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Releases: rollingrock/EngineFixesVR

v1.22 BSLightingShaderParallaxBug for Parallax Support Added

17 Jan 00:14
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Contributions from alandtse, Shadow Bolt, and Crit for adding parallax support to Engine Fixes VR!

To install drop the part1 zip in your data directory or use a mod manager. Configure the ini file if you want to disable features.

Also the "" zip file needs to be extracted to your main SkyrimVR folder or the plugin will not load correctly

v1.21 PatchSavedAddedSoundCategories Added

08 May 15:01
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This release adds the patch that saves off volume settings in the EngineFixesVR folder for mod-added sound categories (as well as the main skyrim sound settings). This allows for better persistance across game sessions as often sound settings are not saved and reloaded as they were.

INI set up to enable by default but you can control with the SaveAddedSoundCategories setting in the config ini file.

thanks to gavwhittaker for testing this out for me!

To install drop the part1 zip in your data directory or use a mod manager. Configure the ini file if you want to disable features.

Also the "" zip file needs to be extracted to your main SkyrimVR folder or the plugin will not load correctly

v1.20 Memory Allocator Replacement

06 Mar 20:20
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This release introduces tbb memory allocators in replacement of the native skyrim allocators from aers/Ryan's SSE Engine Fixes. This is similar to the old OS allocators patch from flatrim. Default is turned on however you can turn off in the ini by setting MemoryManager to false.

Also included is a patch to fix a common crash in a ShadowSceneNode function where a null pointer is passed in.

Big thanks to Bakou for coding help and to the other people who provided testing feedback!


To install drop the part1 zip in your data directory or use a mod manager. Configure the ini file if you want to disable features.

Also the "" zip file needs to be extracted to your main SkyrimVR folder or the plugin will not load correctly

v1.14 Fix rare Tree LOD Caching crash

15 Feb 15:29
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The release fixes a rare crash in the Tree LOD Caching where a TESObjectREFR pointer would get deallocated somewhere else in the game. This fix should provide more stability and I am investigating if I should apply a similar fix elsewhere so there may be a follow on release soon.

At this point I think the mod is more or less feature complete so future releases should just have stability fixes.

Please report back any crashes so I can fix on a future release.

To install drop in your SKSE/Plugins the dll and ini file. Configure the ini file if you want to disable features.

Also the "(Part 2) Engine Fixes - skse64 Preloader and TBB Lib" zip file needs to be extracted to your main SkyrimVR folder or the plugin will not load correctly

pdb file included for anyone that would like to help me debug future crashes if they happen.

v1.13 Double Perk Apply Fix added as well as minor crash fixes

24 Oct 15:12
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This release adds in the Double Perk Apply for NPCs on game load fix.
Also some minor crash fixes and improvements from CommonLibVR

At this point I think the mod is more or less feature complete so future releases should just have stability fixes.

Please report back any crashes so I can fix on a future release.

To install drop in your SKSE/Plugins the dll and ini file. Configure the ini file if you want to disable features.

Also the "(Part 2) Engine Fixes - skse64 Preloader and TBB Lib" zip file needs to be extracted to your main SkyrimVR folder or the plugin will not load correctly

pdb file included for anyone that would like to help me debug future crashes if they happen.

v1.12 Fix for Cell Init Crash

06 Jul 20:13
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This release includes a fix to the CommonLibVR that caused a crash with the Cell Init patch (and probably others too).

To install drop in your SKSE/Plugins the dll and ini file. Configure the ini file if you want to disable features.

Also the "(Part 2) Engine Fixes - skse64 Preloader and TBB Lib" zip file needs to be extracted to your main SkyrimVR folder or the plugin will not load correctly

pdb file included for anyone that would like to help me debug future crashes if they happen.

v1.11 Fix for TreeLOD Caching

01 Jul 20:50
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This release fixes an issue with the Tree LOD's being always being visible when using alpha fade. Updated BSFadeNode to correct offsets for VR.

To install drop in your SKSE/Plugins the dll and ini file. Configure the ini file if you want to disable features.

Also the "(Part 2) Engine Fixes - skse64 Preloader and TBB Lib" zip file needs to be extracted to your main SkyrimVR folder or the plugin will not load correctly


27 Jun 21:52
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This release is a significant refactor to integrate in CommonLibVR.

Also included is SleepWaitTime modifier patch.

To install drop in your SKSE/Plugins the dll and ini file. Configure the ini file if you want to disable features.

Also the "(Part 2) Engine Fixes - skse64 Preloader and TBB Lib" zip file needs to be extracted to your main SkyrimVR folder or the plugin will not load correctly

v1.06 BugFixesSSE

03 May 19:25
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v1.06 BugFixesSSE Pre-release

This release enabled a stable CellInit patch and a C++ port of meh321's BugFixes SSE ability condition bug fix and BuySell Stack Speech EXP fix.

To install drop in your SKSE/Plugins the dll and ini file. Configure the ini file if you want to disable features.

Also the "(Part 2) Engine Fixes - skse64 Preloader and TBB Lib" zip file needs to be extracted to your main SkyrimVR folder or the plugin will not load correctly

v1.05 Added CellInit and FixAbilityConditionBUg

03 May 16:11
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This release enabled a stable CellInit patch and a C++ port of meh321's BugFixes SSE ability condition bug fix.

To install drop in your SKSE/Plugins the dll and ini file. Configure the ini file if you want to disable features.

Also the "(Part 2) Engine Fixes - skse64 Preloader and TBB Lib" zip file needs to be extracted to your main SkyrimVR folder or the plugin will not load correctly