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Your Out-of-Distribution Detection Method is Not Robust!

This repository contains the code for the paper "Your Out-of-Distribution Detection Method is Not Robust!". Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection has recently gained substantial attention due to the importance of identifying out-of-domain samples in reliability and safety. Although OOD detection methods have advanced by a great deal, they are still susceptible to adversarial examples. To mitigate this issue, we propose the Adversarially Trained Discriminator (ATD), which utilizes a pre-trained robust model to extract robust features, and a generator model to create OOD samples. This method could significantly outperform previous methods.


ATD architecture

Experimental Results


It is tested under Ubuntu Linux 20.04.3 LTS and Python 3.8.10 environment, and requires some packages to be installed:

Downloading In-distribution Datasets

  • CIFAR: Included in TorchVision.
  • TinyImageNet: Download and extract to data/tiny-imagenet-200 folder.

Downloading Auxiliary OOD Datasets

  • SVHN: Included in TorchVision.
  • Food101 : Download and extract to data/food-101 folder.

Downloading Out-of-distribution Test Datasets

links and instructions to download each dataset are provided below:

  • MNIST: Included in PyTorch.
  • TinyImageNet: Download and extract to data/tiny-imagenet-200 folder.
  • Places365: Download and extract to data/val_256. These two files (places365_val.txt, categories_places365.txt) should also be downloaded and put in the data folder.
  • LSUN: Download and extract to data/LSUN_resize.
  • iSUN: Download and extract to data/iSUN.
  • Birds: Download and extract to data/images.
  • Flowers: Download and extract to data/flowers. You should add another folder in this directory and move at least one image to it to avoid TorchVision error.
  • COIL-100: Download and extract to data/coil.

For example, run the following commands in the root directory to download LSUN:

cd data
tar -xvzf LSUN_resize.tar.gz

Downloading Pre-Trained Models

We provide pre-trained ATD models on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and TinyImageNet as the in-distribution datasets, which can be downloaded from Google Drive. To test the checkpoint for TinyImageNet, you should also download from the above Google Drive folder to the models folder.

Overview of the Code

Training Option and Description

The options for the training and evaluation code is as follows:

  • run_name: This is used in checkpoint name.
  • model_type: {pix: Feature extractor not used. fea: Feature extractor is added to the model. }
  • training_type: {clean: Standard training. adv: Adversarial training. }
  • in_dataset:{cifar10, cifar100, TI}. CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and TinyImageNet are considered as in-distribution datasets.
  • alpha: α coefficient in the equation 9.
  • batch_size: Batch size.
  • num_epochs: Number of training epochs.
  • eps: Attack perturbation budget.
  • attack_iters: Number of iterations in PGD attack.
  • seed: Seed used to make code behaviour deterministic.
  • out_datasets: OOD Datasets used for evaluation.

ATD Training

python  --run_name cifar10 --model_type "fea" --training_type "adv" --in_dataset cifar10 --alpha 0.5 --batch_size 128 --num_epochs 20 --eps 0.0313 --attack_iters 10 

ATD Evaluation

python  --run_name cifar10 --model_type "fea" --in_dataset cifar10 --batch_size 128 --eps 0.0313 --attack_iters 100 --out_datasets 'mnist' 'tiny_imagenet' 'LSUN'


Part of this code is inspired by OpenGAN, ATOM, RobustBench, RobustOverfitting, and HAT.


Please cite our work if you use the codebase:

title={Your Out-of-Distribution Detection Method is Not Robust!},
author={Mohammad Azizmalayeri and Arshia Soltani Moakar and Arman Zarei and Reihaneh Zohrabi and Mohammad Taghi Manzuri and Mohammad Hossein Rohban},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
editor={Alice H. Oh and Alekh Agarwal and Danielle Belgrave and Kyunghyun Cho},


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