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Annotation with stack trace for go1.13

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Go 1.13 contains support for error wrapping. Now you can add additional information to an error by wrapping it using the new %w verb at fmt.Errorf and examine such errors using errors.Is and errors.As. If you also want to save a stack trace of an error instead of fmt.Errorf use stack.Errorf which is compatible with errors.Is and errors.As and also gives the ability to get a stack trace of the error using stack.Trace function which will return []runtime.Frame.

  • Import.
import "
  • Annotate error.
func example() error {
	if err := call(); err != nil {
		return stack.Errorf("call: %w", err)

	return nil
  • Print original error.
  • Iterate through stack trace.
for _, frame := range stack.Trace(err) {
	fmt.Printf("%s:%d %s()\n", frame.File, frame.Line, frame.Function)