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Higher Order Functions

Rohit edited this page Dec 19, 2016 · 1 revision

Higher Order Functions

Functions that take other functions as parameters, or functions that return other functions are called Higher order functions. This is unlike First order functions which act on or return datatypes, like Int, String, Lists, etc but not other functions.

Function Type

The type X => Y is a type that takes an argument of type X and returns result of type Y i.e. maps X to Y.


Consider 3 functions which takes the integers between 2 given numbers, returns their sum, sum of cubes, sum of factorials:

def sumInts(a: Int, b: Int): Int       = if (a > b) 0 else a + sumInts(a + 1, b)
def sumCubes(a: Int, b: Int): Int      = if (a > b) 0 else cube(a) + sumCubes(a + 1, b)
def sumFactorials(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if (a > b) 0 else fact(a) + sumFactorials(a + 1, b)

// where
def cube(a: Int): Int = a * a * a
def fact(a: Int): Int = if (a == 0 || a == 1) 1 else a * fact(a-1)

This can be written using a higher-order-function as below

def sum(f: Int => Int, a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
    if (a > b) 0
    else f(a) + sum(f, a + 1, b)

def sumInts(a: Int, b: Int)       = sum(id, a, b)
def sumCubes(a: Int, b: Int)      = sum(cube, a, b)
def sumFactorials(a: Int, b: Int) = sum(fact, a, b)

// where
def id(a: Int): Int   = a
def cube(a: Int): Int = a * a * a
def fact(a: Int): Int = if (a == 0 || a == 1) 1 else a * fact(a-1)

Annonymous Functions

As seen above, passing functions as parameters leads to creation of many small functions which can become tedious.

Note that Strings are literals. Strings don't need to be defined using def str = "Hello!"; println(str). Instead we can directly use them as literals println("Hello!"). We want to be able to do the same to functions and hence Anonymous Functions. These can be done by writing

def foo(x: Int, y: Int) = { body }


(x: Int, y: Int) => { body }

An anonymous function (x1 : T1, ..., xn : Tn) => E can always be expressed using def as def f(x1 : T1, ..., xn : Tn) = E; f

Note: Anonymous functions are syntactic sugar, do not add anything else to the programming language.

So using the Anonymous functions, the above example can be written as:

def sum(f: Int => Int, a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
    if (a > b) 0
    else f(a) + sum(f, a + 1, b)

def sumInts(a: Int, b: Int)       = sum(a => a, a, b)
def sumCubes(a: Int, b: Int)      = sum(a => a * a * a, a, b)
def sumFactorials(a: Int, b: Int) = sum(a => if (a == 0 || a == 1) 1 else a * fact(a-1), a, b)


In the above representation of the 3 sum functions using Anonymous functions, we see that a and b still pass around unchanged. This can be resolved by returning a function from the sum function:

def sum(f: Int => Int): (Int, Int) => Int = {
    def sumF(a: Int, b: Int): Int =
        if (a > b) 0
        else f(a) + sumF(a + 1, b)

def sumInts(a: Int, b: Int)       = sum(a => a)
def sumCubes(a: Int, b: Int)      = sum(a => a * a * a)
def sumFactorials(a: Int, b: Int) = sum(a => if (a == 0 || a == 1) 1 else a * fact(a-1))

// This is called using:
sumCubes(1, 10)
sumFactorials(10, 20)

Multiple Parameter Lists:

In the above format, to avoid middlemenlike sumInts, sumCubes, etc, i.e. for ease of calling them, we can write define the function using multiple parameter lists to make it more readable:

def sum(f: Int => Int)(a: Int, b: Int): Int =
    if (a > b) 0 else f(a) + sum(f)(a + 1, b)

// This can be called using:
sum(cubes)(1, 10)
  • sum(cube) applies sum to cube and returns the sum of cubes function.
  • sum(cube) is therefore equivalent to sumCubes
  • This function is next applied to the arguments (1, 10). The function association applies from left to right:
sum(cube)(1, 10) == (sum (cube)) (1, 10)

In general, a definition of a function with multiple parameter lists

def f(arg1)...(argn) = E

where n > 1, is equivalent to

def f(arg1)...(argn−1) = {def g(argn) = E; g}

where g is a fresh identifier. Or for short using anonymous function on rhs:

def f(arg1)...(argsn−1) = (argn => E)

... repeating n times ...

def f = (args1  (args2  ...(argsn  E)...))


def sum(f: Int => Int)(a: Int, b: Int): Int = ...
// what is the 'type' of sum?

// Answer:
// sum is a function which accepts an function which maps from Int to Int i.e (Int => Int) and returns a function which takes in 2 Ints i.e (Int, Int), which in turn returns an Int.
(Int => Int) => (Int, Int) => Int

Another example:

Write a product function which returns the product of the: integers between the given numbers or some function(integers) between the given numbers. Then write a factorial function using that.

def product(f: Int => Int)(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
    if (a > b) 1
    else f(a) * product(f)(a+1, b)
// call
product(x => x * 3)(3, 4) 

def factorial(a: Int): Int = product(x => x)(1, a)

The product and the sum function can be generalized using another function, lets call it mapReduce as below:

mapReduce(f: Int => Int, combine: (Int, Int) => Int, zero: Int)(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
    if (a > b) zero // 1 in case of product, 0 in case of sum
    else combine(f(a), mapReduce(a+1, combine, zero)(a+1, b))

def product(f: Int => Int)(a: Int, b: Int): Int = mapReduce(f, (a, b) => a * b, 1)(a, b)
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