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Module Dictionary

Rodolfo Goulart edited this page Jan 12, 2024 · 1 revision

The Dictionary Module Schema

On Windows, the database path is

%AppData%\Roaming\com.i53\Aletheia Bible Study

and the file is dbAletheia-dictionary.sqlite

Table Dictionary


on the database the table is named as dictionary

class Dictionary {
  int id;
  String name;
  String? description;
  String? htmlStyle;
Column Type Required Description
id int yes
name String yes the name of the dictionary
description String no some description about the dictionary
html_style String no As the Dictionary suport some tags of HTML, you can add css style here, and will be parsed to the content. Note that not all style is supported by the plataform.

Table Dictionary Word


on the database the table is named as dictionary_word

enum TypeWord {

class DictionaryWord {
  int id;
  int idDictionary;
  String word;
  TypeWord? wordType;
  String description;
  List<Reference>? references;
Column Type Required Description
id int yes
id_dicionary int yes the relationship with table dictionary
word String yes the word that you want to display the means
word_type String no some description about the word, the values can be [people, place, other], this field is stored by the name of the Enum, so store as "people" if the word relate do a person, "place" if the word relate do place or location, "other" for other type.
description String yes the description of the word, this field accept some HTML, so you can use the HTML sintax, but look the html conversion is possible by external plugin, so not all tags and style are supported, please see the Package Flutter HTML
references list of json of Reference no you can store some reference of this word, this need to be stored as JSON format. So see Reference Format to be able to reproduce

External Packages use


Aletheia make use of the external package Flutter HTML, so before add some module, look at the list of Tags and Styles that is supported by the package.

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