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# Perl Package for Customized Annotation Computing (PPCAC)#
# Version: 1.0                                            #
# Author: Christian Roedelsperger                         #
# Email:                       #
#                                                         #
# WARNING:                                                #
# These are custom scripts that I used to reannotate      #
# diplogastrid genomes. My primary goal to make these     #
# scripts available, is to make my results reproducible.  #
# However, the scripts are not well documented and        #
# contain a lot of superfluous code. This may be          #
# simplified in future versions. If you seriously plan    #
# to use or modify this package, I would recommend to     #
# reimplement everything as the basic idea is fairly      #
# simple and most of the code simply deals with different #
# file formats.                                           #
#                                                         #
# This README file provides the basic documentation       #
# to use PPCAC in order to generate evidence-based        #
# gene annotations from transcripts that were assembled   #
# from RNA-seq data and protein homology of a high        #
# quality reference species.                              #
#                                                         #
# Example data files                                      #
#                                                         #
# homology.fa - proteins from a reference species         #
# transcript_assemblies.fa - assembled transcripts        #
# genome.fa - Genome Assembly                             #
#                                                         #

#                                                         #
# 1) call ORFs for assembled transcripts                  #
#                                                         #
# The script takes as input a fasta file     #
# and identifies the longest complete or partial          #
# ORF.                                                    #
#                                                         #

./ transcript_assemblies.fa > test_ORFs.fa

#                                                         #
# 2) Align data to genome using exonerate                 #
#                                                         #

 exonerate -m protein2genome --showtargetgff TRUE --bestn 2 --dnawordlen 20 --maxintron 20000 --showalignment FALSE --showvulgar false -q test_ORFs.fa -t genome.fa > test_ORFs.gff
 exonerate -m protein2genome --showtargetgff TRUE --bestn 2 --dnawordlen 20 --maxintron 20000 --showalignment FALSE --showvulgar false -q homology.fa -t genome.fa > test_homology.gff

#                                                        #
# 3) convert exonerate output to different gff format    #
#                                                        #

./   test_ORFs.gff      > test_ORFs.gff3
./  test_homology.gff  > test_homology.gff3

#                                                        #
# 4) add phase information / regenerate sequences        #
#                                                        #

./   test_ORFs.gff3   genome.fa     > annotated_ORFs_phased.gff3
mv RefSeq_mrnas.fa annotated_ORF_transcripts.fa 
mv proteins.fa     annotated_ORF_proteins.fa 

./   test_homology.gff3 genome.fa  > annotated_homology_phased.gff3 
mv proteins.fa     annotated_homology_proteins.fa
mv RefSeq_mrnas.fa annotated_homology_transcripts.fa 

#                                                        #
# 5) Combine homology and transcribed ORF data           #
#                                                        #

cat  annotated_ORFs_phased.gff3   annotated_homology_phased.gff3  >  test_joint.gff3
cat  annotated_ORF_proteins.fa    annotated_homology_proteins.fa   > test_joint.fa

#                                                        #
# 6) Generate stats files                                #
#                                                        #
# The script takes as input a fasta   #
# sequence reports the length, GC content and length     #
# excluding N characters. In this context, only the      #
# ORF length (second column in the output is relevant )  #
#                                                        #
# The script takes a gff file as      #
# input, generates a locus file (.loc format) and        #
# outputs some stats (number of exons, transcript        #
# length, genomic locus length )                         #
#                                                        #

./  test_joint.fa > test_joint.stats 
./   test_joint.gff3 > test_gene_model_stats.txt  ## creates locus file test_joint.loc

#                                                        #
# 7) Extract longest ORF per locus                       #
#                                                        #
# The script takes        #
# the stats and locus files as input and reports         #
# a list of non redundant gene IDs                       #
#                                                        #

./  test_joint.loc  test_joint.stats   test_gene_model_stats.txt  > good_ids.txt

#                                                       #
# 8) Compile final data files                           #
#                                                       #
# The script uses a list of gene       #
# IDs as input to extract the corresponding annotations #
# from a gff file.                                      #
#                                                       #
# The script extracts selected         #
# sequences from a fasta file. Usually, it extracts     #
# random sequences, but with the -l options, it         #
# will read a list of specified sequence names          #
#                                                       #

./  test_joint.gff3 good_ids.txt    >  non_redundant_annotations_phased.gff3
./   test_joint.fa 0 -l good_ids.txt > non_redundant_proteins.fa

#                                                       #
# 9) Remove temporary files                             #
#                                                       #

rm test* annotated_* good_ids.txt 


Perl Package for Customized Annotation Computing







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