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PySpark On Cloud Kubernetes Boilerplate

Sidecar demo video for this readme can be found here.

Introduction and Motivation

After deploying a few production applications in Spark using both the Scala and Python APIs, running on both Amazon's EMR and GCP's Dataproc, we've decided to bite the bullet and build a prod-ready framework for Kubernetes that is fully transparent (i.e. not heavily abstracted behind a pre-baked image) and thus, relatively easy to customize and extend. This project is inspired by a few 'PySpark Boilerplate' versions that are out there, including Eran Kampf's, Alex Ioannides's, and Mehdi Ouazza's respective implementations. This particular implementation is made with data science and data engineering development workflows in mind.

We migrated to Spark on Kubernetes because:

  1. we were frustrated with being tied to our cloud providers' release cycles for fully managed clusters. Sometimes spark would release new features and we did not want to wait for them to be propagated to a stable cluster release.
  2. we like the benefits of containerization which allow for higher speed iteration, environment-agnostic running, and dependency isolation.
  3. we would like to avoid vendor lock-in to the extent possible.

Prerequisites and Assumptions

  • Working familiaity with docker.
  • A local installation of Minikube for development and testing.
  • Working familiarity with kubectl's API
  • A local installation of helm
  • Permissions to a container registry, either via Dockerhub or a private registry (the latter is recommended).
  • Basic knowledge how to deal with authentication and permissions on your cloud platform. For the purposes of this template we prioritize developer friendliness over security, but for production applications please follow industry best practices (more on this later). Your kubernetes cluster should be configured to have permissions to read from the container registry. We will include some sample code for patching your cluster.
  • Comfort working in any cloud environment is helpful. The implementation listed here is built for GCP's GKE, but it wouldn't take much refactoring to toggle to Amazon's EKS, Azure's AKS, etc. We opted for GKE because we believe it's the best kubernetes service available.
  • Ideally, Working knowledge of Terraform.

The Spark Base Image

The Dockerfile in the root repository is fully customized to allow for easy (but at your own risk) toggling of Spark/Scala/Python/Hadoop/JDK versions. Note that there may be interactions and downstream effects of changing these, so test thoroughly when making changes.

This base image is also designed to allow for local development as if you are on a cloud virtual machine. This means you can run interactive analysis in Spark on a docker container running locally. The benefit of this is that prototyping is very cheap and easy to scale. You can also run distributed sessions locally via Minikube, or scale on a cloud cluster by changing the kubectl pointer. The same image can be used to run unit tests, linting, etc.

The resulting image from this dockerfile can be relatively large, so you might want to run the build process remotely on a cloud build server and push to your remote container registry, rather than building locally and pushing layers over the internet.

On Infrastructure as Code

There is a terraform directory with basic samples for spinning up a remote Kubernetes cluster. Typically you would not have your infrastructure code live in the same repository as your application code, be aware that this is just for educational/informational purposes. The cluster setup prioritizes cost efficiency over resilience for production SLAs, you will want to modify to make sure that your spark masters are on non-preemptible instances.

Application and Utility Structure

The basic project structure is as follows:

 |   pyspark-interactive.yaml
 |   pyspark-k8s-boilerplate-cloud-etl.yaml
 |   pyspark-k8s-boilerplate-pi.yaml
 |   spark-namespace.yaml
 |   spark-rbac.yaml
 |   key-file
 |   key-file-k8s-secret.yaml
 |-- config/
 |   |-- conf.yaml
 |   |--
 |-- jobs/
 |   |--
 |   |--
 |   |--
 |-- utils/
 |   |--
 |   |--

The main python application is in src/pyspark_k8s_boilerplate. Configurations can be set in the config directory, with conf.yaml and the handlers classes defining default configurations, which can be overridden by the CLI entrypoint in src/pyspark_k8s_boilerplate/ There are specific config handlers defined for different domains, see the classes in for more information.

There are three sample jobs that can be used for testing. The easiest bar to clear is the job, which uses spark to approximate π. The harder bar is the cloud_etl job, which reads titanic.csv in object storage (you should stage this in GS, S3, etc). There is also an module which we use to bootstrap an interactive pyspark session. This was more challenging than expected as kubernetes support for distributed pyspark interactive shell sessions is lacking. More on this later. Note that all of the job modules must have an execute() function in order for the optional (and recommended) command line entrypoint to work. You can also run the files directly without the entrypoint, but this includes a loss of flexibility to interactively override configurations.

Logging is set up in, the pyspark session is initialized in and is imported by the respective jobs and unit tests. A few comments about the other project artifacts: points to the yaml file which will be included in the python wheel/tarball distribution. pyproject.toml specifies the build requirements. We use setup.cfg in lieu of a file--it serves the same function. The spark-defaults.conf file is critical for two things: enabling distributed read from object storage, and pointing to the key file which gets mounted as a volume to the pod.

Required environment variables for development

We have tried to keep the required environment variables to a minimum for the purposes of this template. All you should need is the following:

export PROJECT=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)')
export KUBEUSER='name'
export KUBEDOMAIN=''

You can modify and source the env.example file in the project root if it is more convenient.

Cloud Authentication

There are many ways to handle authentication. For instance, GCP offers a number of methods. Here we have tried to strike a balance between clarity and reasonable security. We opted for using a service account key to allow for longer lived authentication (and accordingly less overhead but higher risk). Rather than baking the key into the container, we mount it as a volume from a local path, pushed to Kubernetes as a Kubernetes secret.

If you are working with PII data, please consult your system administrators and comply with your organization's best practices on authentication.

Order of Operations for Running K8s Spark Jobs

Step 0: Have a Kubernetes cluster running locally and remotely, with the spark operator and application dependencies installed and mounted.

For your local k8s instance:

minikube start --driver=hyperkit --memory 8192 --cpus 4

Toggle resources as you see fit.

For GKE as used in this example, run this from the terraform directory after updating the to associate with your account:

terraform apply

Create a spark namespace:

kubectl apply -f manifests/spark-namespace.yaml

Install the spark operator:

helm repo add spark-operator
helm install my-release spark-operator/spark-operator --namespace spark-operator --set image.tag=v1beta2-1.2.3-3.1.1

Create a cluster role binding:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding ${KUBEUSER}-cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin \

Set the spark operator namespace as default if it is not already:

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=spark-operator

Initialize spark RBAC:

kubectl apply -f manifests/spark-rbac.yaml

Push your base64 encoded key-file to kubernetes as a secret:

kubectl apply -f secrets/key-file-k8s-secret.yaml

Verify that DNS is working properly:

kubectl apply -f
sleep 20
kubectl exec -i -t dnsutils -- nslookup kubernetes.default
kubectl delete -f

If things are working correctly, the result should look something like this:

Address 1:

Name:      kubernetes.default
Address 1:

If not, see these instructions to debug.

If you are using a private repository, patch your cluster to use service account credentials:

kubectl --namespace=spark-operator create secret docker-registry gcr-json-key \
          --docker-server= \
          --docker-username=_json_key \
          --docker-password="$$(cat secrets/key-file)" \

kubectl --namespace=spark-operator patch serviceaccount my-release-spark \
          -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "gcr-json-key"}]}'

Step 1: Build and push your image.

docker build -t pyspark-k8s-boilerplate:latest . --build-arg gcp_project=${PROJECT}
docker tag pyspark-k8s-boilerplate${PROJECT}/pyspark-k8s-boilerplate
docker push${PROJECT}/pyspark-k8s-boilerplate

Note that you might have another root for the container registry.

Step 2: Run desired job via Kubernetes manifest.

For example:

envsubst < manifests/pyspark-k8s-boilerplate-cloud-etl.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

We are using envsubst to inject environment variables into our manifest. Note the structure of the cloud etl yaml file:

apiVersion: ""
kind: SparkApplication
  name: pyspark-k8s-boilerplate-cloud-etl
  namespace: spark-operator
  type: Python
  pythonVersion: "3"
  mode: cluster
  image: "${PROJECT}/pyspark-k8s-boilerplate:latest"
  imagePullPolicy: Always
  mainApplicationFile: local:///opt/spark/work-dir/src/pyspark_k8s_boilerplate/
    - --job
  sparkVersion: "3.1.2"
    type: Never
    - name: "shared-volume"
        path: "/shared"
        type: Directory
    cores: 1
    coreLimit: "1200m"
    memory: "512m"
      version: 3.1.2
    serviceAccount: my-release-spark
      - name: "shared-volume"
        mountPath: "/shared"
      - name: key-file
        path: /secrets
        secretType: generic
    cores: 1
    instances: 1
    memory: "1024m"
      version: 3.1.2
      - name: "shared-volume"
        mountPath: "/shared"
      - name: key-file
        path: /secrets
        secretType: generic

See the spark operator user guide for more details on this. We will note a few critical details here. The image key should correspond to your application's docker image, as follows:

image: "${PROJECT}/pyspark-k8s-boilerplate:latest"

mainApplicationFile corresponds to the absolute path in the docker container to the pyspark application entry point, as follows:

mainApplicationFile: local:///opt/spark/work-dir/src/pyspark_k8s_boilerplate/

arguments corresponds to the arguments passed to the cli entrypoint, the current implementation accepts the job parameter which corresponds to the actual module in the application, and the execute function accepts additional parameters via the --job-args argument. Seee the following from the pyspark-k8s-boilerplate-pi.yaml:

    - --job
    - --job-args
    - partitions=10
    - message=yummy

To view the spark UI for a running job, you can run the following to port forward and access the UI at localhost:4041

kubectl port-forward -n spark-operator $(spark-driver) 4041:4040

Python Development Workflow

You can run tests (pytest with code coverage) in the docker container as follows:

docker run pyspark-k8s-boilerplate make test

You can also run interactive sessions by running a docker container with the secrets directory which contains your keyfile mounted to the container, as follows:

docker run --mount type=bind,source=/abs/path/to/secrets,target=/secrets -it pyspark-k8s-boilerplate bash

Then you can run make commands to build and install the python tarball and wheel. More on this in the Makefile section.

You can also run make analyze in the running container to get code analysis.

On the Makefile

For this project we rely heavily on Make, rather than a variety of shell scripts and functions. Here are the current available make commands which can be run for a variety of steps already discussed, including building the container, pushing, initializing spark, running pyspark tests, etc. You can also view help by running make help from the project root:

The purpose of this Makefile is to abstract common commands for
building and running the pyspark-k8s-boilerplate application.
help:                       show this help
build-image:                build docker image
it-shell: build-image       run interactive shell in docker container
push-image:                 push image to GCR
get-gke-cred:               get GKE credentials (if applicable)
start-k8s-local:            start local k8s via minikube
verify-k8s-dns:             verify that k8s dns is working properly
init-spark-k8s:             inititalize spark on kubernetes environment in your current kubectl context
spark-port-forward:         port forward spark UI to localhost:4041
patch-container-registry:   patch cluster to point to private repository - usually necessary for Minikube
create-activate-venv:       make and activate python virtual environment
build:                      build python tarball and wheel
install:                    install python wheel
clean-install: clean build  clean artifacts and install install python wheel
clean:                      clean artifacts
check_types:                run mypy type checker
lint:                       run flake8 linter
analyze: check_types lint   run full code analysis
test:                       run tests locally
docker-test: build-image    run tests in docker
get_pyspark_shell_conf:     move and modify injected spark operator configs for pyspark shell
run_k8s_pyspark_shell:      run pyspark shell on the kubernetes cluster

BONUS: Bootstrapping Interactive Distributed Pyspark Sessions

At the time of this writing, support of spark-shell on kubernetes is an unresolved issue. Spark shell is critical especially for folks in data science and engineering, many of whom use spark's powerful API as a substitute for SQL.

This project offers two solutions:

The first solution is a simple one. Because the docker container is authenticated like a cloud VM, you can run the container with mounted credentials and run interactive pyspark sessions. We will use the make syntax to demonstrate access. Run the following to access the container's bash shell:

make it-shell

In the shell you have full access to GCP's CLI since you have authenticated, additionally spark has access to object storage (although it would take additional configuration to access any other databases). Now run pyspark to acccess the pyspark shell and you should see the following:

root@73e559b6ec93:/opt/spark/work-dir# pyspark
Python 3.9.6 (default, Jul  3 2021, 17:50:42) 
[GCC 7.5.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/
Setting default log level to "WARN".
To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).
Welcome to
      ____              __
     / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
    _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
   /__ / .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\   version 3.1.2

Using Python version 3.9.6 (default, Jul  3 2021 17:50:42)
Spark context Web UI available at http://73e559b6ec93:4040
Spark context available as 'sc' (master = local[*], app id = local-1631215716325).
SparkSession available as 'spark'.

To test that your local pyspark session is working properly and able to read from storage, test reading the csv:

df ="gs://albell-test/titanic.csv", header=True)

and you should see the following:

|PassengerId|Survived|Pclass|                Name|   Sex| Age|SibSp|Parch|          Ticket|   Fare|Cabin|Embarked|
|          1|       0|     3|Braund, Mr. Owen ...|  male|  22|    1|    0|       A/5 21171|   7.25| null|       S|
|          2|       1|     1|Cumings, Mrs. Joh...|female|  38|    1|    0|        PC 17599|71.2833|  C85|       C|
|          3|       1|     3|Heikkinen, Miss. ...|female|  26|    0|    0|STON/O2. 3101282|  7.925| null|       S|
|          4|       1|     1|Futrelle, Mrs. Ja...|female|  35|    1|    0|          113803|   53.1| C123|       S|
|          5|       0|     3|Allen, Mr. Willia...|  male|  35|    0|    0|          373450|   8.05| null|       S|
|          6|       0|     3|    Moran, Mr. James|  male|null|    0|    0|          330877| 8.4583| null|       Q|
|          7|       0|     1|McCarthy, Mr. Tim...|  male|  54|    0|    0|           17463|51.8625|  E46|       S|
|          8|       0|     3|Palsson, Master. ...|  male|   2|    3|    1|          349909| 21.075| null|       S|
|          9|       1|     3|Johnson, Mrs. Osc...|female|  27|    0|    2|          347742|11.1333| null|       S|
|         10|       1|     2|Nasser, Mrs. Nich...|female|  14|    1|    0|          237736|30.0708| null|       C|

You should also verify that you have write access via df.write.parquet(path)

We also offer a second solution in the event you need a distributed pyspark shell. This solution seems to work but is not completely stable as it is not the intended use for a spark session. In the jobs module, you will find This is a simple function that reads the interactive_time_limit value from conf.yaml (currently set to 24 hours), starts a spark session, and sleeps for 24 hours before ending the session. Here's the full code from that module:

import time

from pyspark_k8s_boilerplate.config import cfg
from pyspark_k8s_boilerplate.utils.log import logger
from pyspark_k8s_boilerplate.utils.pyspark import get_spark_session

def execute(seconds: int = cfg.interactive_time_limit) -> None:
    Spark on k8s doesn't have great support for interactive sessions.
    Run this job to keep the cluster up
    and SSH in to the driver node to run spark-shell/pyspark/etc

    spark = get_spark_session("interactive")"Begin dummy job to persist cluster. State will "
                f"last for {seconds} seconds")

    time.sleep(seconds)"Interactive session out of time.")


if __name__ == "__main__":

You can launch the job via kubectl apply -f manifests/interactive.yaml.

Once the job is running, ssh into the driver node via the following two commands:

kubectl exec pyspark-k8s-boilerplate-interactive-driver -- make get_pyspark_shell_conf
kubectl exec -it pyspark-k8s-boilerplate-interactive-driver -- /opt/ bash pyspark --conf spark.driver.bindAddress=$$(kubectl logs pyspark-k8s-boilerplate-interactive-driver | grep bindAddress | cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -d '-' -f 1 | cut -d 'k' -f 2 | xargs) --properties-file

The first command runs a make command on the driver, which is a wrapper for:

sed '/cluster/d' /opt/spark/conf/ > /opt/spark/work-dir/

This grabs the spark properties, scrubs an irrelevant line for interactive session,and then the second command runs pyspark but reroutes the default configuration to the new spark properties file. Now you will find youself in the pyspark shell, but you should wait a few minutes to test if you are able to read from object storage. If you are not, the only solution we have found is to kill one of the workers, which results in the spark driver rebooting the workers and associating them with your active spark session.

It's not a pretty solution, but it works.