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robwlakes committed Jan 2, 2017
1 parent 667e21c commit e1fe92d
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Showing 48 changed files with 7,527 additions and 0 deletions.
210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions 433MHz_Tx_Rx/Receiver1.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
Manchester Decoding, reading by delay rather than interrupt
Rob Ward August 2014
This example code is in the public domain.
Use at your own risk, I will take no responsibility for any loss whatsoever its deployment.
for the latest version and documentation.
Filename: Receiver1.ino (receives the broadcast)
Filename: Transmitter5.ino (makes the broadcast)

//Interface Definitions
int RxPin = 8; //The number of signal from the Rx
int ledPin = 13; //The number of the onboard LED pin

// Variables for Manchester Receiver Logic:
word sDelay = 250; //Small Delay about 1/4 of bit duration try like 250 to 500
word lDelay = 500; //Long Delay about 1/2 of bit duration try like 500 to 1000, 1/4 + 1/2 = 3/4
byte polarity = 0; //0 for lo->hi==1 or 1 for hi->lo==1 for Polarity, sets tempBit at start
byte tempBit = 1; //Reflects the required transition polarity
byte discards = 1; //how many leading "bits" need to be dumped, usually just a zero if anything eg discards=1
byte discNos = 0; //counter of how many discarded
boolean firstZero = false;//has it processed the first zero yet? This a "sync" bit.
boolean noErrors = true; //flags if signal does not follow Manchester conventions
//variables for Header detection
byte headerBits = 10; //The number of ones expected to make a valid header
byte headerHits = 0; //Counts the number of "1"s to determine a header
//Variables for Byte storage
byte dataByte = 0; //Accumulates the bit information
byte nosBits = 0; //Counts to 8 bits within a dataByte
byte maxBytes = 9; //Set the bytes collected after each header. NB if set too high, any end noise will cause an error
byte nosBytes = 0; //Counter stays within 0 -> maxBytes
//Variables for multiple packets
byte bank = 0; //Points to the array of 0 to 3 banks of results from up to 4 last data downloads
byte nosRepeats = 0; //Number of times the header/data is fetched at least once or up to 4 times
//Banks for multiple packets if required (at least one will be needed)
byte manchester[4][20]; //Stores 4 banks of manchester pattern decoded on the fly

void setup() {
pinMode(RxPin, INPUT);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
Serial.println("Debug Manchester Rx+Tx");
Serial.print("Using a delay of 1/4 bitWaveform ");
Serial.print(" uSecs 1/2 bitWaveform ");
Serial.println(" uSecs ");
if (polarity){
Serial.println("Negative Polarity hi->lo=1");
Serial.println("Positive Polarity lo->hi=1");
Serial.println(" bits expected for a valid header");
if (discards){
Serial.println(" leading bits discarded from Packet");
Serial.println("All bits inside the Packet");
Serial.println("D 00 00001111 01 22223333 02 44445555 03 66667777 04 88889999 05 AAAABBBB 06 CCCCDDDD 07 EEEEFFFF 08 00001111 90 22223333");

// Main routines, find header, then sync in with it, get a packet, and decode data in it, plus report any errors.
void loop(){
tempBit =polarity^1;
noErrors =true;
firstZero =false;
headerHits =0;
nosBits =0;
nosBytes =0;
discNos =discards;

while (noErrors && (nosBytes<maxBytes)){
if (digitalRead(RxPin)!=tempBit){
byte bitState = tempBit ^ polarity;
tempBit = tempBit^1;
if (headerHits==headerBits){
if ((!firstZero)&&(headerHits>=headerBits)){

void analyseData(){

void add(byte bitData){
if (discNos>0){
else{ //add bit into byte
if (nosBits==8){ //add byte into bank
if (checkBanks()){
hexBinDump();//show the data
eraseManchester(); //"jumble it up"
bank=(bank+1)%4; //modulo 4 bank pointer

//Properly dump the banks in formatted hex and Binary with leading zeroes
void hexBinDump(){
Serial.print("D ");
for( int i=0; i < maxBytes; i++){
byte mask = B10000000;
if (manchester[bank][i]<16){
Serial.print(" ");
for (int k=0; k<8; k++){
if (manchester[bank][i] & mask){
mask = mask >> 1;
Serial.print(" ");

void eraseManchester(){
for( int j=0; j < 4; j++){
for( int i=0; i < 20; i++){
manchester[j][i]=j+i;//make each byte in each bank different

boolean checkBanks(){ //checks one bank against the other three
//check the four versions are the same, best quality data, maybe too high?
boolean valid = true;
for( int i=1; i < 4; i++){ //Checking all four banks
for (int j=0; j<maxBytes; j++){ //NB we are checking up to maxBytes
if (manchester[0][j] != manchester[i][j]){
valid = false;
return valid;

102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions 433MHz_Tx_Rx/Transmitter5.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
Manchester Decoding, reading by delay rather than interrupt
Rob Ward August 2014
This example code is in the public domain.
Use at your own risk, I will take no responsibility for any loss whatsoever its deployment.
for the latest version and documentation.
Filename: Receiver1.ino (receives the broadcast)
Filename: Transmitter5.ino (makes the broadcast)

const int TxPin = 8; // the TxPin applied to the 433MHz modulator pin
const int ledPin = 13; // the number of the onboard LED pin

byte thisBit; //reflects the current data bit polarity,

byte manchester[16]; //stores a bank of data to be manchester encoded on the fly, say first 8 bytes
byte bytePointer = 0; //increments through manchester[data]
byte maxBytes = 9; //number of bytes transmitted

word sDelay = 500; //1/2 of bit pattern duration, begin with 500uS (a common choice, data bit length = 1ms)

void setup(){
pinMode(TxPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
//The following format relates to the Weather stations, mainly because I wanted to incorporate
//extra data from other remote RF sensors into my WWW server's weather pages.
//This would work with the now legacy Bios or Thermor series (They repeat data 4 times to detect errors).
//Hence I need to be able to make the Tx use a compatible protocol to simplify the receiver program logic
//that decodes the protocol. As the Tx mimics a sensor it would need to alert the receiver to be able to
//distinguish multiple transmitters/sensors apart. ie different ID number's etc so they don't clash with
// the existing transmitters.
//Obviously other users may like to determine their own format or adapt it to their own weather station protocols.
//Dummy data in the Manchester Byte Array (just to test it out).
manchester[0] = B01110001; //eg Brand/Sensor ID, can be from 0 to 255
manchester[1] = B00000111; //eg Packet type (wind, rain, solar, UV etc)
manchester[2] = 2; //dummy data
manchester[3] = B10101010; //dummy data
manchester[4] = B11110000; //dummy data
manchester[5] = 5; //dummy data, incremented
manchester[6] = 6; //dummy data, decremented
manchester[7] = 7; //dummy data
manchester[8] = B00110011; //dummy data
Serial.println("Transmitter On Air....");//Just to check if you like

void loop(){
manchester[5]++;//just tickle over the bits in the number to show it can change
manchester[6]--;//as above
//repeat 4 times over as a simple, but very effective, "checksum" system to validate data
for (int packet=0;packet<4;packet++){
digitalWrite(TxPin,0); //begin on Signal Off
for (int j=0;j<30;j++){ //header 30 of 1's, probably excessive, 20 could be enough
Tx1(); //Send 1's as it stabilises the Rx's AGC the quickest
Tx0(); //put in a single 0 as the first "Start Bit", indicates end of Header bit stream of 1's
bytePointer = 0; //Point to start of manchester array
for (bytePointer =0;bytePointer<maxBytes;bytePointer++){
byte mask = B10000000; //MSB -> LSB
for (int k=0;k<8;k++){
thisBit = mask & manchester[bytePointer]; //thisBit!=0 means the bit in that spot is a 1
if (thisBit == 0){
Tx0(); //Send a 0
Tx1(); //Send a 1
mask = mask >> 1;//move to the next bit in manchester[bytePointer]
}//end of checking a byte, 1 bit a a time MSB to LSB
}//end of the machester[bytePointer]
digitalWrite(TxPin,0); //End packet on Signal Off
delay(20); //break between repeating packets
}//end of 4 repeats of packet data burst
digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW); //just for debugging
//Wait for 30 Seconds before next transmission
for (int second=0;second<30;second++){
delay(1000); //a Second

//The definitions that follow are used by numerous authors (e.g., Stallings)
void Tx1(){
digitalWrite(TxPin,0);//put in a 'low' here so the next transition makes sense
digitalWrite(TxPin,1);//transition from low to a high indicates a 1 sent

void Tx0(){
digitalWrite(TxPin,1);//put in a 'high' here so the next transition makes sense
digitalWrite(TxPin,0);//transition from high to a low indicates a 0 sent

24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions ArduinoWeatherOS/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
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