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ansible-sshd: Ansible role for configuring OpenSSH

This role configures the OpenSSH daemon by using templates to create the sshd_config file.

  • By default configures the SSH daemon with the defaults for a given distribution.
  • Supports all sshd_config options (see defaults/
  • Tests the sshd_config before reloading sshd.

IMPORTANT! Please test this role thoroughly before applying in production as it has the potential to break things, horrible things, e.g. remote access to your server.


This role should support most any *nix running OpenSSH. While this role will ensure that the SSH server is installed, you might have trouble running Ansible on a server without SSH running :)

So far, it has been tested on:

  • CentOS 7
  • Debian wheezy(7), jessie(8)
  • Ubuntu Xenial (16 LTS)

Support for other *nix OSes can be easily added by creating a Jinja2 template out of the distribution's 'sshd_config' file and added to the list of templates, and then adding a vars file as well. Ansible will use the facts gathered to determine the current running OS and use the correct YAML vars file, using the following: {{ ansible_distribution }}_{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml

Role variables

All of the sshd_config parameters are in the format sshd_conf_val_... For example, the UsePrivilegeSeparation parameter is associated with the variable sshd_conf_val_useprivilegeseparation. For a list of all possible sshd_config parameter variables, see vars/_sshd_default.yml.

Any of these variables can be overridden in your Playbooks (see example Playbooks below).

NOTE that not all variables are supported by each *nix OS. Each distribution will run a particular version and will also have certain options compiled in/out. While I have dumped the supported variables in each OS vars file, it is still prudent to run sshd -T on your server to see all of the parameters your OpenSSH implementation supports.

OS specific vars files

When no overriding vars are used in your plays, this role will provide an sshd_config that should match the OS default. There are two files where variables are stored:

  • YAML vars file ({{ ansible_distribution }}_{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml e.g. Debian_8.yml) stored in vars. These are the variables that pertain to OpenSSH operation (OS package names, file locations, permissions).
  • Jinja2 template ({{ ansible_distribution }}_{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}_sshd_config.j2 e.g. Debian_8_sshd_config.j2) stored in templates. These are the OS-specific sshd_config template files that also contain the default parameters.

At a minimum, the YAML vars file for each OS should contain the following variables (from the Debian 8 vars file):

sshd_os_supported: True

sshd_config_file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sshd_binary: /usr/sbin/sshd
sshd_service: ssh
  - openssh-server
  - openssh-sftp-server
sshd_config_file_owner: root
sshd_config_file_group: root
sshd_config_file_mode: "0644"

NOTE that sshd_os_supported needs to be set to True for the vars and Jinja2 template files to be used.

Supported Flags

While it is possible to override one or more sshd_config parameters using vars in your Playbooks, there are some flags that can be set to govern certain overall configuration "sets".

  • sshd_hardened: by default this is set to False. If set to True in your Playbook, it will override a certain set of OpenSSH parameters that will lead to a more secure OpenSSH configuration by using the vars from vars/hardened_config.yml. IMPORTANT: Setting this to True will set PasswordAuthentication no and PermitRootLogin no so make sure that you have SSH keys setup and working properly!



Example Playbook

# file: playbook.yml

- hosts: all
  become: True
    - vars/sshd_conf_overides.yml

    - ansible-sshd


BSD, 2-clause


Dave Heebner

© 2017, Rockpenguin Technology, LLC


Ansible role for installing and configuring OpenSSH








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