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Technical Pre_requisites for backend:

  1. PostgreSQL 16
  2. PgAdmin for PostgreSQL GUI
  3. Node : v16.20.2
  4. npm : 8.19.4

Database Setup:

  1. Assuming that postgreSQL 16 and PgAdmin is installed on you PC, open the pgAdmin GUI
  2. In pgAdmin server, create a Database with name: tranquilityDatabase
  3. Right click on the tranquilityDatabase DB in PgAdmin, and choose queryTool
  4. In queryTool paste the SQL query present in file: tablesMigration.sql and click on Execute/Refresh option.
  5. tranquilityDatabase is now created and setup with the required tables
  6. Double check with database properties mentioned below and make necessary changes accordingly in tranquility-backend-v1/index.js
    host: 'localhost', database: 'tranquilityDatabase', user: 'tranquilityAdmin', password: 'tranquilityAdmin', port: 5433
  7. You are good to start the application now.(Check below steps)
  8. Insert/create few user before you proceed with any other tasks. Refer Postman collection Create User and create users with different email addresses.

To Start the app:

  1. Install dependencies : npm i (Skip this step if already installed)
  2. npm start
Application by default starts on port: 3000


  • GET /users This route fetches all the existing users

  • POST /users This route used to create a user

    Note: field email is UNIQUE and hence duplicates are not allowed. Use different email value for every new request

    Refer: Postman Collection's Create User /users

  • POST /questionnaire This route is used to set the questionnaire for exisiting users

    Refer: Postman Collection's Questionnaire /questionnaire

  • POST /userinteractionfeedback This route is used to set the user interaction feedback for the media files

    Refer: Postman Collection's Media Feedback /userinteractionfeedback


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