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Quisitive is a full-stack web application modeled on Quora. It relies on Ruby on Rails for the backend with a PostgreSQL database, and React.js with Flux for the frontend.

Features & Implementation

One page to rule them all

Quisitive is a single-page app, meaning that all the content is loaded on one static page. Thanks to React-Router, though, the url changes to reflect which components are currently being rendered. The root listens to a SessionStore and renders content based on a call to the store's #currentUser() method. Users' private information is kept safe and sound out of the frontend of the app by making an API call to SessionsController#show.

class Api::SessionsController < ApplicationController
    def show
      if current_user
        @user = current_user
        render "api/users/show"
        render json: errors.full_messages

Question Asking, Showing and Editing

In the database, questions are stored in a table containing columns for id, author_id, body, created_at and updated_at. Once someone logs in, they are brought to a main questions index feed where every question is loaded by the database and displayed alongside its author.

Questions are rendered in three components throughout the app: QuestionsIndex, which renders the aforementioned index view, QuestionShow, which renders the individual question show pages that display questions' answers and tagged topics, and TopicShow, which renders all the questions tagged with a particular topic as a subcomponent. In all three of these components, the full question body is visible, but questions can only be edited in the QuestionShow component.

Question asking and searching are handled by the QuestionSearchForm component, which is rendered by the HeaderNav component. The QuestionSearchForm is a real workhorse. While users are typing in a question, textually similar questions are searched for and displayed in a dropdown. If a user sees a question they are interested in or that asks the question they were interested in, they can click it to go see the show page for that question.

Quisitive's UI was designed to imitate Quora's to keep things simple and clean:

![questions-index] [questions-index]: ./docs/IndexScreenshot.png


Answers are stored in the database with a relationship to the question it answers. The Answers table is identical to the Questions table except for an additional column question_id which is used to connect the answer to its question.

Answers are always rendered in relation to a question so the only component that is responsible for rendering answers is the QuestionShow component, which renders all its associated answers as child components. This child component, AnswerIndex is responsible for creating new answers and rendering its subcomponents, AnswerIndexItems, which in turn are responsible for handling answer editing and deletion, as well as answer comments.


Comments are represented in the database in a similar fashion to answers, but with a twist: the comments table has the standard id, author_id, and body columns, but also has commentable_id and commentable_type columns that allow comments to be associated with both questions AND answers. This then enables the app to create a comment for a question or answer using the same API POST Request:

Comment POST Request in frontend/util/commentApiUtil:

createComment: function(comment){
  var lowerType = comment.commentableType.slice(0,1).toLowerCase()+comment.commentableType.slice(1);
  var commentData = {
    body: comment.body,
    commentable_type: comment.commentableType,
    commentable_id: comment.commentableId
    url: "api/" + lowerType + "s/" + comment.commentableId + "/comments",
    type: "POST",
    data: {comment: commentData},
    success: function(comment){

comments are maintained on the frontend in the CommentStore and are rendered as children three components: QuestionsIndex, QuestionShow, and AnswerIndexItem.

![comments-screenshot] [comments-screenshot]: ./docs/Comments.png


Topics are represented in the database through both topics table and a join table called topic_taggings. The topics table has columns for id, the topic's name and it's author's author_id. The topic_taggings join table contains three columns: id, topic_id, and question_id.

Topics are maintained on the frontend in the TopicStore and are rendered in three different components: TopicIndex, a sidebar component that is rendered alongside the QuestionsIndex, TopicShow, which renders an individual topic with all its associated questions as well as the TopicIndex, and QuestionTopics, which displays all the topics tagged to a given question. This last component is also responsible for adding, editing and removing topic-question associations.

![question-topics-screenshot] [question-topics-screenshot]: ./docs/QuestionTopics.png


Follows are essentially a connection between users and topics, and as such are stored in a follows table that stores the follower_id, followable_id and followable_type. Like comments, follows are polymorphic, meaning that the table can support users following both topics and questions. In the future I plan on implementing question follows, but for now, users can only follow topics.

On the frontend, follows are stored in the followStore and follows are rendered as a follow/unfollow toggle button in the TopicIndex, FollowedTopicsIndex and TopicShow components.

Future Goals

In addition to the features already implemented, I plan to continue work on this project. The next steps for Quisitive are outlined below.

Question and Answer upvoting and downvoting

This is another nice feature that I would like to implement since it adds a metric to rate and sort content. I plan on implementing this by adding another table with a polymorphic association. This table will be called votable and will join users to either the question or answer they are upvoting or downvoting. This will also require adding votes columns to both the questions and answers tables


A copy of Quora built with Rails and React






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