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  • Let's now turn the D3 chart into a module
  • The module contains all the D3 chart functions
  • Module should be updated with public getter/setter

Some notes:

  • Modules are plugins in D3 land, will be used interchangeably
  • Modules add / override functionalities

Turn the bar chart into a reusable chart

💡Reusable Charts is a convention for encapsulating reusable charts in D3.

Key parts are:

  • Implement charts as closures
  • Add getter-setter methods.

Here is the suggested re-usability template

function chart() {
  var width = 720, // default width
      height = 80; // default height

  function my() {
    // generate chart here, using `width` and `height`

  my.width = function(value) {
    if (!arguments.length) return width;
    width = value;
    return my;

  my.height = function(value) {
    if (!arguments.length) return height;
    height = value;
    return my;

  return my;

To call the chart

var myChart = chart().width(720).height(80);

Selection as input for reusable chart

Now the selection part is needed to update the chart

🌶 By taking a selection as input, charts have greater flexibility. For example, you can render a chart into multiple elements simultaneously, or easily move a chart between elements without explicitly unbinding and rebinding. You can control exactly when and how the chart gets updated when data or configuration changes (for example, using a transition rather than an instantaneous update). In effect, the chart becomes a rubber stamp for rendering data visually.

function my(selection) {
  selection.each(function(d, i) {
    // generate chart here; `d` is the data and `this` is the element

To call the chart"body")

Which is equivalent to


New data and chart update

Beside that, it's all d3-chart-building business as usually. The rest will indeed mainly making sure your chart is:

Let's make it robust to new data.

According to the previous reusable charts pattern:

// Select the svg element, if it exists.
var svg ="svg").data([data]);

// Enter

// Update
svg.attr("width", width).attr("height", height);


Another approach found here

  var div =,
      g ="g");

  // Create the skeletal chart.
  if (g.empty()) {

    // Create svg here

You can quickly test how your chart behaves with random updates:

setInterval(function() {"body")
                .map(function() { return Math.random(); })

}, 1000)

Turn the bar chart into a plugin

ℹ️ Everything in D3 is a plugin, including core features like colors, scales, and selections.

Here is a list of d3 plugins

As a recall, here are example of modules:

We are going to create a D3 chart as a D3 plugin

Below is the suggested code organization which follows our:

├── .gitignore
├── .npmignore
├── index.js
├── package.json
├─┬ src
│ └── foo.js
└─┬ test
  └── foo-test.js

Let's compile our module

rollup -f umd -n d3 -o build/d3-barchart.js -- index.js

Update the barchart-module.html code as follows

  var chart = d3.barchart().width(720).height(80);

Not that it might be a good idea to serialize configuration as an object:

    width: 500,
    height: 500


Create more reusable chart!


Go to STEP 03