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Releases: rollbar/pyrollbar


16 May 22:21
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  • Create the configuration options, capture_username and capture_email. Prior to this release,
    if we gather person data automatically, we would try to capture the id, email, and username.
    Starting with this release by default we will only capture the id. If you set capture_username
    to True then we will also attempt to capture the username. Similarly for capture_email with
    the email. (See #262)
  • Create the configuration option capture_ip. This can take one of three values: True,
    'anonymize', or False. This controls how we handle IP addresses that are captured from
    requests. If True, then we will send the full IP address. This is the current behaviour and the
    default. If set to the string 'anonymize' which is also available as the constant ANONYMIZE on
    the rollbar module, we will mask out the least significant bits of the IP address. If set to
    False, then we will not capture the IP address. (See #262)
  • Fix request.files_keys for Flask #263
  • If you call init multiple times we will update the settings at each call. Prior to
    this release we emitted a warning and did not update settings. #259
  • Better Tornado support #256


20 Feb 17:27
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  • Fix bug with KeyError related to extra data with a trace chain #218

  • Add support for parsed POST variables using Django REST Framework #86

  • Add additional hooks on django middleware #139

  • You can now add custom filtering logic to determine if the error/message/payload should be sent to Rollbar via the events module within rollbar #81

  • Extract and send additional request data from Sanic framework #227

  • Better handle 502 API errors #224


27 Oct 05:56
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  • Fix deprecation warning related to Logging.warn
  • Fix bug where non-copyable objects could cause an exception if they end up trying to get passed to
    one of the logging methods.
  • Fix bug where both trace and trace_chain could appear in the final payload, which is not
    allowed by the API.


19 Oct 17:20
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Fix the PyPI docs


12 Oct 20:28
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  • Fix issue with shortener on Python 3


12 Oct 19:59
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  • Fix bug that caused some payload objects to be turned into the wrong type when
    shortening is applied. This would lead to API rejections. See #200
  • Add suppress_reinit_warning option if you want to allow calling init twice. See #198
  • Pass through keyword arguments from the logging handler to the underling Rollbar init call. See #203


13 Sep 21:00
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  • Add AWS Lambda Support


03 Jul 17:34
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  • Remove the Django request body from the payload as it can contain sensitive data. See #174
  • Allow users to shorten arbitrary parts of the payload. See #173
  • Fix a Django deprecation warning. See #165


10 Feb 21:44
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  • Handle environments where sys.argv does not exist. See #131


23 Jan 23:52
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  • Gather request method from WebOb requests. See #152