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Rocket League Modding Wiki

If you were looking the the website, it's HERE.

This is still a WIP

How to help ?

Simply upload or create a .md (Markdown) file in a folder.

Github let you create and edit .md files directly here. To edit, there's an ✏️ icon at the top right of a file page. To create, there's a Create new file button at the top right when you're in a folder. You can create a folder by specifying it like: myfolder/

⚠️ Please, try to respect the organization of the folders and create only .md files in the pages folder.

The file must start with this following header:

layout: default
title: Your page title
indexed: true
  - tagName1
  - tagName2
  - tagName3

layout keep default.

title is both the title at the top of the page and in the navigation menu.

indexed: true means that the search engine will include this page.

- tagName needs two spaces before the dash -. Tags are used by the search engine.

How to make awesome pages ?

Github pages like ours use Jekyll to convert .md files into .html. Jekyll use Liquid as templating language. The syntax higlither used is rouge. The best way to learn is to inspire yourself from the already existing files.