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Rolster Capacitor Native Biometric

Use biometrics confirm device owner presence or authenticate users. A couple of methods are provided to handle user credentials. These are securely stored using Keychain (iOS) and Keystore (Android).


Package only supports Capacitor 5

npm i @rolster/capacitor-native-biometric


import { NativeBiometric } from "@rolster/capacitor-native-biometric";

async performBiometricVerificatin() {
  const result = await NativeBiometric.isAvailable();

  if (result.isAvailable) {
    const isFaceID = result.biometryType == BiometryType.FACE_ID;

    const verified = await NativeBiometric.verifyIdentity({
      reason: "For easy log in",
      title: "Log in",
      subtitle: "Maybe add subtitle here?",
      description: "Maybe a description too?",
    .then(() => true)
    .catch(() => false);

    if (verified) {
      const credentials = await NativeBiometric.getCredentials({
        server: "",

// Save user's credentials
  username: "username",
  password: "password",
  server: "",

// Delete user's credentials
  server: "",


Method Default Type Description
isAvailable(options?: IsAvailableOptions) Promise<AvailableResult> Gets available biometrics
verifyIdentity(options?: BiometricOptions) Promise<void> Shows biometric prompt
setCredentials(options: SetCredentialOptions) Promise<void> Securely stores user's credentials in Keychain (iOS) or encypts them using Keystore (Android)
getCredentials(options: GetCredentialOptions) Promise<Credentials> Retrieves user's credentials if any
deleteCredentials(options: DeleteCredentialOptions) Promise<void> Removes user's credentials if any



Properties Default Type Description
useFallback? boolean Specifies if the device should fallback to using passcode authentication.


Properties Default Type Description
isAvailable boolean Specifies if the devices has biometric enrollment
biometryType BiometryType Specifies the available biometric hardware on the device
errorCode? number Biometric Auth Error Code

BiometryType - enum

Properties Description
NONE There is no biometry available
TOUCH_ID TouchID is available (iOS)
FACE_ID FaceID is available (iOS)
FINGERPRINT Fingerprint is available (Android)
FACE_AUTHENTICATION Face Authentication is available (Android)
IRIS_AUTHENTICATION Iris Authentication is available (Android)
MULTIPLE Returned when device has multiple biometric features. Currently there is no way of knowing which one is being used. (Android)


Properties Default Type Description
reason? "For biometric authentication" string Reason for requesting authentication in iOS. Displays in the authentication dialog presented to the user.
title? "Authenticate" string Title for the Android prompt
subtitle? string Subtitle for the Android prompt
description? string Description for the Android prompt
negativeButtonText? "Cancel" string Text for the negative button displayed on Android
maxAttempts? 1 number Limit the number of attempts a user can perform biometric authentication. (Android - Max 5)
useFallback? false boolean Specifies if the device should fallback to using passcode authentication.

Biometric Auth Errors

This is a plugin specific list of error codes that can be thrown on verifyIdentity failure, or set as a part of isAvailable. It consolidates Android and iOS specific Authentication Error codes into one combined error list.

Code Description Platform
0 Unknown Error Android, iOS
1 Biometrics Unavailable Android, iOS
2 User Lockout Android, iOS
3 Biometrics Not Enrolled Android, iOS
4 User Temporary Lockout Android (Lockout for 30sec)
10 Authentication Failed Android, iOS
11 App Cancel iOS
12 Invalid Context iOS
13 Not Interactive iOS
14 Passcode Not Set Android, iOS
15 System Cancel Android, iOS
16 User Cancel Android, iOS
17 User Fallback Android, iOS


Properties Default Type Description
username string The string used as the alias at the time of loggin in. It doesn't have to be a username. For example if you're using email to log in your users then provide the email.
password string The users' password
server string Any string to identify the credentials object with


Properties Default Type Description
server string The string used to identify the credentials object when setting the credentials.


Properties Default Type Description
server string The string used to identify the credentials object when setting the credentials.


Properties Default Type Description
username string The username returned from getCredentials(options: GetCredentialOptions).
password string The password returned from getCredentials(options: GetCredentialOptions).

Face ID (iOS)

To use FaceID Make sure to provide a value for NSFaceIDUsageDescription, otherwise your app may crash on iOS devices with FaceID. This value is just the reason for using FaceID. You can add something like the following example to App/info.plist:

<string>For an easier and faster log in.</string>

Biometric (Android)

To use android's BiometricPrompt api you must add the following permission to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC">

And register the plugin by adding it to you MainActivity's onCreate:

import com.rolster.capacitor.biometric.NativeBiometric;

public class MainActivity extends BridgeActivity {
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Others register plugins



Plugin to provide access to native biometric APIs for Android and iOS.






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