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CHORD Metadata Service

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The majority of the CHORD Metadata Service is licensed under the LGPLv3 license; copyright (c) 2019-2020 the Canadian Centre for Computational Genomics.

Portions are copyright (c) 2019 Julius OB Jacobsen, Peter N Robinson, Christopher J Mungall (Phenopackets); licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.


CHORD Metadata Service is a service to store epigenomic metadata.

  1. Patients service handles anonymized individual’s data (individual id, sex, age or date of birth)

    • Data model: aggregated profile from GA4GH Phenopackets Individual and FHIR Patient
  2. Phenopackets service handles phenotypic and clinical data

  3. CHORD service handles metadata about dataset, has relation to phenopackets (one dataset can have many phenopackets)

  4. Rest api service handles all generic functionality shared among other services

REST API highlights

  • Standard api delivers data in snake_case. To retrieved data in json compliant with phenopackets that uses camelCase append ?format=phenopackets .

  • Data can be ingested and retrieved in snake_case or camelCase.

  • Other available renderers: Phenopackets model is mapped to FHIR using Phenopackets on FHIR implementation guide. To retrieve data in fhir append ?format=fhir .

  • Ingest endpoint: /private/ingest. Example of POST body is in chord/ (METADATA_WORKFLOWS).


Install the git submodule for DATS JSON schemas (if you did not clone recursively):

git submodule update --init

The service uses PostgreSQL database for data storage.

  • Create and activate virtual environment
  • Run: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Configure database connection in

e.g. settings if running database on localhost, default port for PostgreSQL is 5432:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'NAME': 'database_name',
        'USER': 'user',
        'PASSWORD': 'password',
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': '5432',
  • Run:
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
  • Development server runs at localhost:8000


Default authentication can be set globally in

# ...
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ["django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend"]

By default, the service ships with a custom remote user middleware and backend compatible with the CHORD project. This middleware isn't particularly useful for a standalone instance of this server, so it can be swapped out.

Note On Permissions

By default, chord_metadata_service uses the CHORD permission system, which functions as follows:

  • URLs under the /private namespace are assumed to be protected by an out-of-band mechanism such as a properly-configured reverse proxy.
  • Requests with the headers X-User and X-User-Role can be authenticated via a Django Remote User-type system, with X-User-Role: owner giving access to restricted endpoints and X-User-Role: user giving less trusted, but authenticated, access.

This can be turned off with the CHORD_PERMISSIONS environment variable and/or Django setting, or with the AUTH_OVERRIDE Django setting.



All new feature requests and non-critical bug fixes should be merged into the develop branch. develop is treated as a "nightly" version. Releases are created from develop-to-master merges; patch-release work can be branched out and tagged from the tagged major/minor release in master.


Tests are located in tests directory in an individual app folder.

Run all tests for the whole project:

python test

Run tests for an individual app, e.g.:

python test chord_metadata_service.phenopackets.tests.test_api

Create coverage html report:

coverage run test
coverage html

Accessing the Django Shell from inside a CHORD Container

Assuming chord_singularity is being used, the following commands can be used to bootstrap your way to a chord_metadata_service environment within a CHORD container:

./ --node x shell
source /chord/services/metadata/env/bin/activate
source /chord/data/metadata/.environment
export $(cut -d= -f1 /chord/data/metadata/.environment)
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=chord_metadata_service.metadata.settings django-admin shell

From there, you can import models and query the database from the REPL.


Phenopackets/FHIR-based metadata service for the CHORD project. Docs:







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  • Python 99.9%
  • WDL 0.1%