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Using the Map Editor

Jesse Moore edited this page Apr 5, 2017 · 4 revisions

The following is a quick guide on how to use the Map Editor I've made for "Try and Stop Me!".

Opening the Map Editor

To open the Map Editor, click on Window -> MapEditor

The following will appear as a window you can move, resize, and dock like any other window in the editor.

If a map is already in the scene (an object with a MapInfo component), it should appear as the "Map Name" property at the top and the rest of the editor should populate.

Creating a new map

If a map doesn't already exist, simply type in a name and click "Generate Map". This will add a blank map with the name you entered into the scene. If a map of that name already exists in the map directory, you can load it this way.

Map Building


At the top of the editor, you can adjust the name of your map, the time the Player gets to complete it, the amount of money the Creator can spend, the start location and End Flag location using the respective fields.

You can also move the start/end locations by dragging the "StartLocation" (represented as a green star) and "EndFlag" objects around in the Scene view.

To give your map a dynamic background, use the three color pickers show below.

Background sets the solid background color for the level. Particle Colors 1 and 2 specify the colors of the dynamic particles that populate on top of the background (see the example below). If you do not want these to populate, simply set the alpha values of these colors to zero.

Platforms, Power-Ups, and Weapons

To add platforms, power-ups, and weapons into the level, simply click and drag the respective boxes from the editor onto the Scene view.

If the "Snap to Grid" property is checked, any selected platforms will lock to an axis-aligned grid of a given size. Likewise, these platforms can be moved and scaled to evenly fit the units on the grid (the textures will adjust at runtime).


Click "Meme" to see the secret meme.

Saving Your Map

When you're all finished creating your map, click the "Save [name] as Prefab" button near the top.

This will save your map as a prefab in the map directory, automatically adding it to the random map rotation.
Have fun!

Map Editor by jessejm
Up to date with commit 3cd5029