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Rosa Paula Cuevas edited this page Feb 17, 2019 · 4 revisions

Citi Bike in New York City is a page which visualises Citi Bike ridership data from 2018. The dashboards contain information about the demographics of Citi Bike users, the number of trips on any given day, and the traffic flow in different Citi Bike stations in the Big Apple. There were a few pre-requisites in building the page, as described in the Getting Started section.

Getting Started

  1. Download the relevant CSV files from the Citi Bike System Data website. In this case, the files for ridership from January to December 2018 were dowloaded. Note that the file sizes for 2018 data are bigger than 100 MB and they contain more than 17.5 million rows. Hence, loading the files for processing could be S-L-O-W.
  2. Read the documentation provided by Citi Bike about the definitions of the different column headers and values.
  3. Install Tableau. It is a visualisation tool that creates interactive graphs, tables, maps, and dashboards using data stored in relational databases (like SQL), PDFs, or in spreadsheets; or those presented as JSON or text. There are two versions that can be downloaded: Tableau Public (free) and Tableau Desktop (14-day trial). There are feature differences between the two types of Tableau software and it is up to the user to choose which Tableau software to use.
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