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Classes and Objects

Rohit edited this page Jan 22, 2017 · 13 revisions

Here we will learn how functions can create and encapsulate data structures.


A class in scala can be defined with its constructor as below:

class Foo(x: Int, y: Int) {
   def numer = x
   def denom = y

This definition has 2 entities:

  1. A "type" named Foo
  2. A Constructor to create elements of this type.

Scala keeps types and values in different namespaces, so there is no conflict between the definitions of Foo.


Objects are elements of a class type, created by using the new keyword.

val foo = new Foo(1,2)


Functions can be packaged in the class:

class Foo(x: Int, y: Int) {
   def numer = x
   def denom = y

   def multiplyBy(that: Foo) {
       new Foo( numer * that.numer, denom * that.denom )

// call
val foo1 = new Foo(1,2)
val foo2 = new Foo(5,6)

Some pointers

  • String Representation: Overwrite the toString() method of a class to provide a custom string representation of a class, just like in JAVA.
  • Access Specifiers: Variables and function definitions in a class that are only for use inside the class can be marked with the private access specifier like in JAVA.
  • this: The this keyword can be used inside a class to refer to current object.

require and assert

The require keyword be used to define requirements of a particular class. It takes in a condition and an optional message.


class Foo(x: Int) {
   require( x! = 0, "Integer must be non-zero")

   def numer = x

   def divideBy(that: Foo) {
       new Foo( this.numer / that.numer)

So if we call:

val foo1 = new Foo(4)
val foo2 = new Foo(0)
foo1.divideBy(foo2)  // Fails with "IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Integer must be non-zero"

Similarly assert also takes in a condition and an optional message.

val x = sqrt(y)
assert(x >= 0)

// Fails with AssertionError instead of IllegalArgumentException

The difference between require and assert is the "intent" of use.

  • require is used to enforce a precondition on the caller of a function
  • assert is used to check the code of a function


Classes are defined with an implicit constructor which is the primary constructor. Additional constructors can be defined by using the this keyword.

class Foo(x: Int, y: Int) {
   def numer = x
   def denom = y

   // additional constructor which uses the primary constructor
   def this(x: Int) = {
      this(x, 1)

   def multiplyBy(that: Foo) {
       new Foo( numer * that.numer, denom * that.denom )

Implicit class variables

In the above examples, instead of taking constructor params, and assigning them to class variables/constants, we can do the below directly:

class Foo(var numer: Int, val denom: Int) {


Here numer is a variable and denom is a constant. No getters/setters needed.

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