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Releases: rolandbernard/marvin


08 Aug 14:11
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  • Added the Update tab in the settings
    • Shows the current version and platform
    • Allows checking for the latest version
    • Has a button to open the release in the browser
    • Has a button to update the application
  • Added the DuckDuckGo Search module
  • Added a setting to ignore mouse events
  • Improved transparency on Linux
  • Improved default settings
  • Improved query result ordering
  • Fixed bugs where icons are sometimes not shown
  • Fixed bug with the preview size
  • Fixed bugs in the translation module
    • Now decoding HTML escape characters
    • Now using the correct text encoding


31 Jul 16:44
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  • Added Windows support
    • All modules except for the locate module have been ported
    • There is an installer and a portable version
    • The Windows version has an autostart option
  • Improved the history module
    • Results that can no longer be executed will be hidden
    • The results now update to match the new settings for some modules
  • Fixed the loading animation with incremental results


26 Jul 20:49
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  • Improved multiple modules
    • Added more configuration to the alias module
    • Browser location is now a configuration for the bookmarks module
    • Added hsv to the color module
    • Fixed the currency converter
    • Replaced the deepl module with the translate module
  • More modules are now enabled by default
  • Improved themes
    • Changed the default theme
    • Added more settings
    • Added theme colors for settings
    • Added predefined themes
  • Improved autocomplete
    • More modules have autocomplete value
    • Autocomplete values are shown in input when possible
  • Improved settings
    • Complete redesign
    • Better input components for time, size, etc.
    • Improved reliability

Internal (No difference to the user):

  • Complete rewrite in TypeScript
  • Improved architecture
  • Made the application easier to port


07 Jul 17:39
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  • Bug fixes
  • Minor changes


08 May 18:42
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  • Fixed image and video preview size
  • Improved output of the folder module
  • Improved the settings

Internal (No difference to the user):

  • Cleaned up internals significantly
  • Fixed builds on node 16


26 Apr 16:15
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  • Improved the output of the dictionary module
  • Fixed some infinite loading errors
  • Improved result output
    • Now using a configurable debounce delay to avoid flicker
    • Debounce is now done entirely in the renderer

Internal (No difference to the user):

  • Cleaned up the executor
  • Reverted dependency update, because it broke yarn dev


30 Mar 19:38
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  • Fixed scrolling while 'hovering' with the mouse
  • Added an option to weigh history module search results by frequency
  • Fixed some spelling mistakes

Internal (No difference to the user):

  • Cleaned up the executor slightly
  • Removed unused dependencies
  • Updated all dependencies


24 Mar 11:23
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  • Added mouse support
    • The mouse can be used to select and execute results
    • The mouse can be used to drag and drop files from the search results
  • Fixed deleting items from array settings
  • Fixed opening of files containing spaces in the path
  • Slight performance improvement
  • Brought back the scrollbar
    • Scrollbar is now coloured using the output accent colour
    • Also changed the scrollbar appearance in the settings


21 Mar 12:10
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  • Significantly improved performance
  • Fixed the quality calculation in the Linux application module


12 Mar 20:24
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  • Fixed significant problems in the Linux applications module
    • Fixed the .desktop file parsing (It no longer fails if the value contains a =)
    • Improved the icon file search (This fixes issues with some programs)
  • Improved the option search weights