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This is a game of Tic-Tac-toe

You will be able to do the following:

  1. Create a login
  2. Play a game of Tic-tac-toe
  3. Be able to see the past games you played (and possibly continue playing)
  4. Be able to sign out

Pin your repository on GitHub as a Popular Repository - check

Complete the repository Description field and Website field with a meaningful sentence description of the application and link to the live URL github image - check

List technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery - check

Document your planning and tell a story about your development process and problem-solving strategy.

  1. wireframes
  2. user stories
  3. complete the Authorization steps
  4. complete the Games steps
  5. complete the Game logic
  6. figure out how to update/patch to api
  7. figure out how to hide/show things
  8. figure out how to make boxes clickable/non-clickable

List unsolved problems which would be fixed in future iterations.

  1. unable to view old games from Get all Games List
  2. unable to do multiplayer
  3. unable to login via fb or google

Link to wireframes and user stories.


User Stories: 4-8 user stories for your game project (using the As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason >. format from the readings). As a player, I want to keep track of my games using my login As a player, I want to choose a username to protect my email address and/or phone number As a player, I want to be able to play as many games as I want As a player, I want to tally the # of wins I have vs others

Technical Specifications Use a custom game engine written by you. - check Be a single-page application, no browser refresh. - check Render a game board in the browser. - check Switch turns between X and O (or whichever markers you select). Tip: Assume player X is the first player to start the game. - check Visually display which side won if a player gets three in a row or show a draw if neither wins. - check Support playing multiple games, one at a time. - not sure Use jQuery for DOM manipulation and event handling. - check Use AJAX for interacting with a provided API. - check API Specifications Create new games on the server. (CREATE) - check Update a game by storing new moves. (UPDATE) - check Visually display the results of retrieving game statistics, such as total games won by a user. (READ) - check Give feedback to the user after each action. - check Auth Specifications Signup with email, password, and password confirmation. - check Login with email and password. - check Logout when logged in. - check Change password with current and new password. - check Signup and Signin must only be available to not signed in users. - check Logout and Change password must only be available to signed in users. - check Give feedback to the user after each action's success or failure. - check All forms must clear after submit success or failure - check DO NOT!! Your app must not:

Delete your repository at any time or start over. - check Rely on refreshing the page for any functionality. - check Have any user-facing bugs. - check Display non-functional buttons, nor buttons that do not successfully complete a task. - check Show actions at inappropriate times (example: sign out button when not signed in). - check Forms not clearing at appropriate times (example: sign up form not clearing after success). - check Allow the same game to be played after a player has won or tied.-check Allow players to move in the same square more than once. -check Change players when an invalid move is made. Use alerts for anything. - check Display errors or warnings in the console. - check Display debugging messages in the console. - check


General Assembly Web Development Immersive project - Tic Tac Toe game - Roger Dunn







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