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Rocket League map making

Rocket League Mapmaking Website Documentation

GitHub Workflow Status Website Dev website GitHub package.json version

  • Guide by Mr Swaggles
  • Site design by ghostrider-05
  • Webdev trickery by wejrox



These steps will currently only work for the main domain, as it hasn't been made customisable yet. If you wish to view this branch or a PR remotely, visit the developer site or the subdomain in the PR actions.

This site can be executed as a docker container on the host machine.

  1. Install Docker-CE on the host machine. Docker (non-ce) should also work but is not tested.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Build image not on host with docker build . -t rocketleaguemapmaking/rlmm:<VERSION>
  4. Push to dockerhub with docker login; docker push rocketleaguemapmaking/rlmm:<BUILD_VERSION>
  5. Navigate into the root of the repository on the host.
  6. Execute sh deployment/ <BUILD_VERSION>, e.g. sh deployment/ 0.1.0 on host
    • This container will run in the background, and you can access the website.
    • To view all docker containers, execute docker ps -a, which are ordered by age.
    • To view the NGINX logs of a container, execute docker logs <container_name>.
    • To stop the service, execute docker stop rlmm
  7. Execute sh deployment/ to copy in the Not So Dummy Assets.
  8. Access the site at the correct URL (

Contributing documentation

Read the contribution documentation for guidelines when contributing.

Certificate Renewal

The certificate is renewed by the deployment/ script run using a cron job.