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Associativity I

Rohit edited this page Jan 26, 2017 · 3 revisions

We have already seen the definition of Associativity in the previous lecture..

The consequence was:

  1. Two expressions with same list of operands connected with ⊗, but different parentheses evaluate to the same result (here)
  2. Reduce on any tree with this list of operands gives the same result (here)


Operation f: (A, A) => A is commutative iff for every x, y: f(x, y) = f(y, x)

  • There are operations that are associative but not commutative
  • There are operations that are commutative but not associative

For correctness of reduce, we need (just) associativity.

Examples of operations that are both associative and commutative

  • addition and multiplication of mathematical integers (BigInt) and of exact rational numbers (given as, e.g., pairs of BigInts)
  • addition and multiplication modulo a positive integer (e.g. 2^32), including the usual arithmetic on 32-bit Int or 64-bit Long values
  • union, intersection, and symmetric difference of sets
  • union of bags (multisets) that preserves duplicate elements
  • boolean operations &&, ||, exclusive or
  • addition and multiplication of polynomials
  • addition of vectors
  • addition of matrices of fixed dimension

using sum: array norm

Previously we have seen the p-norm. So if we want to compute the p-norm of an array, which combination of operations (like map, fold, reduce that we have seen) does sum of powers correspond to?

Answer: do a map followed by a reduce.

redce(map(a, power(abs(_), p)), _ + __

Here + is the associateive peration of reduce. map can be combined with reduce directly as above to avoid intermediate collections that would be created if we just do a map and thus avoid unnecessary allocations.

Examples of operations that are associative but not commutative

  • concatenation (append) of lists: (x ++ y) ++ z == x ++ (y ++ z)
  • concatenation of Strings (which can be viewed as lists of Char)
  • matrix multiplication AB for matrices A and B of compatible dimensions
  • composition of relations r ⊙ s = {(a, c) | ∃b.(a, b) ∈ r ∧ (b, c) ∈ s}
  • composition of functions (f ◦ g)(x) = f(g(x))

Because they are associative, reduce still gives the same result

Examples of operations are commutative but not associative

This function is commutative but not associative: f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2

Indeed in this case, f(x, y) = x(y, x), But:

f(f(x, y), z) = (x^2 + y^2)^2 + z^2
f(x, f(y, z)) = x^2 + (y^2 + z^2)^2

These are polynomials of different growth rates with respect to different variables and are easily seen to be different for many x, y, z.

Proving commutativity alone does not prove associativity and does not guarantee that the result of reduce is the same as e.g. reduceLeft and reduceRight.

Associativity is not preserved by mapping

In general, if f(x, y) is commutative and h1(z), h2(z) are arbitrary functions, then any function defined by g(x, y) = h2(f(h1(x), h1(y))) is equal to h2(f(h1(y), h2(x))) = g(y, x), so it is commutative, but it often loses associativity even if f was associative to start with.

Previous example was an instance of this for h1(x) = h2(x) = x^2.

NOTE: When combining and optimizing reduce and map invocations, we need to be careful that operations given to reduce remain associative.

Floating point addition is commutative but not associative

scala> val e = 1e-200
e: Double = 1.0E-200
scala> val x = 1e200
x: Double = 1.0E200
scala> val mx = -x
mx: Double = -1.0E200

scala> (x + mx) + e
res2: Double = 1.0E-200
scala> x + (mx + e)
res3: Double = 0.0
scala> (x + mx) + e == x + (mx + e)
res4: Boolean = false

Floating point multiplication is commutative but not associative

scala> val e = 1e-200
e: Double = 1.0E-200

scala> val x = 1e200
x: Double = 1.0E200

scala> (e*x)*x
res0: Double = 1.0E200

scala> e*(x*x)
res1: Double = Infinity

scala> (e*x)*x == e*(x*x)
res2: Boolean = false

Making an operation commutative is easy

Suppose we have a binary operation g and a strict total ordering less (e.g. lexicographical ordering of bit representations).

Then this operation is commutative:

def f(x: A, y: A) = if (less(y,x)) g(y,x) else g(x,y)

Here f(x,y)==f(y,x) because:

  • if x==y then both sides equal g(x,x)
  • if less(y,x) then left sides is g(y,x) and it is not less(x,y) so right side is also g(y,x)
  • if less(x,y) then it is not less(y,x) so left sides is g(x,y) and right side is also g(x,y)

We know of no such efficient trick for Associativity.

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