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Process long running jobs asynchronously

Evan Prothro edited this page Mar 3, 2014 · 10 revisions


To keep responses quick and help scale a web application's needs, its necessary to process certain tasks asynchronously from the web server process.

A few examples include:

  • Opening objects from slow-clients
  • Scaling images upon creation (e.g. multiple styles using Paperclip)
  • Sending emails
  • Importing/exporting data from/to external locations

The following will set you up to use Sidekiq, a powerful, concurrent asynchronous tasks library.

After the following steps, you will:

  • Be able to create and execute asynchronous tasks
  • Have visibility into the task queues at
  • Be able to scale your worker capacity directly with the heroku scale command



  1. You have redis installed locally and running on default port 6379
  • install with brew install redis
  • run brew info redis for info about auto-start on login with launchd


Include gems

  • Uncomment the following gems in the gemfile
gem "httparty",                 "~> 0.12"     # make requests to slow clients in async workers
gem "sidekiq",                  "~> 2.17"
gem "sidekiq-failures",         "~> 0.2"
gem "sinatra",                  "~> 1.4.4"
  • Bundle with bundle install

Handle the non-worker scenario

  • Add the following to development.rb:
# run async workers synchronously in development
# so that a simple `rails s` still 'just works'
unless ENV['WORKERS_PRESENT'] == 'true'
  require 'sidekiq/testing/inline'

Set up the worker process

  • Create queue configuration file at config/worker.yml with the following content:
# A queue with a weight of 2 will be checked twice 
# as often as a queue with a weight of 1
:verbose: true
:concurrency:  10
  - [mailer, 3]
  - [paperclip, 2]
  - [some_custom_queue_name, 2]
  - [default]

  :verbose: false
  • Create sidekiq configuration file at config/initializers/sidekiq.rb with the following:
# Normally with a web server, you set the client size to 1.
# The Rails process is the client, feeding jobs into Redis.
# The Sidekiq process is the server. It will have approx
# the same number of database connections as concurrency,
# which defaults to 25. "*** Configuring Sidekiq..."

Sidekiq.configure_client do |config|
  config.redis = { :size => 1 }

unless Rails.application.config.consider_all_requests_local
  Sidekiq::Web.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password|
    username == ENV['BASIC_AUTH_USER'] && password == ENV['BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD']

# By default, Sidekiq assumes Redis is located at localhost:6379
# Also by default, it will use ENV vars configured in the following way:
# RedisToGo can be used with the REDISTOGO_URL env var directly.
# All others can use the REDIS_PROVIDER env var.
##  Ex: REDIS_PROVIDER=REDISGREEN_URL will configure Sidekiq to use
##  the REDISGREEN_URL value for it's redis connection.
# Finally, the generic REDIS_URL var may be used.
# Note that heroku (addon) redis providers create/use these ENV vars by default.

# To point to an external Redis server, configure server and client:
# Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
#   config.redis = { :url => 'redis://', :namespace => 'mynamespace' }
# end
# # When in Unicorn, this block needs to go in unicorn's `after_fork` callback:
# Sidekiq.configure_client do |config|
#   config.redis = { :url => 'redis://', :namespace => 'mynamespace' }
# end
  • Define the worker process by adding the following to your Procfile:
worker: bundle exec sidekiq -C ./config/worker.yml -e $RACK_ENV

(Optional) Set up the worker process for development with foreman

  • Define the worker process if
worker: bundle exec sidekiq -C ./config/worker.yml -e development
  • Process jobs asynchronously in development by adding the following to .env

Create a route to the sidekiq dashboard

  • Add the following as low as you can in your routes block in config/routes.rb:
  constraints subdomain: /\Astatus/ do
    mount Sidekiq::Web => '/sidekiq'

Configure worker persistence layer on staging/production

  • Add redis to staging (and production) heroku addons:add rediscloud

  • Add config variable to tell sidekiq how to connect to the worker persistence layer. heroku config:add REDIS_PROVIDER=REDISCLOUD_URL

  • Start a worker process heroku scale worker=1

Next Steps

  1. Read the Sidekiq reference for information on using workers
  2. Use the delayed_paperclip gem to automatically process paperclip image processing tasks