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A simple redis implementation in mostly c, with minimal c++

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Simple Redis Implementation in C/C++

How to build and run the project


  • At root level of the project, run:
    1. cmake . -B build
    2. cmake --build build


  • Then in one terminal window/session, run the server ./build/src/server
  • Open a new terminal window/session, run the client with arguments: ./build/src/client <args>
    • one example is to run the Python test script itself: ./src/



  • server-side vs. client-side
  • Two kinds of mainstream sockets:
    • DARPA Internet Socket
    • Unix Socket

Internet Socket

  • Two mainstream types:
    • Stream Sockets - SOCK_STREAM
      • reliable two-way connected communication streams
      • uses TCP
    • Datagram Sockets - SOCK_DGRAM
      • a.k.a. connectionless socket
      • uses UDP


  • socket() - syscall that returns an fd
  • bind() - associates an address to a socket fd
  • listen() - enables user to accept connections to that address
  • accept() - takes a listening fd
    • when a client makes a connection to the listening address,
    • accept() returns an fd that represents the connection socket
  • read() - receives data from a TCP connection
  • write() - sends data
  • close() - destroys the resource referred by the fd and recycles fd
  • send() and recv() might offer better control over data transmission than read() and write()


  • connect()
    • takes a socket fd and address
    • makes a TCP connection to that address

Protocol Parsing

  • Used to spilt requests apart from the TCP byte stream
  • Current scheme:
| len | msg1 | len | msg2 | more...
  • Two parts:
    • 4-byte little-endian integer - length of the request
    • variable-length request

Protocol Desgin

Text vs. Binary
  • Text
    • human-readable
    • HTTP
    • hard to parse - variable-length strings
  • Avoid unnecessary variable-length components
  • protocol parsing currently uses 2 read() syscalls
    • could use a buffered I/O

Event Loop and Non-blocking I/O

  • Three ways to handle concurrent connections in server-side network programming
    • forking
      • creates new processes for each client connection
    • multi-threading
      • uses threads instead of processes
    • event loops
      • polling
      • non-blocking I/O
  • Use poll to determine which fd can be operated without blocking
  • when an I/O operation is done on an fd, it should be non-blocking
  • In blocking mode,
    • read blocks the caller when there are no data in the kernel
    • write blocks when the write buffer is full
    • accept blocks when there are no new connections in the kernel queue
  • In non-blocking mode
    • operations either success without blocking, or
    • fail with errno EAGAIN - not ready
    • non-blocking operations that fail with EAGAIN must be retried after the readiness was notified by poll
  • poll is the SOLE blocking operation in an event loop
  • All blocking networking IO APIs (read, write, accept) have a nonblocking mode
  • APIs that do not have a non-blocking mode (gethostbyname, disk IOs) should be performed in thread pools
  • Timers should also implemented within the event loop since we cannot sleep inside
  • Also select and epoll on Linux
    • epoll consists of 3 syscalls:
      • epoll_create
      • epoll_wait
      • epoll_ctl
    • stateful API
    • used to manipulate an fd set create by epoll_create, which is operated upon by epoll_wait


  • Need buffers for reading/writing
    • in nonblocking mode, IO operations are often deferred
  • poll()
    • poll() is actually horribly slow for large number of connections
    • Use a dedicated event lib such as libevent instead
    • ask the OS to let us know when some data is ready to read on which sockets
  • Plan of using poll():
    • Keep an array of struct pollfds with info about:
      • which socket descriptors should be monitored
      • what kind of events we want to monitor for
    • OS will block on the poll() call until one of the events occurs or user-specified timeout occurs
  • For a request/response protocol, clients are not limited to sending one request and waiting for the response at a time
    • could save some latency
    • **pipelining**

get, set, del

  • command: list of strings, such as set key val
  • Scheme of the command:
    • nstr - number of strings - 4 bytes
    • len - length of the following string - 4 bytes
| nstr | len | str1 | len | str2 | ... | len | strn |
  • Scheme of the response:
    • res - 4-byte status code
    • data - response string
| res | data...

Data Structure: Hashtables

  • Tow kinds of hashtables:
    • chaining
    • open addressing
  • Main difference: collision resolution
    • open addressing: seeks another free slot in the event of a collision
    • chaining: groups conflicting keys with a linked list

Progressive Resizing

  • When needing more space for the hashtable, we resize
  • To avoid stalling the server, keep two hashtables and gradually move nodes between them

Data Serialization

  • The **Type-Length-Value (TLV)** scheme

The AVL Tree

The AVL Tree and the Sorted Set

  • Rank-Based Queries
    • the primary use case of sorted sets
    • range query - just a regular binary tree look-up, followed by an offset operation
    • however, the offset operation is not a regular binary tree walk
  • Sorted Set

Event Loop and Timers

  • Every networked application needs to handle timeouts
  • we need timers
    • timeout value of poll should be the timeout value of the nearest timer (why..?)
  • Add timers to kick out idle TCP connections
  • For each connection there is a timer, set to a fixed timeout into the future
    • every time I/O activities occur on the connection, timer is renewed to a fixed timeout
  • When a timer is renewed, it becomes the most distant one

Heap Data Structure and TTL

  • TTL - one way to manage the size of cache
  • Heap data structure
    • binary tree, packed in to array
    • parent is no bigger than children

Thread Pool & Async Tasks

  • thread from the thread pool consumes tasks form a queue and executes them
  • pthread API
    • pthread_mutex_t
    • pthread_cond_t
      • wakes up consumer threads only when the queue is not empty
      • consumer threads should be sleeping when idle


A simple redis implementation in mostly c, with minimal c++






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