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Using Python to call the Search APIs:

  • Web Search API
  • News API
  • Image API
  • Autosuggest API
  • SpellCheck API

Web Search API

import requests

URL = ""
    'x-rapidapi-host': "",
    'x-rapidapi-key': "Your-X-RapidAPI-Key"

query = "taylor swift"
page_number = 1
page_size = 10
auto_correct = True
safe_search = False

querystring = {"q": query,
               "pageNumber": page_number,
               "pageSize": page_size,
               "autoCorrect": auto_correct,
               "safeSearch": safe_search}
response = requests.get(URL, headers=HEADERS, params=querystring).json()


total_count = response["totalCount"]

for web_page in response["value"]:

    url = web_page["url"]
    title = web_page["title"]
    description = web_page["description"]
    body = web_page["body"]
    date_published = web_page["datePublished"]
    language = web_page["language"]
    is_safe = web_page["isSafe"]
    provider = web_page["provider"]["name"]

    print("Url: {}. Title: {}.".format(url, title))

News Search API

import requests

URL = ""
    "x-rapidapi-host": "",
    "x-rapidapi-key": "Your-X-RapidAPI-Key"

query = "taylor swift"
page_number = 1
page_size = 10
auto_correct = True
safe_search = False
with_thumbnails = True
to_published_date = ""
from_published_date = ""

querystring = {"q": query,
               "pageNumber": page_number,
               "pageSize": page_size,
               "autoCorrect": auto_correct,
               "safeSearch": safe_search,
               "withThumbnails": with_thumbnails,
               "fromPublishedDate": to_published_date,
               "toPublishedDate": from_published_date}

response = requests.get(URL, headers=HEADERS, params=querystring).json()


total_count = response["totalCount"]

for web_page in response["value"]:
    url = web_page["url"]
    title = web_page["title"]
    description = web_page["description"]
    body = web_page["body"]
    date_published = web_page["datePublished"]
    language = web_page["language"]
    is_safe = web_page["isSafe"]
    provider = web_page["provider"]["name"]

    image_url = web_page["image"]["url"]
    image_height = web_page["image"]["height"]
    image_width = web_page["image"]["width"]

    thumbnail = web_page["image"]["thumbnail"]
    thumbnail_height = web_page["image"]["thumbnailHeight"]
    thumbnail_width = web_page["image"]["thumbnailWidth"]

    print("Url: {}. Title: {}. Published Date: {}.".format(url, title, date_published))

Image Search API

import requests

URL = ""
    'x-rapidapi-host': "",
    'x-rapidapi-key': "Your-X-RapidAPI-Key"

q = "taylor swift"
page_number = 1
page_size = 10
auto_correct = True
safe_search = False

querystring = {"q": q,
               "pageNumber": page_number,
               "pageSize": page_size,
               "autoCorrect": auto_correct,
               "safeSearch": safe_search}

response = requests.get(URL, headers=HEADERS, params=querystring).json()


totalCount = response["totalCount"]

for image in response["value"]:

    url = image["url"]
    name = image["name"]
    title = image["title"]

    provider = image["provider"]["name"]

    image_url = image["url"]
    image_height = image["height"]
    imageWidth = image["width"]

    thumbnail = image["thumbnail"]
    thumbnail_height = image["thumbnailHeight"]
    thumbnail_width = image["thumbnailWidth"]

    print("Url: %s. Title: %s." % (url, name))

Autosuggest API

import requests

URL = ""
    "x-rapidapi-host": "",
    "x-rapidapi-key": "Your-X-RapidAPI-Key"
text = "tay"

querystring = {"text": text}

response = requests.get(URL, headers=HEADERS, params=querystring)

SpellCheck API

import requests

URL = ""
    'x-rapidapi-host': "",
    'x-rapidapi-key': "Your-X-RapidAPI-Key"

text = "teylor swiift"
querystring = {"text": text}

response = requests.get(URL, headers=HEADERS, params=querystring)