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A set of lightweight polyfills to enable Web Components support in major browsers, including IE9+

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Lightweight Web Components polyfills

build/web-components-polyfills.min.js lightly polyfills HTML Imports, Shadow DOM (including CSS selectors), document.createElement and document.currentScript.

With this polyfill it is possible to create lightweight and compatible (mobile & IE9+) Web Components according to W3C standards, so the code will run great in both outdated and modern browsers versions.


Include polyfill on the page and import your components using <link rel="import"> element.


    <link rel="import" href="/path/to/component.html" />



    <script src="/build/web-components-polyfills.min.js"></script>


Creating web components

Name your component, for example custom-element. Create HTML file custom-element.html.


There's a template HTML element which stores component's template:

<template id="template">


    /*! my-custom-element */
    :host { display: block; }

    h1 { color: red; }





Currently Shadow DOM CSS Polyfill can process only styles inside of <style> tag presented within import document.

/*! custom-element-name */ record is required and should match component's tag name.

:host CSS selectors refers to the host element of the shadow root, which is the element placed on parent page. Usual CSS selectors applying styles to elements within shadow root.

:host(.wrapper) refers to the host element with class name .wrapper.

This style declaration:

/*! my-custom-element */
:host { display: block; }

:host(.red) { background: #ff0000; }

h1 { color: red; }

Will be processed to this one for browsers with lack of Shadow DOM support:

my-custom-element { display: block; } { background: #ff0000; }

my-custom-element h1 { color: red; }


In order to use your component on the page you should register and initialize it:

follow comments


  /* Wrap code with self-executing anonymous function
   * and pass global document into the scope.
   * This will prevent components conflicts,
   * because the code is running on the parent page. */
  (function (document, currentScript) {

      /* Get import document scope */
      var ownerDocument = currentScript.ownerDocument;

      /* Create component from HTMLElement */
      var CustomElement = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);

      /* Initialize component immediately after it was created within the parent scope */
      CustomElement.createdCallback = function() {

          /* Create encapsulation entry point for component's structure */
          var shadow = this.createShadowRoot();

          /* Get template !!! THIS CODE IS REQUIRED FOR COMPATIBILITY REASON !!! */
          var template = ownerDocument.querySelector('#template') ||

          /* Put template inside of the component
          template.content ?
          shadow.appendChild(template.content.cloneNode(true)) :
          shadow.innerHTML = template.innerHTML;

      /* Register component within the parent scope */
      document.registerElement('my-custom-element', { prototype: CustomElement });

  })(document, document.currentScript);


Polyfill can handle both block and external scripts defined within import document.

For now custom element creation code should be included into imported HTML document as JavaScript block. Polyfill can't register new custom element from within external js file.


Make sure you have installed Node.js runtime and grunt-cli module globally.

Run npm install within repository directory. Make you edits and run grunt to build minified polyfill runtime.


A set of lightweight polyfills to enable Web Components support in major browsers, including IE9+




