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Nix derivations for renku

This repository includes several nix derivations for renku.

Quick start

Install nix (see installation instructions):

curl -L | sh -s -- --no-daemon

Use a shell with renku, the jupyter stack, and other essential utilities (e.g. git) inside - this mimicks a typical renku interactive environment:


Build, load, and run a docker image that is equivalent to the usual Renku base python image and can be used for interactive sessions on a Renku instance:

nix-build renkulab-docker-py.nix
docker load < result
docker run --rm -ti -p 8888:8888 renkulab-py

Build a docker image with just renku inside:

nix-build renku-docker.nix
docker load < result

Clean up the nix store:

nix-store --gc

Note: the garbage collection will remove all paths from the nix store that are not associated with a "result". If you have a result link in your directory (as a leftover from one of the above commands) the dependencies it requires will not be garbage-collected.

Using on MacOS and configuring remote builders

Doing the quick-start above on MacOS is not so... quick. If you want to build docker images, you need to enable a remote builder capable of building for x86_64-linux.

Remote builder on a VM

If you have access to a Linux VM, the easiest is to spin up a bare-bones linux box, install nix and configure passwordless ssh keys. It's helpful at this point to also set up the builders in /etc/nix/machines as well as configure the server host in your ~/.ssh/config for easier access. For example, the /etc/nix/machines should be something like:

ssh://nix-builder x86_64-linux <path-to-ssh-key> 1 1 kvm,big-parallel

and ~/.ssh/config like:

Host nix-builder
   User debian
   IdentityFile <path-to-ssh-key>

If you want to use kvm features on the builder (to, e.g. use runAsRoot in the docker image build) you need to install kvm and manage the permissions for your default non-root user. For example, on debian:

sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends \
    qemu-system \
    qemu-kvm \
    libvirt-clients \

sudo adduser $USER libvirt

sudo adduser $USER kvm

Once this is enabled, the kvm system feature will automatically be added to the builder.

Remote builder using linuxkit-nix

An alternaive to the remote VM is to use linuxkit-nix. This project takes advantage of native hyperkit on mac to spin up a lightweight linux VM. If you manage to get it working, this is certainly the easier approach.


Several things still need to be improved:

  1. configure the jupyter image such that a user can execute pip install --> this is currently not possible
  2. refactor to allow a custom base image to be injected at build time - this requires downloading the image and calculating its sha256 with nix before initiating the build
  3. enable some sort of enhanced shell e.g. powerline-go
  4. create an image with RStudio


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