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Node REST api

Ready to be deployed to Heroku.

node modules: express // handling GET PUT POST DELETE mongoose // mongoDB connection body-parser // converting from and to JSON compression // GZIP JSON responses winston // logging moment // date time utilities swagger-node-express // documentation

devDependencies: chai // assertions grunt // javascript task runner grunt-cli // grunt command line interface grunt-contrib-jshint // javascript code quality grunt-contrib-watch // trigger tasks on code change grunt-express-server // start express server from grunt grunt-mocha-istanbul // code coverage reporting based on mocha tests grunt-open // ability to open browser tab using task grunt-parallel // run multiple grunt tasks in parallel grunt-simple-mocha // run mocha tests using grunt task grunt-wait // adding a delay to make sure server is running before opening a browser window load-grunt-tasks // auto discovery of grunt tasks to load from package.json mocha // running tests supertest // setting up headless browser for testing purposes

run this app by using its default Grunt task: grunt

if grunt is not recognized: npm install -g grunt-cli

Testing done with chai mocha supertest

Reporting Coverage istanbul


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