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Multi-tenancy model example with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management and OpenShift GitOps operator

This repo provides an example to configure cluster-as-a-service multi-tenancy model using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management and OpenShift GitOps operator.


Blue group of users and red group of users share the ACM hub cluster but have access to their own namespaces to manage and view their applications. Each group has separate set of managed clusters where applications are deployed to. ACM group of users has access to both groups' applications and all managed clusters. The application developers pushes application manifests to their Git repos but do not have access to the cluster environment. ACM, blue and red SRE group users can set up GitOps to deploy the applications from Git repos to clusters using OpenShift GitOps ApplicationSets.

Cluster environment

  • ACM hub cluster
  • Three managed clusters: bluecluster1, bluecluster2, redcluster


Steps to create multi-tenancy GitOps environment for blue, red and ACM user groups

  1. Clone this repo.

  2. Log into ACM hub cluster via CLI and create blue, red and ACM SRE and viewer groups and users.

oc create secret generic htpass-secret --from-file=htpasswd=./UsersGroups/htpasswd -n openshift-config
oc apply -f ./UsersGroups/htpasswd.yaml
oc apply -f ./UsersGroups/users.yaml
oc apply -f ./UsersGroups/groups.yaml


  1. Grant ACM groups cluster-wide access.

    a. Grant acm-sre-group group admin access cluster-wide. Log into OCP console and go to User management Groups acm-sre-group. Go to Role binding tab and create a binding. Type Cluster-wide role binding, role binding name acm-sre-group, role name cluster-admin

    b. Grant acm-viewer-group group view access cluster-wide. Log into OCP console and go to User management Groups acm-viewer-group. Go to Role binding tab and create a binding. Type Cluster-wide role binding, role binding name acm-viewer-group, role name view

  2. Log into ACM console as an ACM SRE user and create blueclusterset cluster set. Add bluecluster1 and bluecluster2 clusters to the cluster set.

  3. Create redclusterset cluster set. Add redcluster cluster to the cluster set.

  4. In blueclusterset cluster set, go to Access management tab.

    a. Add blue-sre-group group with Cluster set admin role. This grants blue-sre-group group admin access to bluecluster1 and bluecluster2 managed cluster namespaces on ACM hub. This also allows the group admin access to all resources that ACM finds from the remote managed clusters. b. Add blue-viewer-group group with Cluster set view role. This grants blue-viewer-group group view access to bluecluster1 and bluecluster2 managed cluster namespaces on ACM hub. This also allows the group view access to all resources that ACM finds from the remote managed clusters.


  1. In redclusterset cluster set, go to Access management tab.

    a. Add red-sre-group group with Cluster set admin role. This grants red-sre-group group admin access to redcluster managed cluster namespace on ACM hub. This also allows the group admin access to all resources that ACM finds from the remote managed cluster. b. Add red-viewer-group group with Cluster set view role. This grants red-viewer-group group view access to redcluster managed cluster namespace on ACM hub. This also allows the group view access to all resources that ACM finds from the remote managed cluster.


  1. Install Red Hat OpenShift GitOps operator and wait until all pods in openshift-gitops namespace are running.
oc apply -f ./AcmPolicies/InstallGitOpsOperator
  1. Run the following command to create one ArgoCD server instance for the blue group in blueargocd namespace and another instance for the red group in redargocd namespace. Wait until all pods are running in blueargocd and redargocd namespaces. Also check that applicationset-controller and dex-server pods are running.
oc apply -f ./AcmPolicies/ArgoCDInstances

Note: Red Hat OpenShift GitOps operator does not need to be installed on managed clusters because we are going to use ApplicationSet from the hub cluster to push applications to managed clusters. The ArgoCD server instance running on the hub cluster connects to target remote clusters to deploy applications defined in the ApplicationSet.

  1. Register blueclusterset cluster set to blueargocd ArgoCD instance so that ArgoCD can deploy applications to the clusters in blueclusterset cluster set. Register redclusterset cluster set to redargocd ArgoCD instance so that ArgoCD can deploy applications to the clusters in redclusterset cluster set.
oc apply -f ./AcmPolicies/RegisterClustersToArgoCDInstances

These operator installation and instance creations are enforced by ACM governance policies.


  1. All blue applications are in blueargocd namespace.

    a. Grant blue-sre-group group admin access to blueargocd namespace. Log into OCP console and go to User management Groups blue-sre-group. Go to Role binding tab and create a binding. Type Namespace role binding, role binding name blue-sre-group, namespace blueargocd, role name admin

    b. Grant blue-viewer-group group view access to blueargocd namespace. Log into OCP console and go to User management Groups blue-viewer-group. Go to Role binding tab and create a binding. Type Namespace role binding, role binding name blue-viewer-group, namespace blueargocd, role name view

  2. All red applications are in redargocd namespace.

    a. Grant red-sre-group group admin access to redargocd namespace. All blue applications are created in this namespace. Log into OCP console and go to User management Groups red-sre-group. Go to Role binding tab and create a binding. Type Namespace role binding, role binding name red-sre-group, namespace redargocd, role name admin

    b. Grant red-viewer-group group view access to redargocd namespace. Log into OCP console and go to User management Groups red-viewer-group. Go to Role binding tab and create a binding. Type Namespace role binding, role binding name red-viewer-group, namespace redargocd, role name view

  3. Edit the blue ArgoCD instance's RBAC to grant blue-sre-group acm-sre-group admin access and blue-viewer-group acm-viewer-group read-only access.

oc edit configmap argocd-rbac-cm -n blueargocd
  policy.csv: |
    g, acm-sre-group, role:admin
    g, acm-viewer-group, role:readonly
    g, blue-sre-group, role:admin
    g, blue-viewer-group, role:readonly
  policy.default: role:''
  scopes: '[groups]'
  1. Edit the red ArgoCD instance's RBAC to grant red-sre-group acm-sre-group admin access and red-viewer-group acm-viewer-group read-only access.
oc edit configmap argocd-rbac-cm -n redargocd
  policy.csv: |
    g, acm-sre-group, role:admin
    g, acm-viewer-group, role:readonly
    g, red-sre-group, role:admin
    g, red-viewer-group, role:readonly
  policy.default: role:''
  scopes: '[groups]'
  1. Use the following command to find the blue ArgoCD console URL. Since OpenShift OAuth dex is enabled in ArgoCD instance, you can ACM or blue group users defined in OCP can log into this ArgoCD instance.
oc get route blueargocd-server -n blueargocd
  1. Use the following command to find the blue ArgoCD console URL. Since OpenShift OAuth dex is enabled in ArgoCD instance, you can ACM or red group users defined in OCP can log into this ArgoCD instance.
oc get route redargocd-server -n redargocd

GitOpsification: The above steps can be translated to manifest YAMLs with ArgoCD sync-wave and pushed to a Git repository. Then ACM-SRE user can use the default OpenShift GitOps operator (ArgoCD) instance in openshift-gitops namespace, which comes from the GitOps operator installation, to deploy the Git repo as an Argo application to the hub cluster.


Managed cluster registration verification in ArgoCD

Log into the blue and red ArgoCD consoles and create application to verify that the managed clusters are listed as application destination.



RBAC Verifications

Now everything is set up! Let's try to create some applications with different users and see what happens. The ./ApplicationSets/blueappset.yaml creates an ApplicationSet that deploys application to those two remote blue clusters.

    - clusterDecisionResource:
        configMapRef: acm-placement

This cluster decision section of the application set uses existing blue-placement that was created by step 10. When step 10 creates a Placement CR, the placement controller evaluates and creates a PlacementDecision CR with blue-placement label. PlacementDecision contains a list of selected clusters.

As a viewer

If oc apply -f ./ApplicationSets to try to create application sets to deploy applications, you should see errors like below because viewers have read-only view access to the application namespace blueargocd or redargocd.

Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "ApplicationSets/blueappset.yaml": is forbidden: User "blueviewer1" cannot create resource "applicationsets" in API group "" in the namespace "blueargocd"
Error from server (Forbidden): error when retrieving current configuration of:
Resource: ", Resource=applicationsets", GroupVersionKind: ", Kind=ApplicationSet"
Name: "galaga-application-set", Namespace: "redargocd"
from server for: "ApplicationSets/redappset.yaml": "galaga-application-set" is forbidden: User "blueviewer1" cannot get resource "applicationsets" in API group "" in the namespace "redargocd"

As a blue SRE user

If oc apply -f ./ApplicationSets to try to create application sets to deploy applications, you should see output like below because the bluw SRE user has admin access to blueargocd applicaiton namespace but no access to redargocd application namespace. created
Error from server (Forbidden): error when retrieving current configuration of:
Resource: ", Resource=applicationsets", GroupVersionKind: ", Kind=ApplicationSet"
Name: "galaga-application-set", Namespace: "redargocd"
from server for: "ApplicationSets/redappset.yaml": "galaga-application-set" is forbidden: User "bluesre1" cannot get resource "applicationsets" in API group "" in the namespace "redargocd"

RHACM console multi-tenancy

The following screenshots shows that blue group users can visualize and manage only blue applications


and red group users can visualize and manage only red applications


while ACM group users can visualize and manage all applications.


Separate ArgoCD consoles

There are two separate ArgoCD consoles blueargocd redargocd with RBAC from step 9 so that one group cannot log into the other group's ArgoCD instance console to view or manage their applications.



Managing Argo applications from RHACM console

You can create, view and edit application sets from RHACM console. Also you can launch into ArgoCD console from RHACM console to managed the application.


You can create, view and edit application sets from RHACM console. Also you can launch into ArgoCD console from RHACM console to managed the application.


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