release notes.

Thank you for helping maintain a secure environment for this project.

There aren’t any published security advisories