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Rohit Tuli edited this page Nov 28, 2021 · 3 revisions

About Procto

Procto is an online proctoring tool that Professors can use to create exams that are Proctored using AI. They can also view the status of each student taking the exam in Real-Time. It is fast, easy to use, and incredibly convenient with a minimalistic UI! To create an exam, just register and log in to your account, click on the Create Exam button and enter details like Exam Name, Google Form Link, Start Date and Time and duration. Procto generates a unique exam code that you can distribute among the students. The students start the exam by logging in and entering the exam code while the exam is running. While they are taking the exam they are proctored using an AI-based system. By entering the exam code, the professor can see the status of all the students in real-time.

Tech Stack

Frontend- React.js, Redux, Material-UI, Materialise.css Backend- Node.js, Express.js, Passport.js, JWT Database- MongoDB Atlas, Mongoose Deep Learning Model- Tensorflow Implementation of CocoSSD Object Detection Model

Video Demo

Video Link

About The Author

Hello! I am Rohit Tuli, Final Year BTech CSE student at IIT Ropar. I am very passionate about software development and problem-solving. Previously I have interned at Flipkart and National University of Singapore. Currently, I am working on a year-long Research Project in collaboration with Microsoft India. I was also a National Finalist (Top 3) in Flipkart Grid Challenge 2.0, and 2nd Position in Global Cyber Challenge, an international hackathon conducted by Government of India. I love problem-solving and actively participate in many Competitive Programming Contests. I have also represented my college in ACM ICPC Regionals.

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