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Health API

Contains scripts for handling data flow


This module uses a number of open source projects to work properly:


This project contains an API that determines the true insurance value of a Patient comparing and selecting information from multiple sources. The project has the following structure:

│   .gitignore  
│   │
│   │   requirements.txt
│   │   ...
│   └───tests
│   │   
│   │   ...
│   └───routing
│   │   
│   │   ...
│   └───core
│       │   
│       │   ...
    │   requirements.txt    
            │   ...

In the folder called "main" contains all the files that uses the "main API", the directory tests, contains the unit tests cases, for test the application, routing the blueprint for the Flask app, the core all the code that we the application is going to use in order to select the "true" insurance value.

The application will call the and endpoint that contains three different APIs located in the directory (insurers_api). Considering that this type of projects can increase of each API can have multiple ways to received or return information, I proposed to use a Factory Method that helps to create and Abstract APIObject that will assist in the process for send a request.

In the directory insurers_api is demo API for testing purposes that accepts requests in three different methods

Each method will return the default values proposed in the document Requirements

API1: {deductible: 1000, stop_loss: 10000, oop_max: 5000}
API2: {deductible: 1200, stop_loss: 13000, oop_max: 6000}
API3: {deductible: 1000, stop_loss: 10000, oop_max: 6000}

The main project will call the three apis and then considering the method on the directory core/algorithms/ the application will determine the true insurance value.

In order to understand how is working and the design of the application please check the following link: Health - Documentation


  1. Open a terminal and clone the repository
  2. Use this command to build. This process will take around 10 minutes, this process will build the two applications
$ sudo make build

Run the project

Considering the previous steps from the Setup section, in the same terminal go to directory called "insurers_api" and run the following command

$ sudo make run

After that go to another terminal find the directory called "main" and run the same command

$ sudo make run

The last terminal will create a container with one endpoint at port 7000 (The main project) and the other one the endpoint with the 3 API's liven in the same endpoint but with the PORT 6000.

In order to check that the application is working is important to run the following command in another terminal (Is possible to use postman to send the same request, please check the section Resource API Endpoints for more details about the APIs)

$ python3

At the end in the terminal the expected value considering the smoke tests will be the following result

{"result": {"deductible": "1000", "oop_max": "5000", "stop_loss": "10000"}, "status": "ok"}

Test the project

Testing the main API

  1. Open a terminal and go the repository
  2. Go to the directory insurers_api and run the following command
$ sudo make run
  1. Again open a new terminal and go to the directory "main" and run the command
$ sudo make test

The application needs to show that all the unit test passed correctly, if not the engineer will need to check his implementation or check if the APIs are changing the way to send the insurers values.

Is important to run the insurers_api, because we part of the unit test cases is evaluate that the method is working and needs to connect to the three methods. If that step is not ready the unit test cases will not pass, and the conclusion is that the providers are down.

Testing the Three API results

  1. Open a terminal and go the repository
  2. Go to the directory insurers_api and run the following command
$ sudo make test

The application needs to show that all the unit test passed correctly, if not the engineer will need to check his implementation or check if the APIs are changing the way to send the insurers values.

Stop process and clean

Use this command to stop.

$ sudo make stop

Use this command to stop and remove all containers.

$ sudo make clean

Use this command to clean all images. (this is usefull for developing new images and test with fresh)

$ sudo make purge

Resource API Endpoints

In the following tables there is a description of each endpoint

Endpoint Name Health API
Description Return the true insurance value for a patient
API URI http://localhost:7000/health_services/get_true_value
Headers { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
URL Params {}
Endpoint Name API 1 Insurance
Description Fetch a proposed insurance value related to the patient
API URI http://localhost:6000/api1
Headers { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
URL Params {}
Endpoint Name API 2 Insurance
Description Fetch a proposed insurance value related to the patient
API URI http://localhost:6000/api2
Headers { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
URL Params {}
Endpoint Name API 3 Insurance
Description Fetch a proposed insurance value related to the patient
API URI http://localhost:6000/api3
Headers { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
URL Params {}

Installing Docker on Windows 10

First, you need to download Ubuntu WSL and of course Docker for Windows

After installing docker, please expose the daemon by checking:

Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375

and then, open Ubuntu WSL terminal, and run the commands below:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
$ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
$ echo "export DOCKER_HOST=localhost:2375" >> ~/.bash_profile
$ sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

and then, add this line using "sudo visudo"

Defaults env_keep += "DOCKER_HOST"

and you may need to run this command once your computer starts

sudo mount --bind /mnt/c /c


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