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Warning: Use this at your own risk. Make sure you test it on non-critical files/folders (preferably in a non-production environment) before you try to use this code.


This module is a continuation of this blog post

It's quick and dirty extension of the PowerShellAccessControl module, a binary module that eases working with security descriptors. The PAC module cannot handle conditional ACEs, so this module adds two new commands:

  • New-PacAceCondition

    This command is used to create new conditions. Right now, it only supports two: MemberOf and MemberOfAny. It's used like this:

    # Create a condition that requires membership in two groups:
    New-PacAceCondition -MemberOf Group1, Group2
    # Create a condition that requires membership in either Group1 or Group2:
    New-PacAceCondition -MemberOfAny Group1, Group2

    Support for more conditions can easily be added later.

  • Add-PacAccessControlEntry2

    This is a simpler version of Add-PacAccessControlEntry. It currently requires an in-memory security descriptor object, obtained by calling Get-Acl or Get-PacSecurityDescriptor, be provided as the -InputObject.

    It adds a mandatory parameter: -Condition, which is obtained by calling New-PacAceCondition.

    The command is used like this:

     # Using Get-Acl and Set-Acl: 
     $TestFile = New-Item -Path $env:temp\test_file.txt -ItemType File -Force
     $SD = Get-Acl $TestFile
     # Show the before:
     $SD | Get-PacAccessControlEntry
     # Make changes:
     $SD | Add-PacAccessControlEntry2 -Principal $env:USERNAME -FolderRights FullControl -Condition (New-PacAceCondition -MemberOf Administrators, Users)
     $SD | Set-Acl
     # Show the after:
     $TestFile | Get-PacAccessControlEntry
     # Using Get-PacSecurityDescriptor and Set-PacSecurityDescriptor 
     $TestFolder = New-Item -Path $env:temp\test_folder -ItemType Directory -Force
     $SD = Get-PacSecurityDescriptor $TestFolder
     # Show the before:
     $SD | Get-PacAccessControlEntry
     # Make changes:
     $SD | Add-PacAccessControlEntry2 -Principal $env:USERNAME -FolderRights FullControl -Condition (New-PacAceCondition -MemberOf Administrators, Users)
     $SD | Set-PacSecurityDescriptor 
     # Show the after:
     $TestFolder | Get-PacAccessControlEntry

Importing the ConditionalAccessControl module automatically imports a version of the PowerShellAccessControl module.


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