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Repository containing my macOS dotfiles (and much more)

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This project turns a new (or factory reset) MacBook into a fully installed and fully configured development machine.

Up and running within 30 minutes!

It is based on dotbot.

Before you start using it you may want to know what it does.

NB: This project focuses on Java / JavaScript / Python development. But you can easilly tailor it to your needs.

Table of contents



  • internet connection
  • credentials
    • Apple ID (iCloud & App Store)
    • 1Password


  • terminal
    • preferences > profiles
      • choose 'Pro' and make it the default
      • Text > Background: opacity 100%
  • System Settings
    • Bluetooth: Connect wireless mouse and keyboard
    • Trackpad > Scroll & Zoom: Uncheck 'Natural Scrolling'


  1. Fresh macOS install (optional):
    • M1 chip: Use the Erase All Content and Settings wizard from the System Preferences menu bar.
  2. Install Xcode Command Line Utilities (required by git & homebrew):
    xcode-select --install
  3. Install & execute the .dotfiles project:
    git clone ~/.dotfiles
    cd ~/.dotfiles
    This will trigger Dotbot to perform all the steps described in install.conf.yaml.

NB: If this issue #19 still not resolved you may have to place back the 'mas' entries to Brewfile (either manually, or by reverting 0d56700) before installing.

NB: The installation scripts are idempotent so you can run ~/.dotfiles/install as many times as you wish.

Manual steps

  • Setup bookkeeper as a background job
  • System Preferences:
    • BlueTooth: pair keyboard, phone & headphone
    • Keyboard: Use F1, F2, etc. as standard function keys
  • Alfred key bindings:
    app menu hotkey value
    System Preferences Keyboard → Shortcuts → Spotlight Show Spotlight search ^ Space
    System Preferences Keyboard → Shortcuts → Spotlight Show Finder search window ⌥ Space
    Alfred General Alfred Hotkey ⌘ Space
    Alfred Features Clipboard History ⌥ ⌘ C
    Alfred Features Snippets ⌥ ⌘ S
  • Configure the menu bar: menu bar
  • Configure the JetBrains Toolbox: JetBrains Toolbox

NB: All JetBrains applications should be installed from the JetBrains Toolbox. Do not install them with Homebrew / cask.


Before we dive into the details, let's have a look at a diagram:


Each MacBook comes with pre-installed software:

  • in /bin: cat, ls, rm, zsh, ..
  • in /usr/bin: git, grep, less, more, ..
  • in /Applications: Mail, Numbers, Pages, Safari, ..
  • ...

The user can install additional software:

  • with Homebrew (into /opt/homebrew/opt)
  • from the App Store (into /Applications)
  • with npm or pip (omitted in diagram)
  • or otherwise ...

Configuration files are typically stored somewhere in the user's home directory:

  • dotfiles, like ~/.zshrc and ~/.gitignore
  • dotfolders, like ~/.ssh and ~/.config
  • under ~/Library (like ~/Library/Preferences and ~/Library/Application Support)

Installing all this software and restoring (macOS or application) configurations to the settings you are used to, can be a cumbersome task.

Dotbot & bookkeeper

Dotbot is all about automating the installation & configuration of your macOS system. This dotfiles project is based on dotbot and is specifically tailored to my macOS system. But it can be easilly adjusted to your needs.

Dotbot is not about keeping the software on your system up-to-date. It is also not about automatically backing up changes to your system. This is why I have added the 'bookkeeper' to this project.

What does it do?

This dotfiles project does the following:

  1. Installation
  2. Configuration
  3. Backup to GitHub (.dotfiles project) & Dropbox (mackup)
  4. Update


The instructions for Dotbot are defined in install.conf.yaml.

When you run ~/.dotfiles/install the following will be installed (or upgraded):

NB: In zshrc we've configured the Homebrew --no-quarantine flag. This will disable the macOS Gatekeeper, so that an application can be used immediately after installation.

Prefer cask over mas

In Brewfile some GUI macOS applications have the keyword cask and some mas (Mac App Store cli).

  • A cask is downloaded from a Homebrew repository
  • A mas is downloaded from the Mac App Store

Some applications are only available as mas; some only as cask; some as both; and some neither as cask nor mas (these must be downloaded & installed manually).

Only applications that have already been purchased in the App Store can be automatically installed using mas. If you want to install a paid application for the first time, you have to manually pay for it in & install it from the App Store.

I prefer cask over mas, since applications stored in the App Store are tied to one (Apple ID) account, and it is not possible to transfer a purchased app from one account to another. The only drawback of installing as cask is that you will have to upload your license manually after installation.

More info: man brew / brew help bundle / mas help

Command line tools

Some casks are shipped with command line tools. Brew installs (symlinks) them in /opt/homebrew/bin:

$ ls -la /opt/homebrew/bin | grep /Applications/
  bcomp -> /Applications/Beyond*
  code -> /Applications/Visual Studio*
  stree -> /Applications/*

Since this folder is in the $PATH these tools are automatically available.


Configuration files are scattered all over the system.

  • dotfiles & dotfolders under ~
  • stuff under ~/Library/...
  • system preferences (managed using the defaults command)
  • ...

We use two means of backing up config files (no 100% coverage):

tool storage how example
.dotfiles GitHub symlinks ~/Library/Preferences/ -> ~/Dropbox/Apps/Mackup/Library/Preferences/
mackup Dropbox symlinks ~/.zshrc -> ~/.dotfiles/zshrc


Beware that dotfiles and mackup can overlap. Always make sure that dot-files stored in this dotfiles project are excluded from mackup ([applications_to_ignore] section in mackup.cfg).

Not all changes to the system are automatically (via symlinks) reflected in ~/.dotfiles or ~/Dropbox/Apps/Mackup:

  • (un)installing packages with homebrew
  • (un)installing packages with pip
  • (un)installing packages with npm
  • (un)installing Visual Studio Code extensions

That's what bookkeeper is for. Bookkeeper periodically re-generates backup files for installed homebrew, pip & npm packages. And commits them to GitHub.


In addition to generating backup files, bookkeeper also updates all outdated homebrew / npm / pip packages and applications. Installing bookkeeper as a background job will automate this for you.

NB: It is still your own responsibility to upgrade applications that were installed from the App Store (or otherwise bypassed the standard package managers).

Best practices

  • avoid manual installation of tools or apps
    • if you do, consider adding it to the manual steps section
    • use the App Store only if an app is not available as a Homebrew cask
  • extend bookkeeper where possible
    • for stuff that can not be automatically backed up (like brew/npm/pip packages & vscode extensions)
  • use mackup (i.e. Dropbox) to backup configuration files containing sensitive information (passwords, email, etc.)
    • do not store them in this .dotfile project!

Package management (homebrew, node, python)

package manager install uninstall target
homebrew brew brew install <pkg> brew uninstall <pkg> /opt/homebrew/opt
node npm npm install --global <pkg>[@<version>] npm uninstall --global <pkg> ~/.n/bin
python pip pip install <pkg>[==<version>] pip-autoremove <pkg> (*) pip show <pkg>

(*) pip uninstall does not uninstall (unused) dependencies. pip-autoremove does.

Useful pip commands:

pip list
pip show <pkg>
# Show package dependencies:
pip show <pkg> | grep ^Required-by

See the 'HOW TO' below on how to install a specific version of a package (instead of the latest version) with brew, npm and pip.

Version management (java, node, python)

  • Java
    • use homebrew to (un)install JDKs (see below)
    • use jenv to switch versions
  • Node
    • use n to (un)install Node versions
    • use n to switch Node versions
  • Python
    • use pyenv to (un)install python versions
    • use pyenv to switch python versions
  • Terraform
    • use tfenv to (un)install terraform versions
    • use tfenv to switch terraform versions


HOW TO - install a specific package version

search show versions install version
homebrew brew search <pkg> brew search <pkg> brew install <pkg>@<version> (*)
node npm search <pkg> npm show <pkg> versions npm install --global <pkg>@<version> (**)
python poetry search <pkg> (***) pip index versions <pkg> pip install <pkg>==<version> (**)

(*) Homebrew has limited support for installing old versions. It does support multiple versions with a special naming format, but most packages are available only as most recent version. Some packages (like openjdk, postgresql, python, ..) are available in older versions (openjdk@11, openjdk@17, ..).

(**) with npm and pip it's only possible to install one version at a time. If you do npm install --global <pkg>@<2nd_version> or pip install <pkg>==<2nd_version> packages that are already installed will be removed.

(***) pip search is deprecated. You can either use poetry, or search online at (Python Package Index).

HOW TO - replace pre-installed software with a Homebrew package

MacOS comes with a list of pre-installed tools in /usr/bin.

For example less, keytool, more, ssh, zip, etc ...

You don't want to mess around with the tools in /usr/bin.

If you want to be able to manage one of these tools with Homebrew (and always use the latest version) you can install the tool alongside the pre-installed one:

which -a <pkg>
<pkg> --version

brew search <pkg>
brew install <pkg>
brew info <pkg>

# open a new shell
which -a <pkg>
<pkg> --version

As long as /opt/homebrew/bin appears before /usr/bin on the $PATH the brew version will take precedence. On the last line you should see the newest version (installed with brew) instead of the pre-installed version. See this example (nano).

HOW TO - (un)install a JDK

Situation May 2022.

Installing a JDK

Oracle JDK OpenJDK
1 choose jdk version oracle-jdk openjdk and openjdk@<lts> (*)
2 install jdk brew install oracle-jdk brew install openjdk@<version>
3 /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ symlink created automatically create symlink manually (**)
4 add jdk to JAVA_HOME_LOCATIONS update setup_java.zsh update setup_java.zsh
5 add jdk to jenv run setup_java.zsh run setup_java.zsh

(*) Oracle JDK comes in just one version (most recent). For OpenJDK also some recent LTS (long term support) versions can be installed (8, 11, 17).

(**) When you install the Oracle JDK a symlink from /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines to /opt/homebrew/opt is automatically created. When you install openjdk you will have to create the symlink manually. Do brew info openjdk@17 for more information.

Removing a JDK

  • brew uninstall openjdk@17
  • remove JDK from JAVA_HOME_LOCATIONS in
  • remove symlink from ~/.jenv/versions
  • remove symlink from /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines

Command-line Launchers

Some Applications come with a command-line launcher:

command opens
/opt/homebrew/bin/ bcomp . Beyond Compare
/opt/homebrew/bin/ code . Visual Studio Code
/opt/homebrew/bin/ skimpdf help Merge/extract PDF with Skim
/opt/homebrew/bin/ stree . SourceTree
/usr/local/bin/ idea . IntelliJ IDEA

Launching a Web App from the Dock

  1. Create a *.zsh script to open the web page. For example ~/.dotfiles/bin/asciiflow.zsh:
    #!/usr/bin/env zsh
  2. chmod 755 asciiflow.zsh
  3. Create an Automator application that Runs Shell Script
  4. Save the application to ~/.dotfiles/bin/apps/
  5. Add the app to setup_dock.zsh



Repository containing my macOS dotfiles (and much more)






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