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⚒️ Building 4 Blockchain Based App using Most of the Technologies ⚒️

NOTE: Project is in the initial Phase

App Directory Description
estack Vue + Electron eBook Store
inroad React-Native Rider App
dmailer Flutter Decentralized Email App
ethme Next.js ETH Based Transaction App
express Express Server
django Django Server
contract Smart-Contract

Apps & It's Features In Future

  • eStack (Blockchain Based eBook Store)

    • Using:

      • Electron + Vue
      • Express
      • PostgreSQL
    • Features:

      • user auth using Wallet Account
      • To be able to add books in book self
      • Progress For Completed Pages on Current Reading Book
      • Transaction using ETH
      • Buy, Sale, Return Book
      • Store eBooks in IPFS
      • save purchased book offline by encrypting so that only this application can open it
  • InRoad (BlockChain Rider App)

    • Using:

      • React Native
      • Django
      • MongoDB
    • Features:

      • Google Map
      • ETH based Transaction
      • User Auth using Wallet
      • Ride from A to B
  • ETHMe (ETH Transaction App)

    • Using:

      • Next JS
      • Django
      • PostgreSQL
    • Features:

      • User Auth using Wallet
      • Send, Receive ETH
      • Display Current ETH Balance
      • Request For ETH to another Account
      • See History of Transaction
  • DMailer (Decentralized Email App):

    • Using:

      • Flutter
      • Express
      • BigchainDB
    • Features:

      • user Auth
      • Sand and Receive Email
      • Encrypted Email

Technology Used:

Main Technology Description
NextJS ETHMe Web App
ElectronJS eStack Desktop App
VueJS Electron EStack App
Flutter DMailer Mobile App
React-Native InRoad Mobile App
Express Backend API/Server
Django-Rest-Framework Backend API/Server
Solidity For Smart Contract
MongoDB For No-SQL Database
PostgreSQL For SQL Database
BigChainDB Blockchain Based Database
IPFS To Store File in peer-to-peer network
Redis For Caching
Docker To Dockerize Apps
GraphQL For Querying
Typescript For Web, React-Native, Vue, Express
Sass CSS Preprocessor for Styling
Jest For Testing
Github Action CI/CD