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Firedroide edited this page Jun 16, 2013 · 5 revisions


  1. Introduction
  2. TeamspeakEvents
  1. TeamspeakMessages
  1. TeamspeakCommandMessages
  1. MinecraftEvents
  1. MinecraftCommandMessages



These values are stored in your locale.yml and control how the messages sent by BukkitSpeak are formatted.


Client: Someone being on the TeamSpeak server with a regular TS client.

User: A player on the Minecraft server or even the console.

Key-value pair: You can have certain keys in your messages, which are formatted like %key%. BukkitSpeak will replace those keys with the value they're assigned to. E.g. %player_name% in messages in the MinecraftCommandMessages section will be replaced with the name of the player who entered the command.


Almost any message sent by or with BukkitSpeak (this includes messages sent with /ts chat, pm, etc.) can have colors in it. But because the § character is blocked in Minecraft and not available in YAML, you'll have to use either & or $ in your messages.

TeamSpeak doesn't support all the text markup features Minecraft does, though.

Color code Result Supported on TeamSpeak
&0 - &f Colors (see the Minecraft Wiki) Yes
&k Magic text No
&l Bold Yes
&m Strikethrough No
&n Underline Yes
&o Italic Yes
&r Reset Yes
Disabling messages

If you want to disable certain messages, you can simply set them to an empty string ('').
You can also disable whole parts of the plugin in the config file.

Default values

To have a locale node reset to its default value, just remove it (delete the whole line from the file).


These messages are broadcasted on the Minecraft server when something happens on the TeamSpeak server.

Only users who have the listed permission set can receive this message.

Key-value pairs
Key Value Example
%client_nickname% The nickname of the client TeamSpeakUser
%clid% The client's ID 127
%client_country% 2-character country code DE


Triggered when:

  • A client joins the TeamSpeak server.

Required permission:

Sent to:
Everyone on the Minecraft server

Requires teamspeak.ListenToServerEvents to be set to true in the config.


Triggered when:

  • A client leaves the TeamSpeak server.

Required permission:

Sent to:
Everyone on the Minecraft server

Requires teamspeak.ListenToServerEvents to be set to true in the config.


Triggered when:

  • A client joins the channel BukkitSpeak is listening to.

Required permission:

Sent to:
Everyone on the Minecraft server

Requires teamspeak.ListenToChannel to be set to true in the config.


Triggered when:

  • A client joins the channel BukkitSpeak is listening to.

Required permission:

Sent to:
Everyone on the Minecraft server

Requires teamspeak.ListenToChannel to be set to true in the config.


Triggered when:

  • A client on TeamSpeak broadcasts a message (in the leftmost tab).

Required permission:

Sent to:
Everyone on the Minecraft server

Requires teamspeak.ListenToServerBroadcasts to be set to true in the config.


Triggered when:

  • A client chats in the channel BukkitSpeak is listening to.

Required permission:

Sent to:
Everyone on the Minecraft server

Requires teamspeak.ListenToChannelChat to be set to true in the config.


Triggered when:

  • A client responds to a private message sent by someone from the Minecraft server.

Required permission:

Sent to:
The player who last PM'd the client on TeamSpeak

Requires teamspeak.ListenToPrivateMessages to be set to true in the config.


This controls how the messages sent from the Minecraft server to the Teamspeak server look for the clients.

This section only contains messages that are sent by someone on the Minecraft server running a BukkitSpeak command.

Key-value pairs
Key Value
%player_name% The raw name of the user on the Minecraft server.
%player_displayname% The display name of the user. Might contain colors, be a nickname, etc. This really depends on your chat plugin though.
%target% The nickname of the client on TeamSpeak.
Only included in PrivateMessage, PokeMessage, KickMessage, ChannelKickMessage and BanMessage.
%msg% The message.


Triggered when:

  • Someone uses the Broadcast command.
  • Someone chats while SendChatToTeamspeak is set to server.

Sent to:
Everyone on the TeamSpeak server


Triggered when:

  • Someone uses the Chat command.
  • Someone chats while SendChatToTeamspeak is set to channel.

Sent to:
Everyone in the channel BukkitSpeak is listening to


Triggered when:

  • Someone uses the PM command to contact someone on TeamSpeak.
  • Someone uses the Reply command.

Sent to:
The client who receives the message


Triggered when:

  • Someone uses the Poke command.

Sent to:
The client who receives the poke message


Triggered when:

  • Someone uses the Kick command to kick someone off the TeamSpeak server.

Sent to:
The client who's been kicked


Triggered when:

  • Someone uses the Channel Kick command to kick someone off the channel.

Sent to:
The client who's been kicked from the channel


Triggered when:

  • Someone uses the Ban command to ban someone.

Sent to:
The client who's been banned from the channel


These messages are sent to a client who entered a TS command which is blacklisted or owned by a plugin that's not on the whitelist.

The default messages resemble Bukkit's default Unknown command messages.

Key-value pairs
Key Value
%command_name% The name of the command.
%command_description% The description of the command. Might be empty.
%command_plugin% The name of the plugin that owns the command.

This also supports the same key-value pairs as in TeamspeakEvents.


Triggered when:

  • The owning plugin of a command is not on the whitelist.

Sent to:
The client who sent the command


Triggered when:

  • The name of the command is on the blacklist.

Sent to:
The client who sent the command


This is a special message, it determines the name of the TemaspeakCommandSender when a command is sent from Teamspeak and executed on the Minecraft server.

It is only used by a few commands, for example the vanilla /me command.

You should also note that this value only accepts the key-value pairs from TeamspeakEvents and that it should always end with &f or &r so it doesn't change the colors of the message.


These messages are sent when a user on the Minecraft server chats, leaves, is kicked, etc.

They are only sent to the TeamSpeak server if SendChatToTeamspeak is set to either server or channel in the config file.
If it's set to server, these messages will be broadcasted on the TeamSpeak server.
If it's just set to channel, the message will only be sent to BukkitSpeak's channel.

Furthermore the user requires a certain permission to cause these messages.
These permissions are true by default though, so you will have to revoke them to stop a user from causing these messages.

Key-value pairs

These are essentially the same as those in TeamspeakMessages.


Triggered when:

  • Someone sends a chat message in Minecraft.

Required permission:


Triggered when:

  • Someone joins the Minecraft server.

Required permission:


Triggered when:

  • Someone leaves the Minecraft server.

Required permission:


Triggered when:

  • Someone is kicked out off the Minecraft server.

Required permission:


Triggered when:

  • Someone is banned from the Minecraft server.

Required permission:


These messages are sent in Minecraft when someone runs a BukkitSpeak command.

Key Value Included in...
%player_name% The raw name of the user on the Minecraft server. All messages
%player_displayname% The display name of the user. Might contain colors, be a nickname, etc. This really depends on your chat plugin though. All messages
%target% The nickname of the client on TeamSpeak. Pm, Poke, Kick, ChannelKick, Ban
%list% A list of Teamspeak client names. OnlineList, ChannelList
%msg% A message. Broadcast, Chat, Pm, Poke, Kick, ChannelKick, Ban


Minecraft command: /ts list (server)

Sent to:
The player who sent the command


Minecraft command: /ts list channel

Sent to:
The player who sent the command


Minecraft command: /ts mute

Sent to:
The (unmuted) player who sent the command


Minecraft command: /ts mute

Sent to:
The (muted) player who sent the command


Minecraft command: /tsa set channel <channel>

Sent to:
Everyone on the Minecraft server


Minecraft command: /ts broadcast <message>

Sent to:
Everyone on the Minecraft server


Minecraft command: /ts chat <message>

Sent to:
Everyone on the Minecraft server


Minecraft command: /ts pm <client> <message>

Sent to:
The player who sent the command


Minecraft command: /ts poke <client> <message>

Sent to:
The player who sent the command


Minecraft command: /tsa kick <client> <reason>

Sent to:
Everyone on the Minecraft server


Minecraft command: /tsa channelkick <client> <reason>

Sent to:
Everyone on the Minecraft server


Minecraft command: /tsa ban <client> <reason>

Sent to:
Everyone on the Minecraft server

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